Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 15, 2012 in Cinema

Of all the amazing props Weta helped to create for the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I’m sure this ring has been the most requested. It’s no surprise, really. Setting aside the lore, and the fact the entire series centered around the ring itself, it’s one of the few props you can wear in public without drawing too much attention. Until now, Weta only offered a solid gold version which retailed for ~$3,300.
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Tags: Lord of the Rings, Props, Weta
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 6, 2012 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

If you’re big on memorabilia, props or other great collectibles, you’ll be pleased to know that Warner Brothers has partnered with the award winning Weta Workshop for their upcoming Hobbit franchise. With the first pieces set to debut at San Diego Comic Con next month, Weta will begin selling a line of props, replicas and more, from and inspired by the upcoming film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey set for theatrical release this holiday season. Read more…
Tags: Props, The Hobbit, Weta
Posted by Tim Sheehy on May 22, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Television

Firefly & Serenity fans, feast your eyes on this 1:1 scale, screen-accurate reproduction of Malcom Reynolds’ sidearm! Just how accurate is it? The prop is crafted from the same mold of the stunt gun carried by Nathan Fillion himself while on set. That being the case, no it doesn’t fire real bullets, and that’s probably a good thing. On the other hand, this polystone prop makes for a great display piece, and would look great in the hands of any Browncoast cosplayer, or even a Steampunk enthusiast. It has that lovely antique-brass paint that lends itself so well to that aesthetic. At just $80, it’s an affordable addition to any fans arsenal, and although it’s currently sold out, ThinkGeek should have more in stock any day now. If you want, you can sign up to have them notify you as soon as they’re in stock by clicking here.
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Tags: Firefly, Props
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 13, 2012 in Hobbies and Collections, Videogames

If you’re a die-hard fan of Epic’s Gears of War, or just a fan of awesome looking props, you’ll want to feast your eyes on this 1:1 scale replica of snub pistol featured in Gears of War 3. Although I’m not a huge fan of the series, I have a soft spot for ornate Sci-Fi weaponry, and even I have to admit how sweet this piece looks. Read more…
Tags: Gears of War, Props
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Feb 14, 2012 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

I always thought it’d be cool to own one of those hover boards from Back to the Future II & III, but I don’t think anyone has actually tried to manufacture one, that is, until now. Revealed at yesterday’s New York Toy Fair, MattyCollector.com plans to manufacture a 1:1 scale replica of Marty’s hover board as it was seen in the films. While they claim the board doesn’t actually hover, it apparently glides over most surfaces. Additionally, the cost of manufacturing the boards would be so much that they will need to reach a certain amount of pre-orders before going ahead with production. If the minimum, which has yet to be disclosed along with the price, is not met by the deadline of March 20th, all pre-orders will be refunded in full. Again, while the price has yet to be disclosed, pre-orders will start on March 1st and run through the 20th. Oh and keep in mind, it won’t work on water.
Tags: Back to the Future, Props
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 9, 2011 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

It’s hard to fathom how much work goes into designing our favorite films. Often times we take it for granted. We’ll go to to the theater, or play a game and we’ll love every minute of it, but that’s it. It’s not often that we sit back and ask how it came to be. This week, Weta Workshop, a design studio known for their on films such as Avatar, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, among others, decided to answer that question for us. They’ve posted the first part of an on-going series detailing some of their stunning works and giving us some insight as to how they came about. The cool part, of course, being that Weta actually manufactures many of these designs for resale, so if you’re a collector and you don’t mind spending a few bucks, one of these pieces might even catch your eye, not to mention your wallet.
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Tags: Props, Weta
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 1, 2011 in Dr. Who

This is shaping up to be a good week for fans of Davies’ Whoneverse. In addition to the hilarious wrap party videos that recent hit the net, Weta Workshop has decided to discount several pieces from their Doctor Who product line. The first is this killer replica of a Dalek as originally designed for the series one episode “Dalek,” featuring Christopher Eccleston. While Christopher’s time as the Doctor was short lived, that episode remains memorable as the first appearance of the Daleks since Davies had revived the series and paved the way for their eventual return in future seasons. The prop measures roughly a foot in height and normally retails for $225. If you order from Weta’s online shop before November 4th, you can save 50% and pick one up for only $112.50. Not too bad if you ask me.
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Tags: Doctor Who, Props
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 28, 2011 in Dr. Who, Hobbies and Collections

Check out this slick replica of the Master’s watch from the Doctor Who series 3 episode Utopia. Don’t worry, contrary to what Professor Yana might tell you, it works just fine. In fact, it actually lights up and comes made of a durable but light zinc alloy so it won’t weigh you down. Fortunately, it shouldn’t contain the hidden essence of a Time Lord either — just don’t blame me if you start hearing the sound of drums on occasion. You can head to ThinkGeek and pick up yours for only $49.99. All things considered, that’s probably a bargain. I can’t imagine what it’d cost on Gallifrey. Besides, pocket watches are cool.
Tags: Doctor Who, Props
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 31, 2011 in Dr. Who

I’ve been wanting my own sonic screwdriver for awhile but I’ve been having trouble deciding on which model to go with. While I love slick silver design of Eccleston and Tennant’s model, it lacks the nifty little claw grip. On the other hand, Smith’s has a bit too much bronze for me. I suppose I could have just bought the interchangeable model that Michael mentioned the other month, but then it dawned it on me — what good is a sonic screwdriver if it doesn’t actually work? It won’t stop a Christmas tree from spinning out of control, or open a locked door at the touch of a button, but this sonic screwdriver screwdriver might do the trick! In addition to being a perfect replica of the Eleventh Doctor’s screwdriver, it comes with an interchangeable phillips and flat-head attachments, allowing you to actually use it to fix things. Brilliant, right? The best part, is that it only retails for $30, that’s only $5 more than the standard replica. Better yet, it still lights up and buzzes. Head over to ThinkGeek to order yours today.
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Tags: Doctor Who, Props
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 2, 2011 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

As Jabba would tell you, nothing says you’re the boss like your very own smuggler frozen in carbonite. Sure, you could just mount him on the wall of your pleasure palace, but why not find a more practical use for it? The guys at Tom Spina Designs did when they created their own custom Han Solo carbonite desk. It’s truly an amazing piece of functional fanboy art, I just wonder how much they’d charge us for one of our own. I wasn’t able to find a price quote on their official site, but they do have plenty of other great props, and furniture you can browse. After all, why wouldn’t you want your own galactic throne.
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Tags: Han Solo, Props, Star Wars
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 11, 2011 in Design, Videogames

It’s never easy crafting your own props, let alone attempting to recreate one from scratch. That said, artist Josh Jay did a fantastic job sculpting his very own Brotherhood of Steel power helmet from Fallout 3. That much is impressive, but what’s more is that he actually took the time to document the process through photos, posting several galleries detailing the techniques he used while constructing it. Had he actually taken the time to write out some instructions along with his photos, they’d make a fantastic visual aid. For more photos check out his galleries here and here.
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Tags: Fallout, Props
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 4, 2011 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

At one point, you couldn’t film a space epic without having to use scale models. Studios like Industrial Light and Magic were forced to craft these incredibly detailed models for use in creating some of the most memorable sci-fi films of our time. Fortunately, but the time Joss Whedon’s Firefly came to be, studios were able to rely on CGI, allowing them to fore go the trouble of crafting these models by hand.
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Tags: Props, Serenity
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 30, 2010 in Cinema, Horror

So you want to be a bald space marine? If that’s the case, you’ll need one of these — that, and the $900 it’ll cost you to buy it. Sounds like a bit much, but when it comes to faithful replicas of our favorite hollywood props, it usually is. This particular prop happens to be a replica of the M41-A pulse rifle from the sci-fi classic Aliens. Of course, you won’t stand a chance against a real alien, let alone one that bleeds acid, but at least you’d look pretty awesome carrying one of these around. Weighing in at a solid 15 pounds, it features a collapsible shoulder stock, pump action underbarrel, and a working LCD ammo display that requires some AA batteries. You’d think for $900 they’d make it a lithium battery, but I guess that’d be asking too much. At least it comes with a nice mount and plaque for when you’re done playing with it. If you’re crazy enough to drop the cash for this, ThinkGeek currently has them in stock.
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Tags: Aliens, Props
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Oct 7, 2010 in Cinema

Universal Design, the guys who brought us those amazing custom Iron Man sneakers, are also known for their replicas — one of which just happens to be this awesome motorcycle outfit from Disney’s upcoming feature film Tron Legacy, set to release later this year. The outfit, which I can only imagine will be worn during a killer light-bike sequence, comes in two fits — the men’s Sam Flynn model and the women’s Quorra model. While each piece of the outfit — jacket, gloves, pants and boots — will be sold separately, each complete suit will run you $995 and $899 respectively. I know that seems a bit pricy, but you have to admit they both look awesome. If you’re interested check their official website for more information.
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Tags: Props, Tron Legacy
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 24, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Videogames

Bethesda has always impressed me by their attention to detail. Like much like their latest entries in the popular Elder Scrolls series, the company managed to capture an audience with Fallout 3‘s breathtaking visuals. In addition to re-imagining Washington D.C., their team of graphic designers created a number of weapons to go along with it. Two of which happen to be the AER-9 laser rifle, and even deadlier A3-21 plasma rifle. Flickr user Ryan Palser recently took it upon himself to locate some blueprints and painstakingly recreate them — needless to say, they look amazing. Check out his flickr account for more photos. Read more…
Tags: Fallout, Props, steampunk
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 28, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Lost

I heard several months back that ABC had planned on auctioning off a good number of the props from Lost now that the curtain has officially closed, but I wasn’t quite sure when and where that was taking place — it could have been on an remote island for all I knew. Turns out it’ll be in Santa Monica — not quite an island with polar bears, though I was hoping they’d at least have some bears available to auction off. In fact, I would have settled for a brown bear that was spray painted white. Needless to say, they have some pretty cool props to auction off, including but not limited to the baby-blue DHARMA Van, Locke’s trusty wheelchair, a classic Apple computer, and Hurley’s red Camaro.
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Tags: Lost, Props
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 20, 2010 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

I’m sure a lot of you probably don’t know the company very well, but I’m almost positive that all of you have probably seen their work. Weta, believe it or not, is responsible for a significant portion of the props, conceptual designs and effects that you’ve seen in so many recent blockbusters like Avatar, Lord of the Rings, District 9, and more. So, when I received an e-mail about their upcoming presence at San Diego’s Comic Con International, my it perked my interest. Read more…
Tags: comic-con, Props