Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 28, 2013 in

One of the major new feature of Super Mario 3D World (besides it being the first must-play Mario game since Super Mario Galaxy) is the Cat Suit, which provides lots of mobility and new abilities, as well as making whoever wears it completely adorable. Mega64 brainstormed and realized that if Cat Mario loves jumping around his candy-coated world, maybe real cats would too! Hence this video, in which cats prove that they are not going to play along with your Mario fantasies. Now if only Mega64 would put out more videos like they used to, because I can’t remember how long it’s been since their last one. Read more…
Tags: Mario Brothers, Mega64, Nintendo, Wii U
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 6, 2013 in

Depending on your point of view, Mega64 are either hilarious or terrible jerks. Bumbling about in public dressed up as video game characters, sometimes directly around people, sometimes just providing a very weird show… it’s not your typical street performance. But it’s always worth it when someone reacts in a funny way or says something humorous when three grown men in costumes fumble their way through a park. Now I kind of want an animal mask for myself. Watch the video below. Read more…
Tags: Hotline Miami, Mega64
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 31, 2011 in

Let me preface this post with with a note: I really enjoy Skyrim. I think it’s an incredibly fun game, weighed down by poor optimisation and tons of bugs. The fact that an entire version of the game (PS3) becomes virtually unplayable after a length of time is ridiculous. That said, it’s good to laugh, and Mega64’s recent Skyrim-themed “fan film” (and I’m using those quotes heavily) is pretty funny, if one-note. Read more…
Tags: Mega64, Skyrim