Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 24, 2014 in

Yakuza feels like Sega’s obligation in the West. The games don’t sell that hot, they’re certainly niche, but damn if they are not interesting games with a dedicated fanbase. But it seems like fans have to fight tooth and nail for every release to get translated. (Case in point: 2012’s Yakuza 5 is just getting a translation in Q3 2015.) Most spin-offs or merchandise are destined to remain in Japan. So forgive me for talking about these awesome limited edition Yakuza Zero PS4s when we likely won’t ever see them in the US or Europe. They come in glacier white or jet black, with the choice of a tattoo design from protagonists Kazuma Kiryu (above) or Mashima Goro. PS4s are region-free, so if you feel like importing one, be prepared to part with ¥41,980 on March 12. Read more…
Tags: PS4, Sega, Yakuza
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 23, 2012 in

Any Yakuza fans out there? SEGA has released two new trailers to ride of the wave of news coming out of Tokyo Game Show 2012, and they look crazy – in the good way. The videos will give you a look at the open-world gameplay, as well as the assortment of mini-games. You know, I don’t think there are many other games out there that have dancing mini-games, bear hunting, baseball, and hitting on girls… in addition to all the usual gangster entertainment. I’m really hoping this comes westward, so until it’s announced I’ll glare angrily at SEGA. Read more…
Tags: Sega, Yakuza
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Feb 13, 2012 in
Japanese TV,

Here in the West, Sega’s Yakuza series is considered a bit niche, but that hasn’t kept its fans from falling in love with it. When Sega of America decided to skimp with their localizations, fans were passionately vocal in their opposition. In Japan however, the series has been so successful that it’s led to two films by acclaimed cult-director Takeshi Miike, and a television drama based on the PSP spin-off Yakuza: Black Panther. This April, the drama returns with a second season based on the upcoming sequel.
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Tags: J-drama, Sega, Yakuza