Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 23, 2015 in Videogames

Recently, the director of the Smash Bros. series, Masahiro Sakurai, discussed some of the work that went into making the Wii U and 3DS iterations. Of course, people mainly asked him the questions you’d expect. When’s the Mewtwo DLC coming? “Soon.” What were some of the most ridiculous character requests? “Goku, Spongebob.” Any characters who were cut? “Takamaru.” Yes, originally the ninja from NES game The Mysterious Masamune Castle was on the cards to be in Smash Bros. He still showed up as an Assist Trophy, but I think he could’ve been a cool addition! Then again, do we really need another blue-haired swordsman in Smash Bros.? Read more…
Tags: Super Smash Bros.
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 23, 2015 in Videogames

You don’t even know it yet, but you want to hear every Smash Bros. character clapping. It’s true! Every time you finish a match in Smash Bros. for Wii U or 3DS, the losing characters applaud politely (or sometimes not-so-politely) while the winner basks in the glory. In-game the clapping is silent, but the Game Grumps have taken it upon themselves to add in the foley sound effects for all the characters clapping. Sometimes they go a little bit… overboard. Who knew clapping could sound so gross? Come on, you’re curious, aren’t you? Click through to watch nearly six minutes of video game characters clapping in silly, silly ways. Read more…
Tags: Super Smash Bros.
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 16, 2015 in Fandom, Videogames

Over the last day or so you may have seen the supposed “leak” of DLC for Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS featuring Rayman. It was pretty real-looking, aside from the fact that people were wondering if Rayman could really be added to the game. Well, YouTube user Artsy Omni quickly revealed that he was the one behind the video, and yes, he made it all on his own. Sorry, Rayman fans, maybe next time! Still, Omni made a great video going into how he made the “leak” and made it seem authentic. It’s also just a great primer on the things you can do with After Effects! Don’t be too upset… check out the video below! Read more…
Tags: Super Smash Bros.
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 22, 2015 in Videogames

Playing fighting games is great, even if I’m merely competent. But watching the pros at the EVO Championship Series every July is another thing entirely. The back and forth is actually exciting, with massive levels of “hype” to savor. This year’s EVO is being held July 17-19 at the Bally’s/Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, and the main tournaments have been announced. The games are: Ultra Street Fighter IV, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat X, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Tekken 7. I’m sad my personal fave BlazBlue isn’t in there, but it’s understandable when two other Arc System Works games are in there. What’s more annoying is the lack of King of Fighters XIII, easily one of the most exciting tournaments in previous years. I’d rather have that in there than two Smash Bros. tournaments, but I guess Nintendo wanted to show off their newest game while allowing hardcore players to play their tournament classic. Read more…
Tags: Guilty Gear, Mortal Kombat, Persona 4, Street Fighter, Super Smash Bros., Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 29, 2014 in Star Wars, Videogames

As with everything on the internet, if there’s something big, there’ll be parodies of it. This Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser trailer parody places Nintendo characters into a “Smash Wars” video, in which “The Triforce Awakens.” It’s short, it’s sweet, and it does a good job fitting Nintendo characters into the spaces where each Star Wars character would fit. The animation isn’t too shabby either! Their substitute for the new lightsaber design is also very cute. Also: props to the musician who made the background music, as it successfully straddles the line between Nintendo and Star Wars music at the end. Read more…
Tags: Nintendo, Super Smash Bros., The Force Awakens
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 25, 2014 in Videogames

Nintendo recently streamed “50 Things” about Smash Bros. for Wii U, touting a bunch of new features, items, stages, and game modes. The biggest news was an 8-player mode, which let’s 8 people in the same room duke it out on extra-large stages. This is kind of crazy, as Smash Bros. is already pretty hectic. They also announced a new and improve stage creator, a new board-game mode called Smash Tour, and basically all features from Brawl returning. Lastly, they confirmed DLC for the game: if you own both Smash Bros. for 3DS and the Wii U, you’ll receive Mewtwo as a downloadable character for free. Neat! I hope that means there will be more DLC in the future. Smash Bros. for Wii U is out November 21st. The entire stream is embedded below. Read more…
Tags: Nintendo, Super Smash Bros., Wii U
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 8, 2014 in Videogames

I’ll be honest: I didn’t think Super Smash Bros. for Wii U would come out this year. Though the tie-in Amiibo toys were scheduled to be released soon, it was somewhat strange that it was already October and no one knew the release date of the supposed “Holiday 2014” release. But apparently I was wrong, because Nintendo has finally announced that the game would be out on November 21, the same day as Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. As a reminder, you can also get a bundle with a Gamecube controller adapter and a Smash-branded controller for $100, $10 cheaper than grabbing the adapter and controller separately. Read more…
Tags: Nintendo, Super Smash Bros., Wii U
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 14, 2014 in Videogames

Nintendo has just released Super Smash Bros. for 3DS in Japan, but the US doesn’t get it until October 3rd. To stave off the wait until then, they’ve promised the demo will arrive September 19th, next week. Select Club Nintendo members who have Platinum status, however, are receiving codes for the demo right now, letting them test it out a week early. The demo features one stage (Battlefield) and five characters to play as: Mario, Link, Pikachu, Villager, and Mega Man. The Platinum members will also get extra codes to share with friends, so if you’re not a dedicated Club Nintendo member yourself, perhaps a generous friend can lend you a code. Otherwise, it’s just a short wait until the demo on the 19th, and the full game on October 3rd. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Super Smash Bros.
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 11, 2014 in Videogames

Hoo boy, this is already getting confusing. Nintendo is putting out an upgraded 3DS with more power called the New 3DS and New 3DS XL. But since that’s not being released outside of Japan until 2015, any new 3DS models are going to cause confusion. Take some limited edition 3DS XLs announced for release at Gamestop. There are limited run models featuring designs from Super Smash Bros. (September 19), NES (October 10), and Persona Q (no date, but likely November 25, the day of the game’s release). But while these are all awesome, new designs, they are not the “New 3DS XL,” so anyone buying these new models should be aware that the hardware will be outdated sometime in the first half of 2015. The designs are still worth getting, but it’s a weird time to release them. Also, that NES model could have a better design on the shell than just the controller. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, NES, New 3DS, Nintendo, Persona 4, Super Smash Bros.
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 30, 2014 in Videogames

Despite some leaks confirming this much, much earlier than intended, Shulk is now officially confirmed for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS. His intro trailer features his swappable Monado Arts that alter his abilities, which he then uses against Bowser, Link, and Marth. He also comes with a swimsuit alternate costume! In related news, Nintendo also announced Xenoblade for the New 3DS, taking advantage of the new system’s upgraded processor. This port of the Wii game will hopefully let more people have a chance to experience it (given how hard it is to find a copy of the Wii game now). It’s definitely a good time to be a Xenoblade fan! Both trailers and more images below. Read more…
Tags: New 3DS, Super Smash Bros., Xenoblade
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 23, 2014 in Videogames

The latest update from Masahiro Sakurai in regards to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS has introduced some music! The music section of the site has opened up and features several songs from the game available for streaming. Sakurai has also released a list of musicians that will be composing music for the game, which features such talent as Noriyuki Iwadare (Phoenix Wright), Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger), Motoi Sakuraba (Dark Souls), Yoko Shimomura (Kingdom Hearts), and Hirokazu Tanaka (Metroid). Check out the three new music tracks below! Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Super Smash Bros., Wii U
Posted by Bob Muir on Jul 15, 2014 in Videogames

Masahiro Sakurai has said we’re nearing the end of new character announcements for Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U (or at least new characters they feel like announcing that aren’t a surprise unlockable). The latest trailer adds two more Fire Emblem characters from Fire Emblem Awakening, joining previous fighters Marth and Ike. For the first time, you’ll be able to play as Robin (the main character) and choose whether the character is male or female, just like in the game. Lucina is also joining the fray. Meanwhile, Captain Falcon will be a returning character, having appeared in every previous Smash Bros. game. It’s all looking good, but I wouldn’t mind even more new character announcements by the time the game is out! Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Nintendo, Super Smash Bros., Wii U
Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 11, 2014 in Videogames

Bandai Namco is co-developing Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U, so many were wondering whether or not any Namco characters would appear in the game. With Mario, Sonic, and Mega Man all in the game, it only made sense for Pac-Man to enter the fray, and luckily he was just confirmed. While he mostly retains his modern 3D look, it seems that for some attacks he’ll transform back into a 2D form to munch things up. He also can attack with ghosts, pellets, Galaga, Dig Dug, and other old school summons. The video also confirms the return of Mr. Game & Watch, as it is humorously pointed out that both characters originated in 1980, while Mario and Donkey Kong debuted in 1981’s Donkey Kong. Read more…
Tags: Namco Bandai, Nintendo, Pac-Man, Super Smash Bros.
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 2, 2014 in Fandom, Videogames

Smash Bros. is a great game because Nintendo has such a huge catalog of iconic characters to pull from, but not many other companies could pull off a similar feat. YouTube user crazyhalo definitely thinks Valve could do it, as they have created a video that remakes the intro film from Super Smash Bros. Melee with all of Valve’s characters. Gordon Freeman, the Heavy, Dog, every Dota character, Chell, and more are featured in this. If you’ve played Melee, this video will probably bring up a lot of memories, as it’s a pitch-perfect reproduction. Check out the video below! Read more…
Tags: Dota 2, Half-Life, Portal 2, Super Smash Bros., Team Fortress, Valve
Posted by Bob Muir on May 28, 2014 in Videogames

If you’re not going to be at this year’s E3 in Los Angeles — i.e. most of you reading this — you’ll be happy to know you can test out the next Super Smash Bros. game on Wii U at over 100 Best Buy locations across the US. Nintendo’s Smash-Fest will be running on Wednesday, June 11 from 4PM to 9PM and Saturday, June 14 from 12PM to 5PM. As a bonus, if you’re one of the first 70 people to preorder the game at the event, you’ll get a promotional gold coin. Everyone preordering also gets a $5 Best Buy certificate. So look and see if there’s a store in your area holding the event, and good luck! Read more…
Tags: Super Smash Bros., Wii U
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 30, 2014 in Videogames

Nintendo ducked out of the E3 conference game last year, declining to host a big conference at the event in favor of a longer digital broadcast of Nintendo Direct, a series of mini-conferences with smaller, spread out announcements released throughout the year. This year seems to be the same, with Nintendo planning to air a Nintendo Digital Event — why not Nintendo Direct? — on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 9AM PT. Furthermore, there will be online coverage throughout the show from Nintendo Treehouse, the legendary localization department that’s worked on some of Nintendo’s best games. But that’s not all that Nintendo has planned. Read more…
Tags: E3 2014, Nintendo, Nintendo Direct, Super Smash Bros.
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 9, 2014 in Videogames

Nintendo just held a Nintendo Direct on the upcoming Super Smash Bros. game for 3DS and Wii U, and boy, did they really spill the beans. Director Masahiro Sakurai light-heartedly hosted a 40 minute presentation that led off with the long-anticipated release date for the two games. While exact dates were not given, we finally know that the 3DS version would release in Summer 2014, while the Wii U version won’t be out until Winter 2014. Still, that’s earlier than I expected it to be finished, so that’s a good sign. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Nintendo, Super Smash Bros., Wii U
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 5, 2014 in Videogames

It’s been a little quiet on the Smash Bros. front. Masahiro Sakurai, the game’s director, has been uploading daily screenshots of the game, but they don’t often reveal much. Today however, they revealed Isabelle, the popular secretary from Animal Crossing, would be in the game as an Assist Trophy (an item that will release a character into the stage who will aid the player). I’m sure many fans were hoping she’d be a playable character, but this is the next best thing. In addition, they announced a Nintendo Direct focused exclusively on Smash Bros. would happen on April 8th, 6pm ET (3pm PT). I imagine we’ll get a bunch of news then. Will we finally see Captain Falcon?! Read more…
Tags: Nintendo, Nintendo Direct, Super Smash Bros.
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 15, 2014 in Videogames

Yup, at the Nintendo Direct yesterday, Nintendo announced another new character for the next Smash Bros. installment on Wii U and 3DS: Little Mac! The boxer from Punch Out! will be a newcomer to the series, but it definitely looks like he’ll still pack a wallop. He’s a bit on the short side, though. His introduction trailer is actually really cool, and I’m glad Sakurai and the team are taking the time to do these elaborate videos for each new character. Watch the video below, check out some images, or head over to the official site for more. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Super Smash Bros., Wii U
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 1, 2014 in Videogames

I know I heard a lot of fans doubting his return, so I figured it’d be important enough to mention: Lucario has been confirmed for the next Smash Bros. game. The dual-release later this year on 3DS and Wii U features a bunch of new and old characters. Lucario is definitely a fan-favorite, but many had assumed that Mewtwo would return and take his slot on the roster… perhaps we’ll get both now? Sakurai says “We’ve increased the influence of Aura this time, so a damaged Lucario is truly a force to be reckoned with.” Sounds like Lucario, along with many other characters, are getting some serious reworkings and buffs. Check out some more images below and on the official site. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Super Smash Bros., Wii U
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 27, 2013 in Videogames

Another returning character has been announced for Smash Bros., and it’s Zelda! This is really no surprise, but her upgraded look and (seemingly) some new moves involving the Phantom Armor from Spirit Tracks. Just recently we had gotten news of Rosalina being included in the game, so I’m glad to see more female fighters in the game. Especially when it’s called Smash Bros. I will say, I really like her design, as she looks even more fierce than before. Now we just need to wait for the inevitable Sheik reveal, eh? I’d also like to see Ganondorf get a more original moveset, ok Sakurai? Thanks. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Super Smash Bros., Wii U
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 20, 2013 in Uncategorized

It looks like her role in Super Mario 3D World has gotten Rosalina, the princess from Super Mario Galaxy, some more work! Her two most recent cameos seems to be cementing her position as a stable Mario character. First up, she’s a playable character in Smash Brothers for Wii U and 3DS, along with her Luma star pal. They seem to have a bit of a 2-player vibe going on, too! Then, she’ll also be appearing in Mario Kart 8 as a racer, but given her appearance in the previous Mario Kart, that’s not as surprising, but it’s nice to see her sticking around. I’m cool with Rosalina being a new Mario mainstay, as we need to female characters in our video games. Check out the Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. trailers below! Read more…
Tags: Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros.
Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 18, 2013 in Fandom, Videogames

Announcing new characters in a Super Smash Bros. game is a strange mix of excitement, nostalgia, and a touch of self-mockery. 2008’s Super Smash Bros. Brawl had a very successful website called the Super Smash Bros. Dojo that gave out daily updates on the game, and some of those updates echoed through gaming communities — “Diddy Kong confirmed for Brawl” or “Sonic confirmed for Brawl.” When Nintendo announced some new characters for the upcoming Wii U/3DS entry, they started a new style of character announcements that many fans have already adopted for their favorite or joke characters. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Nintendo, Super Smash Bros., Wii U