Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 27, 2014 in

Star Citizen continues to lumber along with it’s ridiculous amount of crowdfunded money and collection of alpha and beta modules. Who knows if it will ever be the game it promises to be, but it’s been a fascinating journey so far. I sure hope it all works out. The latest two videos from Roberts Space Industries are a dubstep-infused trailer and another fake advertisement for a new ship, the Consolidated Outland Mustang. Or, you know, the Mustang, as everyone will probably call it. It’s more of a single-pilot craft, armed to the teeth and very stylish with lots of hard angles. Check out both videos below for lots of accents and “epic” scenes. Read more…
Tags: Star Citizen
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 13, 2014 in

Citizen Con 2014 happened recently — yes, a con for Star Citizen — and they debuted new footage from the game, featuring a pilot flying in space all the way down to a planet’s surface. Chris Roberts shows off the ship, then demonstrates flying down through the atmosphere to a landing platform. He even goes through customs! They also show some of the shops and stores, albeit in a very limited fashion. You can definitely see the ambition, and I continue to hope that the full game pays off. (If the video footage below is a little choppy, that’s actually due to the recording software, not the game.) Read more…
Tags: Star Citizen
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 9, 2014 in

Star Citizen continues to grow and change impressively. For being entirely crowd-funded, they’re doing a great job making the whole process look professional and open. Their latest release is the reveal of a new ship, the Freelancer, in a faux commercial, just like their previous ship reveals. This one is a trucker vessel though, so it has all the trappings of a truck commercial, complete with rough-and-tough voiceover and gritty kinetic typography. It’s pretty neat. Also neat is the release of their dogfighting module to all backers, so if you’ve supported Star Citizen at one point or another, check out the news page here and get to downloading! Read more…
Tags: Star Citizen
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 13, 2014 in

Yup, Chris Roberts showed off Star Citizen at PAX East, and it had a fantastic reception. In particular he demoed the dogfighting, featuring various ships sliding in and about asteroids while shooting each other. It’s still very early, as the AI isn’t quite there, and not everything works correctly, but — holy crap — does it look stunning. I’ll strap on an Oculus Rift, jump in this game, and you’ll never see me again. Seriously. I’ll probably need a PC upgrade by the time this comes out. The footage isn’t perfect, but it’ll give you a good idea of where they’re headed. Read more…
Tags: Star Citizen
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 28, 2013 in

Star Citizen continues to look like one of the coolest games on the horizon, and it barely even has much of a game yet. They have, however, debuted a new ship called the Hornet F7C which is their premiere dogfighting ship. If you want you can pledge early and get this ship in-game when it arrives. This new commercial is a faux ad set in the future that shows you all the cool features of the Hornet — and how good it is at dodging asteroids. I’m enjoying these in-universe ads because they help set the tone for the game. Check out the video below. Read more…
Tags: Star Citizen
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 26, 2013 in

Star Citizen has been an incredible success for a crowdfunding game. Chris Roberts’ game has been getting record support and now, the game is starting to take shape. At an event in Cologne, Roberts and the team reveal the Hanger Module, a download available this Thursday, August 29th, that lets you walk around your hanger and view your ships that you own. Granted, you have to support the game by buying a ship and have backer access to the game, but still: it’s a good first step. I’ve included an embed below of Roberts demoing the hanger and the crowd cheering. At everything. No matter what. Read more…
Tags: Star Citizen
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 23, 2013 in

I’ve been very interested in Chris Roberts’ Star Citizen game, and they’ve been hard at work on the game. Their latest update included a new trailer, set in the style of a fake luxury car commercial, but for a new space vehicle called the 300 Series. This line of ships is available to players to purchase in advance of the game, so you have a ship ready to roll once it arrives. I hope they do more faux commercials like this as the game continues to form. Check out more details about the game here, and then watch the trailer below. Read more…
Tags: Star Citizen