Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 10, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,

I love it whenever my favorite toy and figure companies pick up a videogame license, so it’s no surprise that I’m excited about this little venture I’ve stumbled upon. Capcom and Medicom have recently teamed up to create a line of Mega Man inspired Kubricks and Be@rbricks! Each Kubrick, Mega Man and Protoman respectively, come packed with their own 1Up Be@rbrick. Each set will be limited to 500, and are currently available exclusively through the Capcom US online store. Now, they won’t be available until August 12th, but you can pre-order them now for $39.95 each, and if you buy both sets together, you can save $5 off your total. Sure, they might be a little expensive, but they’re limited edition. Besides, if you’re any fan of those classic Nintendo games, you owe it to yourself to pick one up — I know I will.
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Tags: Capcom, Medicom, Mega Man
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 7, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections

Okay, maybe that’s a pretty high estimate, but if you want to prove the Master Control Unit wrong, you’ll need to go to San Diego Comic-Con later this month and be one of the lucky 1,500 to people in line. Why only 1,500? Well, like so many other toys premiering at the event, it’s a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive. Rendered with in a translucent purple, this Be@rbrick features the famous circut design of the outfits from the sci-fi classic. For those of you fortunate enough to be going, you’ll want to head over to the Diamond Comics booth to pick yours up. No word on the price as of yet.
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Tags: Medicom, Toys, Tron
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 11, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Trek

Medicom’s at it again with their ever-so-popular Be@rbrick line — this time, featuring characters from Star Trek’s original series. While I’m sure most of you were probably hoping to see Spock and McCoy along for the ride, Kirk’s instead joined by Uhura. A bit of a surprise, but definitely nothing to complain about. Being sold as a set, they’re current listed for 2604 yen, which comes out to about $28 USD. No word on when they’ll be available for order, though I’m sure we’ll end up seeing them for order via Hobby Link Japan in no time.
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Tags: Medicom, Star Trek, Toys