Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 22, 2013 in

You’ve probably seen some of those Photoshop videos that reveal how much retouching goes on in a typical model’s photoshoot. It’s made to show that we shouldn’t rely on ads and magazines for the body image to strive for, as it’s completely artificial. Well, Victor & Spoils has done a great little video about the dangers of Photoshop, except this time they’ve put a holiday twist on it. I won’t spoil it for you, but suffice to say, if you’re looking at Photoshopped models, you should be prepared to see some skin. It just might surprise what you’re seeing though! Read more…
Tags: Christmas, Photography, Photoshop
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 25, 2013 in

Not everyone will be able to see an aurora borealis this easily in real life, but thanks to photographer Göran Strand you can view it in your browser anytime you want. Strand used a Nikon D3s to shoot over 2400 images with a spherical lense and then merged them together into a timelapse. Put together in a browser, you can spin the view around and catch every detail in a 360 degree panorama. It’s really impressive work. I’d love to see more of this kind of thing, where people take nature and landmarks not everyone can visit and make them freely available online. And once the technology improves enough, can you imagine looking at this stuff through an Oculus Rift? I bet it’d be stunning. Click here to visit the web page or watch the video below. Read more…
Tags: Photography
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 28, 2012 in

Want a blast from the past? Here are some awesome photographs taken by Ira Nowinksi from 1981 and 1982, giving you a glimpse back to the classic arcades of yesteryear. There are around 700 photos total, all recently added to the Stanford University Libraries. It’s pretty neat to see this kind of stuff get documented, although I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later. And man, talk about an intense stance up there. You thought we were bad today, leaning towards the TV, controller clutched tightly? Try that pose for 3 hours. Check out a few more photos after the break! Read more…
Tags: Arcade Games, Photography, Retro Games
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 26, 2012 in

Forget trying to stitch together the perfect panorama using Microsoft’s Photosynth — in theory, it’s a neat idea but in practice, not really. Instead, try something new. Introducing Dot, the first panoramic video lens for your iPhone 4 and 4s. So, how does it work exactly? You just snap it on over your phone’s camera, download the app and begin shooting 360° videos on the spot. Not only that, but the app also allows you to control the direction of the camera yourself or swap over to a panoramic widescreen mode. Read more…
Tags: iPhone, Photography
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Apr 9, 2012 in

This morning, there’s been a lot of buzz surrounding Facebook’s impending billion dollar purchase of the popular photo app Instagram. With its built-in social networking features and easy-to-use interface, such a sale would seem like a no-brainer, but it wasn’t long before my twitter-feed lit up with complaints and negativity in response. Many of them were quick to brag about how they’ve never used the app, claiming that the Facebook acquisition only strengthens their resolve. Perhaps the most annoying tweet I’ve seen on the subject insists Facebook’s purchase proves there’s a market for “pretentious hipster bullshit.”
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Tags: Facebook, Photography
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Oct 10, 2011 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

It’s true that anyone can collect toys or take up photography, but using both to craft your art requires a bit of talent and creativity. Vesa Lehtimäk understands that. Known to most as Avanaut, Vesa’s spent the last few years photographing his kid’s toys, which include everything from their stuffed animals to Star Wars. He employs excellent use of landscapes and lighting, often to dramatic effect. In short, many of his galleries are breathtaking despite the fact that many of these toys by themselves fail to impress when looked upon with our naked eye. While I’d love to post every single photo he’s taken, it behoove you to follow his tweets, or visit his flickr account. If you’d like to own a print or postcard, several of his works are also available through RedBubble.
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Tags: Photography, Star Wars, Toys
Posted by Linda Yau on Apr 25, 2011 in
Hobbies and Collections

There are a lot of people that can call themselves an otaku, but branding, up to designing a personal mascot is definitely something that can be done if a person is quite serious about this niche hobby. Meet Otaku Dan, a blogger who I know who has one cool mascot, and interesting blog entries to share. Here are some of his opinions, and thoughts from an email interview. Read more…
Tags: Action Figures, Anime, interview, Photography
Posted by Michael Sacco on Nov 19, 2010 in
Comic Books

French photographer Sacha Goldberger’s 91-year-old grandmother was feeling depressed, so he suggested they have a photo shoot to cheer her up. But not just any photo shoot: he turned her into the superhero Mamika and lined up a ton of amazing shots. Grandma Goldberger looks like she’s having a great time throughout. In fact, says Goldberger, his grandmother hasn’t shown a trace of her old depression since, because the experience has let her share her amazing life story — living through World War II, surviving Nazism and Communism — with thousands of people worldwide. In my book, that makes her extraordinary enough. Read more…
Tags: Photography