Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 2, 2012 in

What do Kratos and Nathan Drake do between battles? Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank? Maybe they just eat bagels. Or at least that’s what the guys at Robot Chicken think. They did a cool little commercial for Sony to promote Playstation All-Stars: Battle Royale and I just enjoy the style of their stop-animation. It’s a pretty fun look at the characters, but all this does is make me want a game in this art style. Watch the video below. Read more…
Tags: PlayStation 3, Playstation Vita, Robot Chicken
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 8, 2012 in
Comic Books,

Robot Chicken always does some amazing specials, and it looks like their upcoming DC Comics special will be no exception. Seth Green went on Conan to promote the special with a short clip featuring Aquaman. I’m sure you can all figure out where it’s going from here. I’d guess they picked a clip to appeal to more mainstream audiences, but the Robot Chicken guys always deliver solid stuff, so I’m excited to watch it. The special airs this Sunday at midnight, don’t miss it! Read more…
Tags: DC Comics, Robot Chicken