Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 22, 2015 in Comic Books, Television

The Hollywood Reporter has revealed that the rumored Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. spin-off is actually happening. While Marvel and ABC haven’t said anything yet, their sources state that ex-couple Bobbi “Mockingbird” Morse (Adrianne Palicki) and Lance Hunter (Nick Blood) will leave S.H.I.E.L.D. to headline a new series. S.H.I.E.L.D. executive producer/writer Jeffrey Bell and co-executive producer/writer Paul Zbyszewski are also on board. The upcoming final episodes of S.H.I.E.L.D. will set up the series. Read more…
Tags: Agents of SHIELD, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 14, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

I’m surprisingly interested in Ant-Man, considering that Marvel’s Phase Two “epilogue” comes across like an afterthought after Avengers: Age of Ultron. But that teaser trailer was incredibly uninteresting, showing some cool visuals without explaining what makes this different than other Marvel movies. The first “real” trailer has dropped, and it makes up for most of the teaser trailer’s faults. The comedy could still use more of a presence, but at least the jokes land better. And we have an idea of what Ant-Man is about, including a good look at the villain Yellowjacket. I get the feeling it will still be an uphill battle to sell people on the movie after Age of Ultron, but this is a good start. Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 13, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

Marvel’s president Kevin Feige has laid to rest much of the speculation surrounding the upcoming Spider-Man reboot in the MCU: he has confirmed that yes, Spider-Man will be Peter Parker, yes, he will be 15-16 years old, and yes, there will be no origin story in the film. Great! I don’t think we need to see the spider bite and Uncle Ben die again. Feige said their conceit is that Spidey is already out there, “running around New York City in a homemade version of the Spider-Man costume in the MCU. You just don’t know it yet.” And as for the costume itself? “We’ve already designed the costume, which is different than any of the ones that have come before. And yet ours is classic Spidey, as I think you’ll see.” Read more…
Tags: Marvel, Spider-man
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 11, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

…and one DC Comics Joker tease. For some reason, all the superhero movie marketing teams decided to release their promotional images of new outfits this week. Here’s a list of what showed up: a clear upper-body shot of Vision, the final Daredevil costume, Yellowjacket from Ant-Man, concept art for Angel in X-Men Apocalypse, and a quick tease of Jared Leto’s Joker. Let’s jump in, shall we? Read more…
Tags: DC Comics, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 8, 2015 in Animation, Comic Books

Marvel has put out plenty of cartoons with their popular characters, but none of them have been tied into the Marvel Cinematic Universe yet. But since it’s already expanded to TV and Netflix, who’s to say they shouldn’t try cartoons as well? At Emerald City Comic Con, a fan asked Marvel VP of Animation Development and Production Cort Lane whether any of their cartoons would ever tie into the MCU. Lane replied, “I can’t announce anything, but things are in the works.” Obviously that’s little to go on, but hey, it could be cool if they put some more care into the project than their current kid-targeted shows. Something more along the lines of The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes than Avengers Assemble would be fun. Read more…
Tags: Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 28, 2015 in Cinema

The Anchorman director Adam McKay almost directed Ant-Man last year. He buffed up the script with Paul Rudd and was rumored to be the pick for director, but at the last minute Peyton Reed slid into the spot. Now, according to the Latino Review, McKay is in line to direct a Marvel pic. McKay has been vocal about wanting to make a Marvel movie, so given that he was almost in for one project, it wouldn’t be hard to sign onto another. Marvel certainly seems to like him! As for which film that could be, Latino Review speculates that the most likely option at this point in Inhumans. Maybe? Read more…
Tags: Inhumans, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 24, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

In what was one of Hollywood’s worst-kept secrets, the Russo brothers have been confirmed as the directors of Avengers: Infinity War, the two-part epic that all of Marvel’s previous films have been leading to. The first two Avengers films were directed by Joss Whedon, who is stepping down to work on his own projects. Joe and Anthony Russo first directed Captain America: The Winter Soldier for Marvel, and they will begin shooting Captain America: Civil War next month. Seeing as The Winter Soldier is arguably the best Marvel film so far, I’d say the movies are in good hands. The Russo brothers will shooting both parts in one long shoot in 2016. Read more…
Tags: Avengers: Infinity War, Joss Whedon, Marvel, the Russo Brothers
Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 11, 2015 in Comic Books, Television

As much as I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I have to admit that they have a villain problem. Other than a few notable exceptions (like Loki), the film version of these villains lack depth, whether it’s the fault of the script, the editing, or something else. It’s encouraging to see the first full trailer for Daredevil focus a good portion of the trailer on Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin. Maybe having 13 episodes to play with will give Marvel the time it needs to fully develop the character, who seems to be trying his best to do good things for his neighborhood, albeit using questionable methods. It’s going to be hard to wait a whole month for this. Read more…
Tags: Daredevil, Marvel, Netflix
Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 5, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

Admittedly, I’m not watching any more Avengers: Age of Ultron trailers, because I don’t want to see the same scenes over and over again and ruin their context within the film. I already know I’m going to see the movie. But that doesn’t mean readers shouldn’t watch this trailer, because from what I’m told, you finally get a good shot of the Vision’s face; the character has had minimal marketing so far, probably so people don’t ask too many questions about potential plot twists he’s involved in. Go ahead and watch, I won’t judge!
Read more…
Tags: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 3, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

In what isn’t a huge surprise, it seems that Drew Goddard may be writing and directing the next Spider-Man. While Goddard’s rep walked back initial reports that it was a sure thing, he apparently has a meeting with Sony to discuss the possibility. Goddard first joined the Spider-Man franchise when he left Marvel’s Daredevil (coming soon to Netflix) in favor of Sony’s Sinister Six spin-off of The Amazing Spider-Man. With that series officially dead and Sinister Six put back into development — which seems like the precursor to a mercy killing. Honestly, this just makes sense, so don’t be surprised when this is announced soon. Read more…
Tags: Marvel, Sony, Spider-man
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 24, 2015 in Television

Though Marvel’s Inhumans movie won’t be out until the far-distant future of 2019 (scheduled after Avengers: Infinity War Part 2), Marvel stealthily introduced them in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s mid-season 2 finale. But though Skye and Raina “became” something more, the episode ended before we could really get any answers. Judging by this promo for the second half of the season, it won’t stay that way for long. Skye specifically says the word “Inhuman,” so it’s possible this is where the word may originate from in the MCU. I think it’s safe to say that for now, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. might as well be called Inhumans of S.H.I.E.L.D. for the rest of this season. Read more…
Tags: Agents of SHIELD, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 22, 2015 in Cinema

There’s been tons of speculation over who will play the new Spider-Man. We heard a few names being floated not long ago, but on Meet the Movie Press, TheWrap’s Jeff Sneider went on record saying that the new Spider-Man will not be white. He also believes that there is a high chance he won’t be Peter Parker as well. Sneider isn’t someone to make stuff up, as he’s also worked for Variety in the past and is very reliable. If he’s saying this, it’s because he’s hearing inside info that’s pointing him this way. Now, this could contradict the initial Marvel press release that mentioned “Peter Parker” specifically, but Sneider says that the Sony email leaks might have been a factor in changing the character. Could we get Mile Morales? I would love to see this happen. (And sorry guys, but it won’t be Donald Glover. It’ll be a younger actor.) Video below with the full conversation! Read more…
Tags: Marvel, Spider-man
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 11, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

Quick recap: when the company was going through hard times, Marvel sold the film rights to its most popular characters, which meant when they started making movies, they needed to turn their B-list heroes into stars. They’ve reacquired some of those rights, but X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man have remained in the hands of Fox and Sony. But since Sony’s Spider-Man movies have been floundering — The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is just awful — they’ve been talking to Marvel to try and get things back on track. Thankfully, they finally have a deal, and it’s great news for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Spider-Man’s back. Or almost back. Read more…
Tags: Marvel, Sony, Spider-man
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 8, 2015 in Comic Books

Marvel has slowly been working on making more diverse comics, and while it’s still not perfect, they’ve made some big strides. Their latest announcement is the A-Force, an Avengers comic featuring an all female cast. The roster will be lead by She-Hulk, along with Dazzler, Medusa, Nico Minoru, and a new heroine called Singularity. The art for the series will be done by Jorge Molina with writing by the Ms. Marvel scribe, G. Willow Wilson, and Marguerite Bennett (Batgirl). This is a really cool setup (it’s part of Marvel’s Secret Wars storyline right now) and I hope it continues beyond that. Check out the full cover art below. Read more…
Tags: Marvel, The Avengers
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 5, 2015 in Comic Books, Television

Many Marvel films go for a slightly more light-hearted tone, adding an endearing mix of humor and optimism to potentially dark events. Trailers may seem dark, but it’s usually just marketing for otherwise PG-13 adventure material, like Ant-Man‘s overly serious trailer for a film that’s actually described as a comedy. But on Netflix, they can play with more expectations, and the first of four upcoming series is Daredevil, which finally released a trailer for its April 10 premiere. With the Netflix series focusing more on vigilantes cleaning up New York (specifically Hell’s Kitchen in Daredevil), it’s not just visually darker, but tonally darker. I think we’re going to see a lot more blood in this series than any other Marvel movie to date. Take a look yourself! Read more…
Tags: Daredevil, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 3, 2015 in Comic Books, Television

Marvel has quite a nice cast shaping up for A.K.A. Jessica Jones so far. Krysten Ritter (Jessica Jones), David Tennant (Kilgrave), and Mike Colter (Luke Cage) were all previously confirmed, and last week Rachael Taylor (Patricia “Trish” Walker) joined. Now we’ve got Trinity from The Matrix stepping in. Marvel declined to reveal what character Moss would be playing, only saying that she was “a no-nonsense woman who could prove a powerful ally to Jessica…if Jessica doesn’t completely alienate her first.” That doesn’t really narrow it down, but she could easily be an original character too. Either way, it’ll be worth watching this great cast when A.K.A. Jessica Jones premieres on Netflix in early 2016, or if we’re lucky, late 2015. Read more…
Tags: Jessica Jones, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 30, 2015 in Hobbies and Collections

Lego does a good job of keeping leaks locked down! Lego fans had heard rumors of an Ultimate Collectors Series Marvel S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier for a long while, but images of the set didn’t leak until yesterday! Now it’s been officially announced so here: take a look at the Helicarrier! It’s a large model with quite a lot of minifigures, microscale jets, microfigures, and more. It’s nearly 3000 pieces and will run you $349.99. Lego VIP members will get it February 17th, and it’ll go on sale to the general public on March 1st. It also apparently has a spot to drop in Lego battery-powered motors (sold separately, of course). Check out the images below! Read more…
Tags: Lego, Marvel, The Avengers
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 28, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four reboot is not part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, just like X-Men and Spider-Man. A lot of Marvel fans are upset about that and would rather Fox hand the rights back over to Marvel so they can make a proper adaptation. But that’s not happening, so let’s look at what we’ve got. Despite all the talk of stupid decisions like Doctor Doom being a blogger and a fantastic team being “grounded,” this actually looks pretty good. Despite being Marvel’s first superhero team, a lot of the aspects of the comic could seem more like a horror story; one guy gets turned into a monster! It’s not a bad idea to move their origin from space to an alternate-dimension experiment, taking inspiration from Ultimate Fantastic Four. So while I’d prefer this to be a lighter, more “out there” story in the vein of Marvel’s other films, I have to admit Trank and Fox’s version doesn’t look half-bad. Read more…
Tags: 20th Century Fox, Fantastic Four, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 27, 2015 in Comic Books, Television

Part of my enjoyment of all these new Marvel movies and TV series is getting to know characters I never knew of before. The Netflix series fit that bill pretty well, because non-comic fans likely have no idea who Jessica Jones is. But A.K.A. Jessica Jones is the second Netflix series in production (after this April’s Daredevil), telling the story of a retired superhero who becomes a detective. We’ve learned that Krysten Ritter is the titular hero, while Mike Colter is potential love-interest Luke Cage (with his own Netflix series at least a year out). Now Marvel has cast their villain: David Tennant. Read more…
Tags: Jessica Jones, Marvel, Netflix
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 22, 2015 in Comic Books

Remember how Marvel was teasing its next crossover event Secret Wars — a revival of their original 80s crossover — with ads for previous popular storylines, many of them alternate worlds? Well, they’ve clarified what’s going on, and though they won’t call it a reboot, it’s basically a soft reboot. Once Secret Wars #1 is out, “there’s no Marvel universe, there’s no Ultimate universe. It’s all Battleworld,” a world made up of countries formed from all the different Marvel universes. That means alternate realities like Age of Apocalypse will be mixing with 2099. The main focus will be on the main Marvel-616 universe colliding with the Ultimate universe, as the latter has been winding down as of late. Read more…
Tags: Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 16, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

Rumors are fun! You also can’t always take them seriously. But this one has some heft behind it: over the past month or two we’ve seen tons of leaked Sony emails and an abundance of rumors that all point to Sony being in talks with Marvel. They want to do something with Spider-Man… but as usual with giant corporations, they’re getting hung up on all the little details. However, Da7e from Latino Review is reporting that according to their sources, the Marvel and Sony deal has gone through, and Spider-Man will feature in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1. It will not feature Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. Still, it’s hard to really believe this until we see it, because hey: it still sounds almost impossible for the two behemoths to agree. But I sure do hope that this all works out in the end! Read more…
Tags: Marvel, Sony, Spider-man
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 13, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

Were you already sold on Avengers: Age of Ultron after the first trailer? If so, don’t bother watching this second trailer. It’s got a lot of new, tantalizing footage, but all that will do is spoil you a bit more for the actual film. But if you were somehow on the fence, or you just don’t care, then soak up more shots of returning characters, big action, and dozens of little things to speculate endlessly on. Look, Age of Ultron doesn’t need much more promotion at this point beyond the final weeks before its release. It’s the sequel to one of the biggest films of all time, so people are going to go see it. But if you can’t get enough, expect more trailers and hints in the coming months. Read more…
Tags: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 8, 2015 in Cinema, Television

I thought for sure that we wouldn’t see Marvel’s Daredevil series until May at the earliest, or more likely sometime this summer. But no, Marvel has announced that all thirteen hour-long episodes will be available on Netflix starting on April 10. That’s soon! Knowing Marvel, they’ll probably be starting to slowly drop more teasers for the show until we finally start seeing some trailers and promotion, maybe as soon as February. I’m curious to see how this may fit in with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., which will still be airing at that time, and Avengers: Age of Ultron, which releases less than a month later. But as usual, I’m most interested to see Marvel introduce a character I don’t know much about, having steered clear of the poorly-rated Ben Affleck film. Read more…
Tags: Daredevil, Marvel, Netflix
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 7, 2015 in Cinema, Comic Books

First promised back in 2006, Ant-Man has been on Marvel’s back-burner for years before going through several changes to the creative team. But surprisingly, not much has changed besides the loss of Edgar Wright. Ant-Man still promises to be a comedic heist movie in a superhero shell, though sadly, that doesn’t really make it across in this first teaser (human, not ant-sized). While the footage looks good, there’s little humor, with the trailer being cut like a normal superhero film. The shrinking bits look well-done, but I’ll admit, I was expecting more from this first look. Nothing looks wrong, but for a film about a more obscure superhero with a strange name/power, Marvel really needed to sell this better to those who have doubts. Still, have a look, and hope that the next trailer is more suited to the film they’re promoting. Read more…
Tags: ant-man, Marvel