Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 10, 2011 in
Star Wars

I don’t know exactly how many motorcycle-riders are die-hard Star Wars fans, but there must be more than I expected, because UD Replicas is releasing an incredibly authentic-looking Stormtrooper motorcycle suit. Crafted from grade-A cowhide and featuring a huge amount form molded details, at first I thought I was looking at one of the usual plastic costumes you see online. But no, it’s all leather. And if white isn’t your color, a Shadow Trooper variant is also available. Only downside? The helmet is only a prop. Sorry, no Star Wars motorcycle helmets yet! Read more…
Tags: Motorcycle, Stormtroopers
Posted by Gia Manry on Aug 14, 2010 in
Star Wars

Any proper Star Wars geek (or Japanophile) knows Danny Choo, aka the Tokyo Stormtrooper. Choo famously shoots videos of himself in Stormtrooper attire dancing around Tokyo, including in geek-town Akihabara, on a Tokyo subway…you get the idea.
But now a few others have gotten into the act. Read more…
Tags: cosplay, Stormtroopers
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 29, 2010 in
Star Wars

Check out this awesome “Super Trooper” graphic t-shirt from the guys over at ThinkGeek. Based on the original stormtrooper helmet, it might seem a bit minimalist, but honestly, wasn’t that sort of the point of stormtroopers in the first place? Sure they were a bit too utilitarian, and seemingly incapable of actually hitting anybody they shot at, but you have to admit their armor looked pretty sharp — not to mention being color-coordinated. Then again, I guess it’s kind of hard to go wrong with black and white, it certainly makes for a great t-shirt at the very least. You can pick one up for roughly $20-21. Click here for more details. Read more…
Tags: Star Wars, Stormtroopers, t-shirt
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 16, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

I secretly suspect that Avatar will be seen as a future classic film when this next generation of fanboys comes of age: And this very clever Avatar Stormtrooper Helmet proves the point! The artist behind the amazing helmet is fangurl Denise Vasquez who created it for the 501st Legion: Read more…
Tags: Avatar, Star Wars, Stormtroopers
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 15, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

This is probably the largest stormtrooper toy I’ve ever seeen. At 24 inches, Super7’s two-foot-tall take on the Imperial stormtrooper comes complete with a spring loaded rocket propelled fist, and wheels. Why it would even need those is beyond me, but I’m not one to complain about the extras. Still, it’s not like it really needed them. It’s a two foot tall storm trooper wielding an E-11 blaster rifle, and that’s more than enough reason to want one if you ask me. Here’s the kicker, though — it’ll cost you about $299. Crazy, right? At least the details are pretty stunning up close. If you’re still willing to empty your wallet or bank account, you can order one online via the Super7 website. For more info on the toy itself, check out the mini-site here. Read more…
Tags: Star Wars, Stormtroopers, Toys
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 8, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

Awhile back, Del Rey published the novel Star Wars: Death Troopers, and ever since I’ve been wanting to sit down and read it. The concept sounds absolutely fantastic, take Star Wars and mix in a bit of good old fashion horror — how could you go wrong? I’ll be honest, I’ve been holding out for the paperback which is due out in October, but after seeing this fantastic bust, I’m about ready to just give in and by a copy of the hardcover. The bust is actually a 1/6th scale model of the zombie Stormtrooper as depicted in the upcoming graphic novel, based on the book. If you’re looking to obtain one of these bad boys, Entertainment Earth has them for about $75 and is currently taking preorders and will ship in November. Read more…
Tags: Stormtroopers, Toys, zombies
Posted by Michael Pinto on May 31, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

Etsy artist Doc Martin was self trained in art from an early age but took his talent to the next level at a respectable SoCal art school. This colorful series of Star Wars inspired posters draws inspiration from the likes of Andy Warhol and LeRoy Neiman. Featured in this vivid set of prints are Boba Fett, Darth Vader, a Stormtrooper and a TIE fighter. Read more…
Tags: Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Etsy, Star Wars, Stormtroopers
Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 11, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

For decades fanboy wine connoisseurs have debated if Star Wars works best while enjoying the red or white wine — but alas the idea of opening up multiple bottles to see what goes best with each film could be quite wasteful. So have solved this issue by creating a series of Star Wars wine stoppers: So you can have the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Princess Leia, Han Solo and a Stormtrooper guarding your vino. Read more…
Tags: Han Solo, Obiwan Kenobi, Princess Leia, Stormtroopers
Posted by Michael Pinto on Feb 15, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

Funko had amusing line of Star Wars goodies — shown above is a stromtrooper and Darth Vader that plug into your iPod and act as speakers. Shown below are just a few of the many Star Wars bobbleheads they had on display: Read more…
Tags: Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, Toy Fair 2010, Transformers, Where the Wild Things Are
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 14, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

As if living on a swamp planet wasn’t bad enough poor master Yoda must suffer the extra humiliation of having to sit by and watch as his body is used to backup excel spreadsheets and photos of the family cat. Of course for a mere $40 you can recreate this horrific scene with the Star Wars 4GB Flash Drives which are available through ThinkGeek. In addition to Yoda you can decapitate the likes of Darth Vader, Boba Fett and some poor Stermtrooper: Read more…
Tags: Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, USB Flash Drive, Yoda
Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 3, 2009 in
Star Wars

You’ll need the Force to get these goodies off of Esty because there’s only one set left! Above are the Star Wars Storm Trooper cufflinks and below are the Shadow Storm Trooper Helmet set — but my favorite is the tie tack below that. Also Gr0glmann offers a ton of other nerdtastic cufflinks that are well worth checking out… Read more…
Tags: Star Wars, Stormtroopers
Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 7, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away there were these cute little mice! I know this sounds like we’re kitbashing Star Wars with the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy but these adorable sci fi rodents are the precious creations of the House of Mouse and can be found on Etsy on their very own page. There are 14 mice in the entire collection so far and they run between $35 and $40, but bet of all if your favorite character is missing they’re open to doing custom orders. Shown above is Princess Leia mouse and below is Darth Vader mouse. Read more…
Tags: Boba Fett, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Etsy, Ewoks, Obiwan Kenobi, Princess Leia, Star Wars, Stormtroopers, Wookies, Yoda