Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 10, 2015 in Anime, Videogames

The first One Piece: Pirate Warriors was a fairly enjoyable game, but certain story arcs from the manga were conspicuously absent. Some of those characters and areas were included in the sequel, but that game had an original story. So now we have One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 for PS3, PS4, and Vita, which adds in a lot of those missing elements, most notably Thriller Bark and the fight against Gekko Moriah. I’m interested in playing a more complete version, and I know there are other improvements, going by this trailer. But seeing as so much of this stuff was in the first game, it’s hard to get as enthusiastic about its release. If I find more interest in it, the game is coming out in Japan in March, in the US sometime this summer, and in Europe before the end of 2015.
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Tags: Namco Bandai, One Piece, Playstation Vita, PS3, PS4
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 25, 2014 in Anime, Videogames

So far, all the games that use Amiibo, the Skylanders-like toys that unlock in-game bonuses, are published by Nintendo. But the upcoming One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X for 3DS will be the first third-party game to include Amiibo support. The toys will unlock costumes for the various fighters that transform them into the same Nintendo characters. So tapping the Mario Amiibo will give main character Luffy a Mario outfit. These aren’t simple reskins, but fully-designed costumes that look more creative than I’d expect. The trailer below shows off the Smash Bros.-like fighting action, with the Amiibo details showing up near the end. Read more…
Tags: 3DS, Amiibo, New 3DS, One Piece
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 26, 2013 in Anime, Videogames

One Piece: Pirate Warriors may have just been a Dynasty Warriors game, but it was still pretty fun despite the dumb gameplay. A large part of that were the energetic and wacky attacks. Lo and behold, there is a trailer for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 focusing on the entire Straw Hat crew and the new moves they’ve attained during the two-year time jump that occurs in the manga’s plot. Read more…
Tags: Namco Bandai, One Piece, PS3
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 26, 2012 in Anime, Videogames

One Piece: Pirate Warriors could have used some more polished gameplay and it was pretty dumb, but it was also dumb fun. I had hoped for a sequel that would improve and hopefully add some major arcs that were previously skipped over. Now that One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 is coming out, it looks like Omega Force and Namco Bandai are doing that…sort of. Read more…
Tags: One Piece, PS3
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 24, 2012 in Anime, Videogames

I’ve been playing One Piece: Pirate Warriors, the anime-inspired spin-off of Koei and Omega Force’s long-running Dynasty Warriors series of beat ’em up games. It has its flaws, but for a One Piece fan since Viz started running it in Shonen Jump in 2003, it’s probably the best representation of the franchise in video game form. There are bits that feel like they’re begging for downloadable content — notably an option on the main menu that brings up an empty list of additional content — and since Namco Bandai is publishing it, they of course have some add-ons to sell you. Read more…
Tags: DLC, Namco Bandai, One Piece, PS3
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 30, 2012 in Anime, Videogames

I’ve mostly outgrown my affection for the typical shonen genre exemplified by franchises like Bleach and Naruto. However, there is no way I can abandon One Piece, be it for the inventive action, energetic characters, and boundless enthusiasm on show. I think at this point I’m enough of a fan to even consider playing a videogame based on a series I’ve so far avoided. Part of that is how accurately One Piece: Pirate Warriors for PS3 depicts famous fights from the story. Read more…
Tags: Anime, One Piece, Videogames
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 11, 2011 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

At long last the One Piece x Hello Kitty goodies are hitting the shelves in Japan for all of those kitty pirates who want something cool for Christmas! This collection includes a line of phone charms, ear buds, a notebook and of course and iPhone case which can be purchased online (of course your ill need to know how to read Japanese): Read more…
Tags: Anime, Hello Kitty, Japan, manga, One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 29, 2011 in Animation, Comic Books, Hobbies and Collections

Great news for those of of us who love manga pirates and cartoon cats: Sanrio and Toei Animation are planning a merchandising plan for ONE PIECE × HELLO KITTY for a wide range of products which will come out in November. Goodies will include clothing, stationery, cosmetics and even fashion accessories. The branding will feature Kitty dressed up as Chopper, and hopper will sport a kitty hat (which make sense given how much Tony Chopper enjoys all things pink). Read more…
Tags: Anime, Hello Kitty, Japan, One Piece
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 12, 2011 in Animation, Fandom

Check out these wicked One Piece punk rock tees from Japanese clothing label Project SR’ES. While I still admit that I’m not the worlds largest One Piece fan, I have to admit the show has led to plenty of interesting fashion. The Tony Tony Chopper tee in particular stikes me as not only sleek and adorably awesome, but incredibly wearable. I can’t really say that much for most of the anime-themed clothing on the market. The real issue is that I’m pretty sure we’ll never get a chance to order these in the US. While the clothing label was established in Honolulu back in 2000, all that remains domestically is a US show room. Their business operation primarily resides in Japan. On top of that, most of the clothing sizes are Japanese, meaning that even though I wear an American medium or large, I’d be forced to hunt for a Japanese extra large and even then, there’s no guarantee it’ll fit comfortably. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find a few of them floating around eBay. If you’d like a closer look, head over to the Oricon Store for more photos.
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Tags: One Piece, t-shirt
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 31, 2011 in Comic Books

Are you ready for this one? Weekly Shonen Jump No. 9 which just came out this week includes a build-it-yourself paper cut out One Piece pirate ship! I have to same I’m quite jealous of the high quality of Japanese comic magazine, when was the last time you found anything in an American comic book like a fold out poster, stickers or even a toy? Read more…
Tags: manga, One Piece
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 30, 2010 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

So you love One Piece, and you want to rock some nifty pirate attire but don’t want to bother with an eyepatch? Don’t worry, Japan has you covered. Check out these sweet One Piece sun glasses and frames. Sure, they’re not quite as fierce as an actual eye-patch, but I’m sure anyone who recognizes the logo will envy you. Everyone else? Well, at least they still look pretty classy. I suppose it depends on which color you end up getting. As much as I love Frankie, I’m not sure I’d look pretty good in baby blue shades, and I’m not sure many of you would either. Thankfully, there are plenty of others to choose from, with each color and design for each of your favorite characters. No word on when or if these will be available stateside, though I imagine that if anyone decides to carry them, it’ll be J-List. Until then, just stare in awe.
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Tags: One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 12, 2010 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

Yes I know on the surface that this USB Oshaberi Talking Chopper seems like a typical superficial useless office toy — but the reality is that it’s highly educational linguistic device! This talking Tony Tony Chopper can not only blink his eyes and move his cheeks but he can also speak up to 70 lines (in japanese of course) from One Piece. Read more…
Tags: Anime, One Piece, USB device
Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 23, 2010 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

The character designs in One Piece are already quite cute to start with however these PansonWorks keychains really take kawaii quality of the manga up to the next level. There are ten designs in all with this series including Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, Zorro, Ace, Shanks, Nami and Sanji. I really love the fact that they have two poses for Luffy and Chopper: Read more…
Tags: Anime, One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 10, 2010 in Animation

Yes I know that the furthest thing from your mind is celebrating a happy new year — but for hardcore otaku in Japan it’s the season to start thinking about which anime calendar to select for 2011! Shown here are a preview of a few of the calendars which will be available for pre-orders in Japan on September 26th. Shown above is One Piece and below is Naruto: Read more…
Tags: Anime, Bleach, Japan, Naruto, One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 24, 2010 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

Of course you can safely assume that as an anime fanboy I’m impressed with anything with One Piece artwork on it — but what impresses me about this is that it’s the first time that I’m seeing really accessories for the iPad start to emerge from Japan! This One Piece Hard Shell Jacket for the iPad protects your Apple gizmo from scratches with illustrations of Luffy, Chopper, Nico Robin and many more: Read more…
Tags: Anime, iPad, One Piece
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 19, 2010 in Animation, Fandom

It’s so rare for me to come across wearable Otaku-oriented clothing. I use the term wearable in that I’ve seen more than my fair share of lounge shirts plastered with gaudy designs — be it the choice of the color or the anime inspired prints themselves. These jeans, however, are hardly an eye-sore. With the words of Monkey D. Luffy gracing your rear-end, you too can aspire to rule the high seas and collect the ultimate treasure — that is, if you can manage to fit in them. Read more…
Tags: Fandom, Fashion, One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on May 17, 2010 in Animation, Comic Books, Hobbies and Collections

This beautifully crafted One Piece human/reindeer hybrid figurine is from a Japanese company called Plex. I’m particularly impressed with the high level of detail of the paint job shown in the photos, it shows a nice level of craftsmanship. The cast of the manga is being released one at a time and Tony Tony Chopper who is shown here is set to come out in June. Read more…
Tags: Anime, manga, One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 28, 2010 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

Bandai is releasing a limited edition of 100 official Luffy straw hats. Now these aren’t just any old hats made to make a quick yen — these hand made hats will be crafted fourth generation milliners who live by the Inland Sea in Japan. The hats will be shipping in mid-June and sell for ¥4980 each, although my guess is that the competition will be pretty stuff from the many other One Piece fans. Read more…
Tags: Anime, One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on Feb 24, 2010 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

I’m always amazed at the amazing variety of anime merchandise: Back in the day you were lucky to find your favorite toy robot hidden away in Chinatown, but now there’s every type of anime themed goodie that you can imagine thanks to the net. And this One Piece Jolly Roger Towel is proof of this concept — as you can now go to the beach and proudly proclaim your Luffy allegiance amongst dunes, surfers and sunscreen. Read more…
Tags: Anime, One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 31, 2010 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

This collection of Phone cases were issued to celebrate the tenth anniversary of One Piece. The first set of three features Monkey D. Luffy Wanted, Chopper Pink, and a Chopper Black version: Read more…
Tags: Anime, iPhone, Japan, One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 1, 2009 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

PansonWorks from Japan has created a line of One Piece air-deformed (and super cuter) figurines. PansonWorks is best known for a hip collection of character designs known as Robin and his 100 Friends. The One Piece figurines go on pre-sale on December 14th. Here’s the rest of the collection: Read more…
Tags: Anime, Japan, One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 30, 2009 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

What makes One Piece (ワンピース) so appealing is that the characters aren’t stiff but cartoony and fun. This new set of One Piece Portrait of Pirates Excellent Model Mild Straw Theater Figures picks up on this and pushes the character designs even further as collectable figures by making the head of each character just a bit bigger and cuter. This collection includes Monkey D. Luffy (shown above), Roronoah Zoro looking grumpy and a happy smiling Nami: Read more…
Tags: Anime, One Piece
Posted by Michael Pinto on Feb 17, 2009 in Hobbies and Collections

From a fanboy point of view one of the coolest exhibitors at Toy Fair 2009 was the Attakus Collection booth which was packed with highly detailed collectables that take your breath away. The Star Wars Probe Droid above first caught my eye due to the huge scale (and loving detail), but they also had a an amazing collection of smaller scale figures based on everything from Marvel Comics to AstroBoy: Read more…
Tags: Anime, Astro Boy, Marvel, One Piece, Shrek, Sponge Bob, Star Wars, Toy Fair 2009