Bloodrayne Filmed On a First Draft? Yikes
Somehow, I’m not surprised. The other day, I made reference to Uwe Boll and his knack for ruining films while discussing George Lucas’ recent Star Wars edits. In all fairness, Lucas really shouldn’t be compared to Boll, a one-time recipient of the Razzies’ “Worst Career Achievement” award. As much as I take issue with Lucas, I don’t believe anyone has ever started a serious petition to have to him retire. In this amazing clip, we hear from Guinevere Turner, the writer who had the unfortunate experience of having worked with Boll on the first live-action adaptation of Majesco’s BloodRyane franchise. According to Turner, the film went into production with a first draft, of which only twenty percent ended up on screen. Not surprising considering the film, with an estimated budget of twenty-five million, only managed a meager three and a half million at the box office.