Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 26, 2012 in
Star Wars

I saw this video on Topless Robot earlier and simply had to share: one guy at Belated Media shares his way of fixing Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. He makes a fair amount of tweaks to the story – some minor and silly, others incredibly astute. But he shares the opinion of the Clone Wars creators that Darth Maul should’ve lived, something I strongly agree with. Check out the full video below the break! Read more…
Tags: The Phantom Menace
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 14, 2012 in
Star Wars

Some of you may be excited for the upcoming February re-release of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace in 3D. I don’t really fall into that camp, but I’m still interested in the process behind it and the fan reaction to it. I like observing pop culture and fanbases. I also enjoy a solid poster, and with movie releases come movie posters. So what have we got to promote Episode I 3D? 2 cool posters and 3 over-Photoshopped posters. Read more…
Tags: 3D, Poster, The Phantom Menace
Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 4, 2011 in
Star Wars

Got anywhere to be eleven-and-a-half months from now? I hope so, because that’s when Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is returning to theaters in 3D. Specifically, it’s scheduled for theatrical release on February 10th, 2012. The good news is that you can avoid the whole thing by just holing yourself up in a secluded cabin that weekend and throwing your cell phone and laptop into the ocean so none of your friends can get a hold of you and convince you to go see it out of some misguided notion that it was “still an okay movie, just not a good Star Wars movie.” On the other hand, Lucasfilm does say that the 3D conversion is “meticulous”… Read more…
Tags: Star Wars, The Phantom Menace