Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 10, 2014 in
Comic Books

Many fans weren’t happy with the twist involving Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin. If you haven’t seen Iron Man 3, bail out here. Unless you don’t mind being spoiled. Since he was merely posing as the Mandarin, fans were upset that we’d never get to see the version of the famous villain from the comics, clearly ruining his legacy. I thought it was a great twist, although sadly Guy Peace couldn’t really hold his own as an interesting villain once the “Mandarin” was gone. Anyway: Ben Kingsley is back as the actor Trevor Slattery again, but it seems that the whole Mandarin thing was perhaps… appropriated from the already existing terrorist group The Ten Rings. And hints that perhaps the real Mandarin is very upset that someone is using his namesake. This could be a neat twist on things, but we’ll have to wait till the one-shot arrives — it’ll be on the Thor 2 blu-ray, which comes out February 25th. Till then, have some pictures of Ben Kingsley looking nervous! Read more…
Tags: Iron Man 3, Marvel, Thor: The Dark World
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 4, 2013 in

With Thor: The Dark World coming out later this month, Marvel wants to fire on all cylinders to keep the universe linked. So what else would you do other than cross over the one and only Marvel TV show with the big Marvel release of the holidays? Yup, Agents of SHIELD will get a Thor crossover episode. It won’t directly involve characters from the film, but rather the agents trying to “pick up the pieces” in the aftermath, threatening to destroy a member of the team. Maybe SHIELD gets to be the cleanup crew and someone snaps? He’s sick of cleaning up after these superheroes! Why can’t they clean up their own messes, right?! Read more…
Tags: Agents of SHIELD, Marvel, Thor: The Dark World
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 31, 2013 in
Comic Books

With short previews for upcoming films attached to current films becoming more and more popular, Marvel has decided that stingers at the end of films just aren’t enough. If you decide to drop the extra cash to see Thor: The Dark World in 3D (out November 8), you’ll be able to enjoy five minutes of footage from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which won’t be out until April 4, 2014. It’s just a shame the footage won’t be attached to 2D showings, since I make a point of avoiding “3D” movies that were shot in 2D and converted in post (as opposed to the 3D cameras used in movies like Avatar). But if that doesn’t bother you and you want more Cap after that recent trailer, you’ve got the option. Read more…
Tags: 3D, captain america, Disney, Marvel, Thor: The Dark World
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 19, 2013 in
Comic Books

The latest issue of SFX magazine has an interview with Alan Taylor, director of several Game of Thrones episodes as well as Thor: The Dark World. He says that when certain scenes just weren’t working in the film, he called in the director of The Avengers, Joss Whedon. Whedon had previously helped fix some of Captain America: The First Avenger, so since he’s in charge of The Avengers: Age of Ultron, the next big team-up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it makes sense that he’d be the one to turn to. Read more…
Tags: Marvel, The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 9, 2013 in
Comic Books

Thor is back for phase two of the Marvel cinematic universe, and they’ve brought a new trailer to show for it. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the original Thor movie, but I felt its best moment were when Chris Hemsworth got to really throw himself into the silly Norse side of the character (“Get me a horse!”). At the least, it seems The Dark World takes place in in Asgard mostly, so we get to see more of the fantastical and Norse-inspired side of things. Also, Christopher Eccleston is the villain, but you can barely see him in this trailer. Given that he seems to be the most interesting new actor in this deal, I’m very keen on seeing how his role plays out. Check out the trailer below and play Where’s Waldo, but with Eccleston. Read more…
Tags: thor, Thor: The Dark World