Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 19, 2012 in

Capcom is notorious for the way they release their fighting games. Popular staples like Street Fighter or Marvel vs. Capcom will get many minor updates before a proper sequel is even considered. I understand why, since reinventing the wheel over and over again would throw players off their game, but it also smacks of a cash-grab. When asked why Capcom doesn’t just release a stream of updates instead of more expensive boxed copies, Senior VP Christian Svennson revealed the company’s reasoning. Read more…
Tags: Capcom, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Street Fighter
Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 22, 2011 in
Comic Books,

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 isn’t even a year old, but Capcom has already announced its value-priced followup, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Besides gameplay tweaks like new moves for current fighters and a direly-needed spectator system for online matches, Marvel and Capcom have also added a dozen new (and bizarre, in some cases) fighters to the fray. The original announcement showed Hawkeye and Ghost Rider for the Marvel side, with Firebrand and MvC fan-favorite Strider Hiryu repping Capcom. A accidental leak from the Capcom website, however, revealed the entire list of new brawlers, relieving us of the suspense of several months of slow-drip character reveals. Marvel fans can now also look forward to playing as Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Nova, and Rocket Raccoon (?!); Capcom fans get their pick of Dead Rising‘s Frank West, Resident Evil 3‘s Nemesis, Dante’s brother Vergil from Devil May Cry, and Phoenix Wright (?!). See what I mean about bizarre? Mega Man fans reeling from the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 will no doubt be disappointed that the Blue Bomber is skipping this iteration of the fighting game yet again. UMvC3 is slated for release in November of this year, with an MSRP of $39.99. Read more…
Tags: Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Posted by Michael Sacco on Feb 19, 2011 in
Comic Books,

Brand-new brawler Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has a pretty robust roster of 38 characters (including announced DLC characters), but just because a character didn’t make it into the game in playable form doesn’t mean they didn’t make it in at all. Each playable character’s ending in Arcade mode has unique art and dialogue, and almost every ending has cameos from both sides of the Marvel-Capcom spectrum. GamesRadar has collected them all and catalogued them for your perusal, and there are cameos from some seriously obscure or second-string characters here. Shanna the She-Devil? Dazzler? Fin Fang Foom? Awesome. And then there are some matchups that just make sense, like Devil May Cry‘s Dante duking it out with Ghost Rider. I’d pay to see that fight. Read more…
Tags: Marvel vs. Capcom 3