Posted by Ben Huber on May 24, 2014 in

Hey! There’s a new 2DS color! I was wondering when we’d get one of those, and I suppose the upcoming release of Tomodachi Life is a perfect time for that. The new color is Sea Green, which seems like an alright name. What happened to “teal,” though? This is a bit lighter than your average teal, and with that white contrast, it looks very… beach-y! This 2DS and Tomodachi Life release June 6th, but no word on if there will be a bundle. I was honestly hoping they’d bring the mint green 3DS XL (that they paired with Tomodachi Life in Japan) over to us, but alas, it is not to be. It’ll retail for $129.99. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Nintendo, Tomodachi Life
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 11, 2014 in

Holy crap: this is the weirdest and craziest Nintendo Direct I’ve ever seen: Bill Trinen hosts a news show announcing Tomodachi Collection is coming to America and Europe as Tomodachi Life, but then it gets bizarre. Reggie and Iwata battle Bill for Samus’ hand, Aonuma dates Princess Zelda, and to top it all off, there’s a musical number at the end. It’s really insane. The game itself looks like the right combination of Animal Crossing and Miis in an island-life sim. Throw in some dating, eating, and a collection of eccentric minigames, and you’re starting to get close to the essence of Tomodachi Life. Check out the Nintendo Direct below! Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Nintendo, Nintendo Direct, Tomodachi Life