Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 8, 2010 in

When I wasn’t watching Robotech, or Starblazers, I’d try to catch an episode of Voltron: Defender of the Universe. It wasn’t quite as cool as a convertable aircraft, but I admit I still loved watching the five guardians form their giant sword wielding lion mech to battle the evil King Zarkon and his minions whenever I’d get a chance, and this nifty little USB drive’s definitely triggering that nostalgia. I do wish it was a little bigger, seeing how it’s only three and a half inches tall, but I imagine that’s about right for a USB stick — any larger and it’d probably be a nuisance. At least the arms and legs can be articulated. The chest also lights up when plugged in and it just wouldn’t be complete without its own Blazing Sword which apparantly fits in both he hands and feet.
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Tags: Toei, USB Flash Drive, Voltron
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 18, 2010 in

It looks as though Japan’s getting another awesome anime-related memory stick. Similar to the Evangelion usb stick I talked about last month, these upcoming Gundam memory sticks will likely hit Japanese shelves some time next month. I’ve got more memory sticks laying around than I can count on two hands, but I think anyone would want to make an for these — I just wish wouldn’t have to import it, and that it’d come in a decent size. GeekStuff4U currently has them available for pre-order, but the only size they seem to have is 4 GB. That’s not very big by today’s standards, but then again, I’m sure most of you probably don’t store many documents — save for full-length feature films — over that limit, right?
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Tags: Mobile Suit Gundam, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Oct 20, 2010 in

When you think Neon Genesis Evangelion more often than not, the first image that comes to mind is Rei Ayanami. Her bandage-clad stoicism garnered plenty of fanboys and girls, making her practically synonymous with that classic series. That popularity explains why I’ve seen her on everything from softdrinks to body pillows. Well, now you can add another item to that list — a USB memory stick. Apparently it had been produced and sold-out rather quickly a few years back, but this unique little USB stick has made a return to Japanese markets. So how do you get your hands on one? Don’t worry, has you covered. You can import one for just 5,900 yen — that’s about $72. I know, it’s a little pricy for a 4GB USB stick, but you’ll probably be the only person you know with a mini-Rei holding your documents for you.
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Tags: Evangelion, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 27, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections

With this collection Hello Kitty gets the Mimobot treatment! This series of usb drives which each hold up to 4 gigs features five kitty themed memory sticks: Fun in Fields shown above and Hello Kitty X mimobot, balloon, apple and teddy bear each shown below: Read more…
Tags: Hello Kitty, Japan, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 4, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

It’s been nearly three years since Mimobot launched its line of Star Wars themed USB thumb drives, and yet they continue to release set after set of the collectible storage medium. Their latest set finally got around to giving us R2-D2 and Obi-Wan, not to mention Han and Luke disguised as Storm Troopers. When Michael first mentioned them back in 2007, they only came in 2GB models, but since then, Mimobot has started offering models that range between 4 to 16gbs at additional cost. While I’m not sure I need to start collecting these — as if I didn’t already have more thumb drives than anyone else I know — the fact that you could use a Jawa to store your documents almost seems like reason enough to own one. If you’re interested, check out the official Mimobot store for pricing and availability. Read more…
Tags: Mimobot, Star Wars, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 27, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,

Sengoku Bushô translates to The Lords of War — and this memory stick collection features ten different samurai who honor their master by carrying up to two gigs of memories. By the way it’s important to note that these aren’t just cartoon samurai, in fact they’re based on historical figures. Included in the set are the likes of Hanzou Hattori, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Kenshin Uesugi, Masamune Date, Nobunaga Oda, Shingen Takeda and Yukimura Sanada. Although a hazard of being a digital samurai is that often you’ll be decapitated, only to have to be put back together again: Read more…
Tags: Japan, samurai, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 26, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections

Whenever I see a Mini Cooper it always brings me back to the film The Italian Job — the original from 1969 with Michael Caine of course as opposed to the remake from 2003. So this wonderful set of six Mini Cooper USB 4GB drives caught my eye right away. I can see why the design of this car is so popular in Japan — the mecha design of the automobile almost has a moe quality to it. In fact I’d dare say that it’s the closest a car can come to being cute — the drives are available in black, blue, British Pavilion, green, ivory and a rally auto : Read more…
Tags: USB Flash Drive
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 8, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections

I always thought of Hello Kitty as being sweet enough on her own — yet this Hello Kitty USB Candy 2GB Memory Stick takes the concept to the next level but putting all of your data in a kitty styled candy roll. I also love how the product designer went that extra mile to make the candy more kitty like by adding a bow in the corner: Read more…
Tags: Hello Kitty, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 31, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections

This Solid Alliance’s SushiDisk USB is perfect for fanboys who are both Japanophiles and techno geeks. Each bit of sushi holds up to two gigs of memory and comes available as Ikura (Salmon Roe), Uni (Urchin), Kappa Maki (Cucumber), Salmon, Kanpyo Maki (dried gourd), Tekka Maki (raw tuna): Read more…
Tags: Japan, Sushi, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 25, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

We so often forget that the magic behind Yoda was really master puppeteer Frank Oz, and this USB Yoda with Illuminated Light Saber is so damn cute that it feels like he belongs more to the world of the Muppets rather than the more serious Star wars universe. In fact he sort of looks like a Muppet Baby rather than an old Jedi master: Read more…
Tags: USB Flash Drive, Yoda
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 23, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections

What makes this Alien themed USB device so cool is that when you plug it in it sticks out its inner mouth you and lights up in red at random: Read more…
Tags: Alien, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 14, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

As if living on a swamp planet wasn’t bad enough poor master Yoda must suffer the extra humiliation of having to sit by and watch as his body is used to backup excel spreadsheets and photos of the family cat. Of course for a mere $40 you can recreate this horrific scene with the Star Wars 4GB Flash Drives which are available through ThinkGeek. In addition to Yoda you can decapitate the likes of Darth Vader, Boba Fett and some poor Stermtrooper: Read more…
Tags: Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, USB Flash Drive, Yoda
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 8, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections

Sadly the reviews that Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen received were slightly less than stellar, however if you’re a fanboy you may still want to purchase the film because it comes on this nifty re-useable 4GB USB Stick. The packaging is pretty cool too, it’s so sad that they didn’t put the same amount of care into the movie: Read more…
Tags: Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 30, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,

From the Netherlands comes Boardy — a clever origami USB stick that you create from recycled paper. This clever design has mostly been used for advertising campaigns, allowing for advertisers to include electronic info on the USB stick while being eco friendly with the packaging. Here’s how you fold one together: Read more…
Tags: Origami, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 28, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections

As a Lucky Star fanboy I always feel left out! Sure there are like a billion action figures associated with the show, but I’ve always found a lack of USB merchandise to satisfy my geeky side. Well it seems someone in Japan answered my prayers by designing this Lucky Star Nyamo USB Drive. The drive features the abstract cat character Nyamo, who is said to be a self-portrait of manga artist Kagami Yoshimizu (the man created Lucky Star to begin with). Read more…
Tags: Anime, Lucky Star, USB Flash Drive
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 5, 2008 in
Hobbies and Collections

This is the first look at the Mickey Mouse Glove USB Flash Drive, although right now there’s no info on pricing and availability. The gloves in the Mickey Mouse cartoons were in fact a silent tribute to the cel painters who had the painful task of coloring each inked frame of acetate. Having done this sort of work back in my art school days I can tell you that it’s a painfully slow task which is very easy to muck up, so it’s very gratifying to see this very modern tribute to the golden age of hand painted cel animation.
Found via geekalerts.
Tags: Disney, Mickey Mouse, USB Flash Drive