Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 29, 2014 in
Star Trek

Roberto Orci… is not exactly my favorite scriptwriter. But his skills as a director are yet untested, and he’ll have plenty to test them on with the third Star Trek film. Perhaps he’ll do well! Taking over from JJ Abrams, Orci has promised some things for the next film that sound good to me: the crew will venture into deep space, and discover new alien races. Speaking of using old races or creating new ones, he said, “because this is an alternative universe I think we can choose. I don’t feel the pressure to revisit anyone or not. We are lucky that way, but we have the ability to cherry pick what has become before. It will depend on what serves the story best.” Hopefully any new species will be unique enough to propel the film! Read more…
Tags: Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 1, 2013 in
Star Trek

J.J. Abrams often gets mocked for how much lens flare he put into Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness. But while comments about the lens flares in his reboot movie didn’t make him stop using them in the recent sequel, he says that he was actually being more conscious of how they affected the film. In fact, he claims that he actually reduced the lens flare! Read more…
Tags: J.J. Abrams, Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Ben Huber on May 24, 2013 in
Star Trek

Recently there were a few complaints about Alice Eve’s scene in Star Trek Into Darkness, in which she abruptly shows up in her underwear. Conan didn’t have any complaints about it, but J.J. Abrams went on his show to assuage any concerns about it, and also show off a deleted scene from the film in which the UNTITLED VILLAIN, Benedict Cumberbatch, takes a shower. I know he’s very popular with the ladies out there, so I’m a little surprised they cut this, but you can get a glimpse of his very angry shower below. Conan takes the liberty of adding his own musical choice over it, as well. Read more…
Tags: Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 23, 2013 in
Star Trek

Some of you may have seen this clip from Star Trek Into Darkness if you saw the IMAX prologue released with The Hobbit, but for many of you this will be new. There’s stuff going down on a planet with a volcano, and the young Captain Kirk must grapple with the Prime Directive as he makes a decision. Of course, there’s no resolution in this clip, but that’s why you’re going to go see the movie on May 17, 2013, right? Consider this another little morsel to tease your appetite. Read more…
Tags: Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 22, 2013 in
Star Trek

Are you excited yet for Star Trek Into Darkness? We’ve got another new international trailer showing up today, and while some of it is recycled footage that you’ve seen before in other trailers, much of it is new. The more I see of this movie, the more comfortable I feel about JJ Abrams taking over Star Wars. But as for Star Trek, it looks pretty impressive. I sure am hoping that the Enterprise crashing isn’t the climax of the movie, because that’d be a terrible thing to spoil. I hope Kirk can hold up against Sherlock Holmes! Watch the new trailer below. Read more…
Tags: J.J. Abrams, Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 10, 2013 in
Star Trek

I doubt this needs much introduction at this point: here’s the latest Star Trek Into Darkness trailer that’s running in front of Oz the Great and Powerful. It looks fantastic, and they’re still keeping Benedict Cumberbatch and his definitely not known, so very secret character to the background. He certainly looks imposing and threatening for the 5 seconds he’s in the trailer, though. It also looks like there will be plenty of falling in this film. Very very fast falling. From space. I must also say, I love the visual look of the first scene shown – I can’t wait to see that on the big screen. Check out the trailer below. Read more…
Tags: J.J. Abrams, Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 29, 2013 in
Star Trek

Dust Films must have really loved the second Star Trek Into Darkness trailer, because they remade it shot-for-shot. And despite the use of everyday locations, toys, and tiny model cities, you can easily tell what’s going on if you’ve rewatched the second trailer as many times as I have! They also made a comparison video so you can see how close they came with their fanmade version. Plus, the music is recorded from their own vocals. Gotta love those Inception horns! Read more…
Tags: Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 19, 2013 in
Star Trek

Here it is, my friends: your first look at the Klingons in Star Trek Into Darkness! And it comes in the form of a comic book cover from IDW for their prequel comic, Countdown to Darkness. There sure does seem to be a whole lot of this “darkness” stuff going around, huh. Looks like all those rumors and leaks have come true. We’ve kind of seen these helmets before in deleted scenes from the first film, but my real question is this: will they have the ridges underneath the helmet as well? Ah, hope I didn’t make the wait for the movie any worse! Star Trek Into Darkness opens May 17th. Read more…
Tags: Klingons, Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 15, 2013 in
Star Trek

So I’m watching the latest cut of the official teaser trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness (see below) and it suddenly hits me: I’ve seen this lady before in the Star Trek universe. Sure enough I go back through my stills of Where No Man Has Gone Before which was an early pilot for Star Trek and there she is — Dr. Elizabeth Dehner! There is also a shot earlier in the trailer that reminds of Kirk talking to Lt. Cmdr. Gary Mitchell in the brig: Read more…
Tags: Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 17, 2012 in
Star Trek

This second trailer has a bit more of a story setup — and some cliff jumping too: Read more…
Tags: Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 6, 2012 in
Star Trek

You think your world is safe? No — not until I can stand in line to see this film! See the trailer here: Read more…
Tags: Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 3, 2012 in
Star Trek

Let the speculation begin! Why is he wearing a cape? What’s been blown up? And when can I buy my tickets for the May 17th opening in 2013?
Tags: Star Trek Into Darkness