Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 9, 2012 in Anime

There was once a time when trying to find a decent looking shirt featuring your favorite anime was nearly-impossible. You could either settle for an over-sized beefy tee, or one of those awful lounge-shirts with a design that covered entire front side, and sometimes even wrapped around. Times have certainly changed, and fortunately enough, we have other options. Recently, our fellow fanboy.com writer, Ben Huber, recently designed this awesome Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann shirt. Once again, thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can choose a variety of sizes and colors — including a women’s fit — or you can even pick up a hoodie. Each shirt is made to order and is available for order directly from Ben’s Society6 store. Read more…
Tags: Anime, t-shirt
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 21, 2012 in Videogames

Meat Bun has unveiled Check Point, their latest line of gaming-inspired fashion tees. The first part of the series feature designs inspired by classic racing titles like Mario Kart, Out Run and Daytona USA. For whatever reason, there also appears to be a design called Ninja Magic featuring what I imagine would be the ninja from Shinobi on a skateboard, the only commonality being that both were incredibly popular in the 80s. That said, it’s kind of strange but awesome design.
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Tags: t-shirt, Videogames
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 9, 2011 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

This cute little Chewtoro adorns this t-shirt which is created by riptapparel.com. Found via Takashi Akimoto.
Tags: Anime, Chewbacca, t-shirt, Totoro
Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 16, 2011 in Fandom, Hobbies and Collections

I hate to admit it but one of my few regrets at New York Comic Con this year was not grabbing a t-shirt which featured a debased old NASA logo twisted to read “Nerd”. My second runner up was a very clever brony themed t-shirt based on the old Mustang car logo: Read more…
Tags: NASA, t-shirt
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 12, 2011 in Animation, Fandom

Check out these wicked One Piece punk rock tees from Japanese clothing label Project SR’ES. While I still admit that I’m not the worlds largest One Piece fan, I have to admit the show has led to plenty of interesting fashion. The Tony Tony Chopper tee in particular stikes me as not only sleek and adorably awesome, but incredibly wearable. I can’t really say that much for most of the anime-themed clothing on the market. The real issue is that I’m pretty sure we’ll never get a chance to order these in the US. While the clothing label was established in Honolulu back in 2000, all that remains domestically is a US show room. Their business operation primarily resides in Japan. On top of that, most of the clothing sizes are Japanese, meaning that even though I wear an American medium or large, I’d be forced to hunt for a Japanese extra large and even then, there’s no guarantee it’ll fit comfortably. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find a few of them floating around eBay. If you’d like a closer look, head over to the Oricon Store for more photos.
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Tags: One Piece, t-shirt
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 12, 2011 in Design, Fandom

While many of you may recognize some of her work from around the net, you probably don’t know the name behind some of these nerdy Art Nouveau-inspired character portraits. Her name is Megan Lara, a 22 year-old aspiring artist and self-proclaimed fangirl and her art’s been turning quite a few heads as of late. Her art isn’t limited to these portraits either. Megan’s portfolio also includes fine art, general prints, and more. Currently, a large portion of her works are available on t-shirts via Level Up Studios, but her designs can be found everywhere from RedBubble to, most recently, ThinkGeek. If you’d like to check out more of her work, you can visit her official site or browse on over to her Deviant Art.
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Tags: Fan Art, t-shirt
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 20, 2011 in Star Trek

While there’s plenty of Star Trek-themed paraphernalia to choose from these days, I haven’t found much in the way of clothes — at least, clothes that I’d find fashionable enough to wear out. Sure, I’m not afraid to admit that I own a replica of Kirk’s tunic from the 2010 film, and one of those nifty Original Series-themed bathrobes, but they’re both a tad costumey. However, on occasion, I come across something that catches my eye like this nifty design by TeeFury artist comic_city. It’d simplistic, yet bold and practically guarantees you a grin from any trekker passing by. Like all TeeFury products, the design will only be available for the next 24 hours and will only cost you $10 plus shipping, so pick yours up today.
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Tags: Spock, t-shirt
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 12, 2011 in Dr. Who, Lost

- Dr.Who Lost crossover t-shirt
I can’t really say this would make for an awesome t-shirt but I really can’t pass up a chance to comment on this nifty work by artist and designer FFTKrazee. A clever little crossover between two of our fanboy favorites, Lost and Dr. Who, the design depicts Desmond, Faraday leaning up against a DHARMA-brand TARDIS. I never really thought about it until someone mentioned it in the comments for the shirt, but Jeremy Davies always looked like a sad Keanu Reeves. Read more…
Tags: Dr. Who, Lost, t-shirt
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 9, 2010 in Comic Books, Star Wars

Who watches the Empire? Aside from making for an incredible t-shirt, this design by artist Jonah Block draws a rather apt comparison between the Watchmen and the Galactic Empire. At first I didn’t really see how you could compare the Empire who, though acting at the behest of an evil sith lord, ruled through fear and the gritty and morally-questionable superheroes of Alan Moore’s world. However, the more I think about it, the more I get it. People who trust or fear the empire do so at the expense of personal responsibility and freedom, ignoring or living with their plight out of a false sense of security — much like the every day citizens of Moore’s reality. It’s a neat statement, and one I’m not really sure the artist may have intended, but it works for me. If you’re a fan of Star Wars or Watchmen and love the design too, you’ll be happy to know that TeeFury currently has a t-shirt available for the next 24 hours, so hurry up and order one while you still have the chance.
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Tags: t-shirt, Watchmen
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 18, 2010 in Fandom

ThinkGeek’s prepping for the holiday season with a ton of new merchandise, and I noticed this little gem amongst a slew of new products. It might not be the most attractive t-shirt I’ve ever seen, but it’s certainly one of the coolest. The Sci-Fi Armory, as they’re calling it, boasts an impressive array of weaponry from 1936’s Flash Gordon through 2009’s District 9. They manage to cover quite a bit, any fanboy can probably list off a few notable exceptions — BSG, Stargate, and Predator to name a few. Still, the fact that the shirt doesn’t outright list the origin of each weapon provides you with the opportunity to quiz your friends and family. Just don’t count on it winning your any dates. Read more…
Tags: Science Fiction, t-shirt
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Oct 7, 2010 in Videogames

Ever get that sinking feeling like you’re about to be devoured by a giant yellow ball but weren’t quite sure how to express it to others? Well, this shirt is the solution to that problem. ThinkGeek recently introduced this killer retro Pac-Man glow-in-the-dark ghost t-shirt. Obviously the ghost in question is about to become a snack, but that doesn’t make it any less cool. What’s more is that they’re giving the shirt away for free! What’s the catch you ask? ell, you have to add it to your cart, and spend $31 on other goods before they’ll toss it in free of charge. I guess that doesn’t really make it free, but $31 isn’t too much to ask, especially considering how many awesome products they carry. Besides, if you don’t want to drop the cash on other stuff, you can buy the shirt itself starting at $15.99, with XL and XXL costing a mere dollar or two extra. If you’re shooting for a free one though, I highly recommend a box of Stay Puft caffeinated gourmet marshmallows.
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Tags: Namco Bandai, Pac-Man, t-shirt
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 29, 2010 in Star Wars, Videogames

If you hurry, for the next 22 hours or so, TeeFury has these amazing Super Mario Bros/Star Wars cross-over tees. It’s been quite some time since anything they’ve decided to print has caught my eye, but this little gem is hard to pass up. In case, for whatever reason, you’re clueless about classic Nintendo games, the shirt depicts an 8-bit Bobba Fett in a parody of the original cover/cart art for Super Mario Brothers here in the US. Aside from being kind of awesome, owning this shirt definitely earns you some instant nerd cred. Besides, I can’t even think of a better way to determine who you’d want to socialize with or not, because either they’ll get it, or they won’t — and why would you want to socialize with anyone who doesn’t? As always, TeeFury keeps it reasonable at $9 per tee — and before that price scares you, don’t worry, they’re sturdy.
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Tags: Boba Fett, Mario Brothers, t-shirt
Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 24, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections

It’s usually hard to spot a ninja, but the minute I looked at the Uglydoll ninja themed t-shirt it was love at first sight. The t-shirt is part of a larger line that’s put out by Mighty Fine which feature the ever so kawaii monsters who do everything from pose in sunglasses to offering you a unicorn jumping over a rainbow: Read more…
Tags: t-shirt, Uglydoll
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 23, 2010 in Fandom, Star Wars

I love Calvin and Hobbes, and I’m sure by now you’ve probably seen every Calvin and Hobbes crossover your mind could dream up, but none of the ones I’ve seen to date have really felt as perfect as this illustration, and t-shirt by artist Chris Wahl. Not to imply that Chewbacca’s a devious prankster who takes pleasure in occasionally tormenting Han, at least, as far as I know, but they certainly share a friendship that only the two of them really understand. Either way, it’s easily one of the coolest crossover t-shirts I’ve seen in a long time. If you’re interested in picking one up, head over to Redbubble and order yours for a mere $22.
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Tags: Star Wars, t-shirt
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 28, 2010 in Star Trek

Like him or hate him, Wesley Crusher’s name makes for a fantastic bowling team — at least, Sheldon seemed to think so. To be honest, I can’t decide on if I actually want this myself. While I enjoy Star Trek puns as much as the next guy, I’m a little miffed that the shirt isn’t in fact a bowling shirt. That’s right, I’m actually bothered by the fact that it’s not a lounge shirt — it may seem petty, but I’d like to think I’m entitled to that much. Still, I’m glad the guys over a ThinkGeek were clever enough to print this, even if they didn’t just go the extra mile. There’s always next time, besides, I’d definitely want to name my team “Pin Farr,” or “The AWAY team.” I just hope they don’t make the shirts red, I need all the luck I can get. Read more…
Tags: Star Trek: The Next Generation, t-shirt
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 29, 2010 in Star Wars

Check out this awesome “Super Trooper” graphic t-shirt from the guys over at ThinkGeek. Based on the original stormtrooper helmet, it might seem a bit minimalist, but honestly, wasn’t that sort of the point of stormtroopers in the first place? Sure they were a bit too utilitarian, and seemingly incapable of actually hitting anybody they shot at, but you have to admit their armor looked pretty sharp — not to mention being color-coordinated. Then again, I guess it’s kind of hard to go wrong with black and white, it certainly makes for a great t-shirt at the very least. You can pick one up for roughly $20-21. Click here for more details. Read more…
Tags: Star Wars, Stormtroopers, t-shirt
Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 15, 2010 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

As of today the latest Uniqlo anime themed t-shirts are hitting the street — this latest batch includes shirts based on old school favorites Galaxy Express 999, Saint Seiya, Dr. Slump, Dragonball and Devilman. In April a new set of shirts will be released which will be based on Cobra, One Piece and Mazinger Z. Here are the Devilman shirts: Read more…
Tags: Anime, Devilman, Dr. Slump, Dragonball, Galaxy Express 999, Leiji Matsumoto, Saint Seiya, t-shirt
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 7, 2009 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Yoda knows that the Force is powerful, but some situations are more about the carrot and the stick! This Leading the AT-AT Tee by Block 33 perfectly illustrates this Jedi technique: Read more…
Tags: Star Wars, t-shirt, Yoda
Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 27, 2009 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Noted fashion design Marc Ecko has an entire line of Star Wars clothing that’s available for pre-order. The collection consists of t-shirts and hoodies, but they look pretty amazing. Here’s the Marc Ecko Darth Maul Spray T-Shirt: Read more…
Tags: Star Wars, t-shirt
Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 4, 2009 in Star Trek

I hate to say it, but this is one of the more clever Star Trek t-shirts I’ve ever run across on Etsy! For starters the humor is conceptual which always wins me over, but I also love the smart looking illustrational style on the shirt itself. Credit goes to Cincinnati based artist peanutbutterandyelly. Read more…
Tags: Captain Kirk, Etsy, Star Trek, t-shirt
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 7, 2009 in Star Wars

Who could ever forget the trash compactor scene on the Death Star? Of course R2-D2 wasn’t in that scene, but this clever t-shirt shows the “after” shot if that was the case. The t-shirt is designed by Glennz Tees and available at ThinkGeek.
Tags: R2-D2, t-shirt