Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 10, 2014 in

Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse launched on 3DS this fall, but was delayed on Wii U. However, a tweet from developer WayForward states that the game is in final testing at Nintendo of America. He thinks a 2014 may still be possible, which would be great for those who get a Wii U for Christmas to play. Hopefully it happens, but in the meantime, here’s the latest Wii U trailer. Enjoy those pretty sprites, because the next Shantae game, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, is using hand-drawn 2D graphics instead of traditional sprites. It’s still pretty in its own way, but it’s not the same. Read more…
Tags: Shantae, Wii U
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 22, 2014 in

Shantae is one of those cult franchises, a series of games full of great gameplay, solid controls, and beautiful 2D graphics. Many people don’t even know the series exists because the first game had a limited print run on Game Boy Color after the Game Boy Advance had already launched. The second game launched on the DSi’s online shop, which almost no one used. Maybe the third game, Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse, will finally make a bigger splash. Though the titular half-genie has lost her powers in this installment, her pirate skills look fun to use. The game is out this Thursday on 3DS. Unfortunately, the Wii U version has been delayed until later this year, but that’s not too far off, so I can’t be too sad. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Shantae, Wii U
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 5, 2013 in

Kickstarter seems like a good fit for indie developer WayForward. Though they’ve worked on some big titles like DuckTales Remastered, Contra 4, and Adventure Time, it seems like they always wanted to do more with some of their original ideas. WayForward has created a Kickstarter for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, to develop the game and bring it to every current console (except Wii), next-gen console, and Steam. If you’re into obscure games, you might recognize the game’s name from the critically-acclaimed, but very rare Game Boy Color game. A DSiWare sequel came out a few years ago, with a 3DS eShop sequel also on the way. But this is an all-new, HD game for consoles! Read more…
Tags: Kickstarter, Shantae