Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 7, 2011 in
Star Trek

Truth be told, it wasn’t a very good year for Trek novels. It seemed as though the license would meet its demise, after Simon & Schuster made the decision to restructure their Pocket Books operation following the layoff of editor Margaret Clarke, and the subsequent cancellation of several planned novels. Read more…
Tags: Pocket Books, Star Trek
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 28, 2011 in
Star Trek

I admit, Simon &Schuster’s Trek novels are one my many guilty pleasures. They’re not quite as terrible as my obsession with Koei’s Dynasty Warriors, or Japanese television dramas, but I wouldn’t strike up a conversation on the topic. Still, there are those of us who crave all things Star Trek, and with the next film over a year away, we’ll need something to ease that pain. Enter Rise Like Lions, the latest novel by seasoned-Trek author David Mack. This latest novel takes place in the infamous Mirror Universe.
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Tags: Pocket Books, Star Trek
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 22, 2011 in
Star Trek

It’s been tough for fans of Simon and Schuster’s Star Trek novels. After the lay off of series editor Margaret Clark, and the subsequent cancellation of various Typhon Pact novels, many feared the Pocket Books universe would meet its end. Fortunately, there’s some light at the end of the tunnel. At the beginning of next month, Simon & Schuster will be releasing their first original Star Trek e-book exclusive in nearly four years. The Struggle Within will continue the Star Trek: Typhon Pact arc, and will feature characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation, the Tallarians, as well as focusing on the mysterious Kinshaya — the only race that has yet to be heavily featured in a Typhon Pact novel.
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Tags: Pocket Books, Star Trek
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 13, 2011 in
Star Trek

It’s been nearly two years, but fans of Peter David’s on-going series Star Trek: New Frontier may finally get their hands on his latest novel in the series. The book, entitled Blind Man’s Bluff, had originally been announced back in 2009 and initially scheduled for publication around June of 2010. By January, the book had been removed from the schedule entirely sparking fears that the series may have been cancelled entirely before being rescheduled for January 2011. Delayed yet again, the book is currently scheduled for release at the end of April and this time, it looks like it’s happening.
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Tags: Pocket Books, Star Trek
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Feb 8, 2011 in
Star Trek

The final piece of the current Trek miniseries, Typhon Pact, finally hit book stores late last month and I’ve been loving every minute of it. These novels have been dark, and full of gloom with just a glimmer of hope. It’s definitely not the Star Trek universe we’ve come to expect, but perhaps that’s a good thing. Some readers have expressed concern over the direction of the series. Specifically, that it doesn’t seem to know where it’s going — and it’s true, it doesn’t, but it’s that very same uncertainty it instills that makes me want more. Read more…
Tags: Pocket Books, Star Trek
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 28, 2010 in
Star Trek

Like most viewers, I found Deep Space Nine far more entertaining than Star Trek Voyager, and a worthy successor to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Unfortunately, the series never really gained much ground in the litterary world — at least, in comparison to The Next Generation, or the Original Series. As a result, Pocket Books relaunched the series in order to bring Deep Space Nine in line with the current Trek timeline, as established by the Next Generation and Titan novels.
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Tags: Deep Space Nine, Pocket Books
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 2, 2010 in
Star Trek

Last month I mentioned the latest Trek mini-series to hit book shelves, Star Trek: Typhon Pact. Following its monthly release schedule, the second book in the series, Michael A. Martin’s Seize the Fire, continues the story arc focusing on the crew of the USS Titan, and their brush with the Gorn in an attempt to secure an ancient terraforming technology similar to Project Genesis, ala Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. While I doubt the book contains any poorly choreographed fight scenes involving rock wielding men in lizard suits — hey, it was awesome for its time — it definitely gives us a better understanding of the Gorn’s social hierarchy. I honestly didn’t even know they had one. Read more…
Tags: Pocket Books, Star Trek
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Oct 13, 2010 in
Star Trek

There are those of us out there who can’t get enough Star Trek. We’ve seen every episode and own every film — even the director’s cut of The Motion Picture, don’t ask why — and yet we crave more. With J.J. Abrams running the show, god only knows how long it’ll be until we see the next film hit the big screen. On top of that, many of us, myself included are still coming to terms with his alternate universe and what that means for the future of the series we’ve all known and loved. Thankfully, a place still exists where we can hide from the changes that have warped our precious universe — the novels. Read more…
Tags: Pocket Books, Star Trek