Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 13, 2010 in
Star Trek

These wonderful Victorian styled Star Trek photos are he handy work of an artist known as Rabittooth. I really love how the artist has matched the role of each character on the show with an appropriate historical counterpart: Read more…
Tags: Captain Kirk, Dr. Leonard McCoy, Spock, steampunk, Uhura
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 22, 2008 in
Star Trek

Star Trek XI won’t be out for months but I already feel like I’ve seen the whole thing! The latest chapter in the hype express includes two new character posters — one of Uhura and the other of Nero the Romulan villain of the film. I already get a bad feeling from the fact that Nero is sporting a tattoo, but I hope the producers don’t make the classic Darth Maul mistake and introduce a cool bad guy only kill him off by the end of the film. Read more…
Tags: Film Poster, Nero, Star Trek XI, Uhura