Posted by Bob Muir on Jul 24, 2014 in

Back in 2010, when the Tomb Raider franchise wasn’t doing so hot, Square Enix put out Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, a twin-stick co-op game. Though not bearing the Tomb Raider name, it was very well-received and quite fun. There’s a new sequel coming out, this time with four-player co-op; the two new characters are the Egyptian gods Isis and Horus, which seems a bit over-powered, but I’ll go with it. We now know that this game is coming out December 9 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It’s looking good, but I’ll be honest: I completely missed this announcement during the chaos of E3 2014. So join me in watching the trailer below, because I’m sure many others also missed it. Read more…
Tags: square enix, Tomb Raider
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 6, 2014 in

What’s something cool a game publisher can do when they buy another game publisher? They can put crossovers of their new IP into their own games! Square Enix has owned Eidos for a while now, and have put out several of their games, including last year’s Tomb Raider reboot. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is out next week, and now we know that you can make Lightning cosplay as Lara Croft. Similar to Final Fantasy X-2, in this game Lightning can change her clothes to gain access to new abilities. By wearing Lara’s outfit, she can use her survival axe and riot shield to fight monsters. As a side effect, it now looks like Lightning is covered in dirt. The only downside is that this will be optional DLC, available for purchase at launch, which is silly, because this should be a bonus unlockable in the game. Read more…
Tags: DLC, Final Fantasy, Lightning Returns, Tomb Raider
Posted by Bob Muir on Jul 24, 2013 in
Comic Books,

Despite selling over three million copies, March’s Tomb Raider prequel-reboot still failed to meet publisher Square Enix’s (apparently astronomical) sales expectations. However, that doesn’t mean the game is a failure, at least if this news is to be believed. Dark Horse is working on a new Tomb Raider comic that serves as a canonical sequel to the recent game’s origin story. Writer Gail Simone noted that the story occurs a few week’s after the game ends, but most interestingly will lead “directly” into a sequel. Read more…
Tags: square enix, Tomb Raider
Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 13, 2012 in

You can’t have a new AAA game come out anymore without offering a collector’s edition or limited edition of some sort with additional goodies that only hardcore fans care about. (Considering that even new IPs come out with collector’s editions, targeting fans who haven’t played the game yet seems odd.) The new Tomb Raider reboot is no exception, with a collector’s edition being made in limited quantities. Read more…
Tags: square enix, Tomb Raider