Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 15, 2012 in Cinema

Of all the amazing props Weta helped to create for the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I’m sure this ring has been the most requested. It’s no surprise, really. Setting aside the lore, and the fact the entire series centered around the ring itself, it’s one of the few props you can wear in public without drawing too much attention. Until now, Weta only offered a solid gold version which retailed for ~$3,300.
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Tags: Lord of the Rings, Props, Weta
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 2, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections

With San Diego Comic-Con just a week away, WETA Workshop, one of our favorite stops for Hollywood props & collectibles, is getting ready set up shop. If you’re a collector, you know how important it can be to plan ahead. This year, you can find their booth located at #3513B, next to Gentle Giant. In addition to having a much larger booth space this time around, Weta is once again planning to drain your wallet by offering a few exclusive deals. For a list of exclusive specials they’ve announced so far, hit the jump.
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Tags: San Diego Comic-Con 2012, Weta
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 6, 2012 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

If you’re big on memorabilia, props or other great collectibles, you’ll be pleased to know that Warner Brothers has partnered with the award winning Weta Workshop for their upcoming Hobbit franchise. With the first pieces set to debut at San Diego Comic Con next month, Weta will begin selling a line of props, replicas and more, from and inspired by the upcoming film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey set for theatrical release this holiday season. Read more…
Tags: Props, The Hobbit, Weta
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 26, 2012 in Cinema

If you happen to be living in New Zealand, and want a chance to be an extra in Peter Jackson’s upcoming live-action adaptation of The Hobbit, then you’re in luck. The production recently placed an ad on Trademe.co.nz, looking for extras for a variety of roles. Large men, & women with “character faces,” and by that, I assume they mean “leathery,” or men & women under 5’4″ & 5′, respectively. I imagine they’ll be cast as hobbits. They’re also looking for people with slim builds between 5’5″ & 6’4″ to play elves. Finally, they’ll take any men with large biceps of any height. Again, it’s just work as an extra, but you have to admit that of all the films to be cast in, you could do worse. If its something you just have to do, keep in mind that you’ll have to be a resident of New Zealand, or obtain a valid work permit before they’ll even consider you for a part. For more info, check out the job listing here.
Tags: The Hobbit, Weta
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 9, 2012 in Cinema, Comic Books

Like many of you, I had my reservations about Spielberg and Moffat’s The Adventures of Tintin. Based on Georges Remi’s classic comics, the film served as an attempt to revive the series with state-of-the-art 3D animation. After having the pleasure of seeing the film in theaters, those reservations were laid to rest. While the 3D animation may initially appeal to kids, the films plot, littered with a healthy dose of violence and alcoholism, befits a more mature audience — especially those of us who grew up with the comics. Back in November, Weta released a hardcover coffee table art book giving fans a glimpse at the creative process behind the film. Now they’re taking it a step further with its digital release.
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Tags: Apple, iOS, Tintin, Weta
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 9, 2011 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

It’s hard to fathom how much work goes into designing our favorite films. Often times we take it for granted. We’ll go to to the theater, or play a game and we’ll love every minute of it, but that’s it. It’s not often that we sit back and ask how it came to be. This week, Weta Workshop, a design studio known for their on films such as Avatar, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, among others, decided to answer that question for us. They’ve posted the first part of an on-going series detailing some of their stunning works and giving us some insight as to how they came about. The cool part, of course, being that Weta actually manufactures many of these designs for resale, so if you’re a collector and you don’t mind spending a few bucks, one of these pieces might even catch your eye, not to mention your wallet.
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Tags: Props, Weta
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 22, 2011 in Cinema

While it didn’t take much to sell me on Peter Jackson & Steven Spielberg’s upcoming 3D animated feature, The Adventures of Tintin, I’m sure some of you might still be on the fence. Several fans of the series have been complaining about Jackson’s liberal take on many of the characters after viewing recent trailers for the film. Personally, I don’t really mind the changes. Clearly several changes are to be expected when taking a classic comic and re-imagining it for 3D animation. To illustrate that, Weta & HarperCollins will be publishing the upcoming book The Art of The Adventures of Tintin. The book apparently covers early illustrations, the final shots, and everything in-between, along with forewards from both Jackson and Spielberg. On top of that, the initial run being sold directly by Weta will feature a special gift — the special prop wallet, along with the passages used to locate the boat from the original story. That’s subject to change, but it sounds pretty amazing. The book will retail for $40, and will be ship this October. Pre-order yours while gift supplies last.
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Tags: Tintin, Weta