Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 2, 2011 in
Dr. Who,

It’s a scary prospect for fans, but it looks as though Torchwood may be coming to an end sooner than we thought. No, the fate of the show won’t be determined by its ratings, or contractual disputes, but rather the whim of series creator Russell T. Davies. Recently, Starz CEO Chris Albrecht stated that their development deal wouldn’t guarantee a fifth season and that ultimately it would be up to Davies himself as to whether he intends to continue with production after Miracle Day concludes later this year. Davies has previously stated that he may move on having recently grown tired of Science Fiction in general. While I feel its safe to say that Doctor Who will continue regardless of his involvement, the same can’t be said of Torchwood — a property that he himself created. I had really hoped that moving production of the series stateside would lead to great things, but I have to admit that as a recent fan of the show, it feels as though the carpet is being pulled out from under my feet. I would hope that many of you feel the same way, and thankfully this isn’t set in stone. The fate of the series remains to be seen. If the end is near, at least we’ll see it coming.
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Tags: Doctor Who, Torchwood
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 22, 2011 in
Dr. Who,

Though I was never a huge fan of Doctor Who, it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with it’s more recent spin-off Torchwood. Series four, Miracle Day as they’re calling it looks to move the production of the show stateside, no doubt due to the nature of its mixed cast. It had been rumored that the show would end up as a reboot airing on Fox but that deal seems to have fallen through, and the series will instead continue its previous plot where it left off on Starz and BBC Worldwide starting July 8th. To help promote the show, the studio has developed an iOS app that’ll pack in an interactive motion comic with “some gameplay elements”. The comics will tell a parallel story featuring the voices of Eliza Dushku, John Barrowman, Eve Myles. Personally, I can’t stand Dushku, but Barrowman’s great so I’m psyched. An additional nine episodes will be available in packs of three for $1, or as an entire pack for $3. The app will be made available prior to the premiere on July 8th.
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Tags: Apps, BBC, Torchwood
Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 6, 2011 in
Dr. Who,

The man responsible for reviving Doctor Who and bringing its companion series Torchwood to the airwaves may soon leave the sci-fi genre behind. He tells BBC News that he’s “saved the world and blown up the world too many times” now and that he feels like he’s coming to the end of his stay in the realm of sci-fi. Given Torchwood’s recent acquisition of US funding and broadcasting through Starz, it would certainly be a good time to leave, knowing that the show has a bright future ahead of it. But sci-fi TV would certainly be a little less, err, Davies-y without him. Read more…
Tags: Doctor Who, Torchwood