Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 29, 2013 in

Not just ANY celebrities though: Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen, two of the the coolest buddies ever, are the ones wishing you a happy Thanksgiving. Yeah, yeah, it’s Friday now. I don’t care. You need to see this picture, because it’s adorable. Also, Gary Oldman also wants to wish you a happy Thanksgiving, but he’s a bit more profane… and violent about it. He seems a bit frustrated over the whole thing anyway, so I’m sure once he gets it out of his system he’ll be fine. Check out his rampage below the jump. Read more…
Tags: Gary Oldman, Sir Ian McKellen, Sir Patrick Stewart
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 27, 2012 in
Comic Books

It’s been a while since Patrick Stewart played Charles Xavier, a.k.a. Professor X, in the X-Men films. X-Men: The Last Stand was his last take, with subsequent films focusing on Wolverine and then recasting James McAvoy in the role for X-Men: First Class. Of course, First Class did pretty well, so there’s a sequel planned — and Stewart is back on board. Read more…
Tags: Marvel, Sir Patrick Stewart, X-Men
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 11, 2012 in
This is probably the best thing we’ll see all weekend: watch this new Funny of Die short featuring Sir Patrick Stewart as Ticket-Tooth Phillip, the best ticket scalper to ever walk the streets of London, along with his assistant Maisie Williams (aka Arya Stark). It’s incredibly hilarious, especially to see who they encounter along the way – mainly, Simon Pegg and Ryan Lochte. I won’t spoil any of the jokes, but I do love that these actors and athletes get in on little films like this. It’s a nice diversion! Now, can someone please get Sir Patrick Stewart in Game of Thrones? Thanks.
Tags: Funny or Die, Simon Pegg, Sir Patrick Stewart