Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 30, 2015 in Cinema

If you don’t want a major plot twist for Terminator: Genisys spoiled, don’t click this. The marketing for this movie seems determined to ruin the plot twist at every turn. Do they think it’s not that big a deal? Is it only a “minor” twist in the grand scheme of the film’s story? Or are they hoping the shock value of the spoiler will be enough to get people to turn up? Who knows. To me, it’s a bizarre choice… but then again, Genisys has been marketed abysmally, with bizarre press photos, badly edited trailers, and now… poorly-Photoshopped posters. Read more…
Tags: Terminator, Terminator Genisys
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 14, 2015 in Cinema

There’s a new trailer out for Terminator: Genisys, but before you watch it, be aware that it will ruin what seems like a very significant plot twist that changes the previous mythos of the franchise. But hey, you’re probably not going to let that stop you, and I’d be lying if I said this spoiler didn’t pique my interest. The jury is still out as to whether this sequel/reboot/whatever will be worth it, and some of the creative choices seem unusual. But it looks like they’re swinging for the fences, so at least they’re trying. Read more…
Tags: Terminator, Terminator Genisys
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 31, 2014 in Cinema

Terminator fans: I have bad news. Here are some new images from Entertainment Weekly of the upcoming film, Terminator Genisys. Yes, it’s really spelled that way still. I like many of the actors in this, but man, I am not optimistic after seeing this and hearing the plot details. Emilia Clarke (KHALEESIII) and Matt Smith (Who?) are the headliners here, along with Arnold, of course. Still, these seem like bizarre photos to use, as everyone’s head appears to be photoshopped onto their bodies. What exactly happened here? I think fans would love a new Terminator film but I’m not anywhere close to being sold on this one. Are they angrily shooting the ground? Read more…
Tags: Terminator, Terminator Genisys
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 2, 2014 in Cinema

James Cameron is making the rounds again, and in addition to talking about his next 3 Avatar movies (yes, a sequel trilogy to the original film), he’s also talking up the benefits of 3D. One thing he mentioned was the possibility of re-releasing Terminator 2: Judgement Day in 3D. He said, “Terminator 1 I don’t think so because you could upgrade it to 3D but it’s still pretty gritty, available light photography, low budget filmmaking. […] But Terminator 2 is a more polished film and, I think, it has a kind of timeless appeal.” He theorizes that releasing it in China (a market that hasn’t seen the film on theater screens yet), could pay for the conversion cost and release costs in the US. It seems like it’s still early, but 2016 is the 25th anniversary of the film, so the timing could be just right! Read more…
Tags: James Cameron, Terminator
Posted by Ben Huber on May 4, 2014 in Cinema

The new Terminator trilogy (yes, trilogy) is moving on in production, and they’ve signed another actor to their cast: Matt Smith. The former Doctor Who actor will apparently play a character “very close” to John Connor. The movie will also apparently be doing some time travel going on, which is awfully fitting for a Doctor. I’m sure there will be plenty of jokes made when the film comes out. Smith joins an already impressive cast, featuring (the one and only) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke, J.K. Simmons, Jai Courtney, Dayo Okeniyi, and Byung Hun Lee. The film will arrive July 1st, 2015. Read more…
Tags: Terminator
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 16, 2013 in Cinema

Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again.
Arnold Schwarzenegger will be returning to play the Terminator again in a new film. It’ll start filming in January, and so far there are no other details on the project. I hope you all are happy with what you’ve wrought. Actually, who knows, maybe it’ll be great, hammy fun – but I have very serious doubts about that. Man, I am just a bountiful fountain of positivity about film reboots and franchises this week. Let’s change that: I can’t freaking wait to see Arnold stumbled around his lines while explosions go off everywhere. It’s going to be hilarious! Read more…
Tags: Terminator
Posted by Bob Muir on May 28, 2013 in Cinema, Star Trek, Star Wars

With the recent release of Star Trek Into Darkness and the constant buzz surrounding 2015’s Star Wars: Episode VII, the franchises continue to be big in the public eye. But if these two franchises were stars, how bright would they be? The New Yorker has charted the two franchises, as well as several other prominent franchises throughout the past few decades, to see which franchise has raked in the most money. Unsurprisingly, James Bond wins that, due to there being 24 films in the franchise. But when ranked by what a franchise’s average film earned, Star Wars was the clear winner, as well as in franchise profitability. (Even the prequels couldn’t ruin that!) Since we can’t embed it, you can see the full chart here and find where your favorite franchise wound up. Read more…
Tags: Alien, Batman, harry potter, Indiana Jones, James Bond, Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings, Men in Black, Pirates, Spider-man, Star Trek, Star Wars, Terminator, The Avengers, The Matrix, Transformers, X-Men
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 27, 2010 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

This spectacular Terminator T-800 bust sculpture was constructed out of Lego bricks by the talented Martin Latta. It’s a remake of a previous project that martin did, although this version features LED eyes: Read more…
Tags: Lego, Terminator
Posted by Michael Sacco on Dec 19, 2010 in Cinema

So, the last entry into the Terminator film franchise wasn’t so great. And neither was the one before it. In fact, the only good entry into the series since 1991’s Terminator 2 was the woefully short-lived TV series The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Is there anything that can revive the franchise, or is it deader than most of humanity after Judgement Day? Maybe all hope isn’t lost. We can still get the gal that helped start the franchise to give it a shot in the arm! Gale Ann Hurd, who co-wrote and produced the original Terminator film, told Entertainment Weekly that she’d love to make another. Of course, right now she’s occupied with her gig as executive producer of the smash hit AMC series The Walking Dead, but we can hope that the powers that be (and the hedge fund group that currently owns the rights to the Terminator franchise) are listening. Read more…
Tags: Gale Ann Hurd, Terminator
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 13, 2010 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

When I was growing up, I absolutely loved my legos — so much so that I actually fancied myself a structural engineer of sorts. Of course, I never really built anything without a set of instructions but at least I did a good job of it. Needless to say, I was in complete awe of this fantastic creation by lego enthusiast Brickshelf. Using a simple image of a T-800 exoskeleton, he was able to recreate a bust of James Cameron’s metallic killing machine with stunning detail. Maybe it’s not as nostalgic for me as say… a Valkyrie, but its still way too awesome for me to ignore. Check out Brickshelf’s gallery for more photos. Read more…
Tags: James Cameron, Lego, Terminator
Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 30, 2009 in Hobbies and Collections

The Terminator Salvation Real Arm Figure can also double as a very impressive back scratcher in addition to serving as a fine conversation piece that can be placed strategically on your coffee table to baffle mundane house guests! This nifty goodie is being manufactured in Japan, but it won’t shop until December — however pre-orders are currently being accepted.
Tags: Terminator
Posted by John Martone on May 23, 2009 in Cinema

While I’d be hesitant to say the movie was enjoyable, I’d be hard pressed to point out what I liked about it. As you may or may not know, Terminator Salvation is both a prequel and sequel. Terminator 1-3 took place in a present day world haunted by apocalyptic figures from a future we dutifully marched toward. Terminator Salvation is the first movie to take place after our “Judgment Day,” but hides safely snuggled between the piles of mythology yet to be turned into a movie. (Spoilers from this point forward) Read more…
Tags: Terminator