Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 6, 2012 in

Sometimes I see something both cool and bizarre – this is one of them. We seems to distance natural materials from our technology and gadgets (maybe all that wood panelling on our old cars turned us off from that for a long while) but this sandblasted wood grain overlaid on keyboard keys makes a lot of sense. Designed by Michael Roopenian, the tactile nature of it allows your fingers to more easily find the keys you’re looking for as you learn the layout. Although it’s just a prototype at this point, I’d love to see it become a real product someday. Read more…
Tags: Design, Prototype
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 12, 2010 in
Pulp Fiction

Twitch recently posted this photo of a supposed Godzilla prototype from the upcoming American remake, and it’s been floating around the net for the last week. Unfortunately, popular horror site Bloody Disgusting managed to confirm that the model in question is not from the upcoming Legendary Pictures remake after all — a shame, considering how fantastic the model actually is. I’m not really sure what to expect from the upcoming remake, as the production staff behind the film are also responsible for the travesty that was Terminator: Salvation, but I do hope that they’ll give the franchise the treatment it deserves. After all, the last thing we need is another Emmerich-esque bomb. Read more…
Tags: Godzilla, Prototype
Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 30, 2009 in

Prototype is an interesting looking game which is set in NYC (it’s due out for the holiday season on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC) and what I’m seeing so far looks pretty amazing. The plot sort of reminds me of 28 Days Later with a slight bit of Men in Black: Read more…
Tags: Activision, New York City, Prototype