Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 21, 2013 in

Comic-Con week is always so exciting, isn’t it? While there are tons of big-name events focusing on The Walking Dead or Amazing Spider-Man 2, the smaller stuff is great too, especially when it’s a labor of love like Riddick. Vin Diesel has struggled to get this movie made, taking pay cuts and planning hard, and now we’ve got our first red-band trailer. So far, Riddick (the third film in the series) is looking like it’s leaning a bit closer to Pitch Black than the second film. Ready for some unhinged violence? You’ll get it. Read more…
Tags: Riddick, Vin Diesel
Posted by Bob Muir on May 16, 2013 in

Vin Diesel is back in a new Riddick film, and it seems like it’s practically Pitch Black with a bigger budget. Simply entitled Riddick, the film trailer depicts Riddick tearing up monsters, making cool poses, and just basically acting like you’d expect. This looks like a very effects-heavy film, but you know what? We need those now and then, and this looks to fill that need nicely. I have to wonder though if there will be a marginally-related video game released in conjunction with the film that turns out to be higher quality and more fondly remembered. I think many will agree that The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay was better than the second movie. Read more…
Tags: Riddick, Sci-Fi
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 24, 2013 in

Here’s our first real look at the return of Riddick. Is Vin Diesel’s long and arduous trek to get this film made finally coming near its end? This new teaser trailer for Riddick is certainly short, and definitely a teaser in the strongest sense, but it’s good to see this out in the open. It’ll be arriving in theaters September 6th, and I wonder if Vin Diesel will be able to will this franchise back to life, much like the Fast and Furious series. He certainly has a strong pull in the industry. Check out the teaser and see for yourself! Read more…
Tags: Riddick, Vin Diesel
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 21, 2012 in

The third Riddick film has had some hard times. Financial problems and, you know, not having a studio supporting you can definitely negatively affect things when you’re trying to make a movie. Vin Diesel is certainly persistent though, and working with writer and director David Twohy they’re struggling to get this film off the ground. We heard production would start up again, sometime back in November, but I still had my doubts. Now it looks like things really are happening, as Vin Diesel posted an image on Facebook of him in full costume. Read more…
Tags: Riddick, Vin Diesel