Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 16, 2014 in

There are two DLC packs planned for Mario Kart 8, and they’re planned to have some crossover elements from fellow Nintendo series The Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing. Each DLC pack features two new cups, four new vehicles, and three new playable characters, one of which is Link. He’ll be in the first DLC pack due November 2014, along with this newly-revealed motorcycle called the Master Cycle. It’s blue like the hilt of the Master Sword, and also looks like a horse. Nintendo humorously notes that this vehicle “has plenty of horse power.” This is such a cool thing to see that I’m going to let that horrible pun slide. Read more…
Tags: Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart, Nintendo, Wii U
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 28, 2014 in

Nintendo has been slowly releasing more DLC in its games, which would normally be reason to be concerned about getting nickel and dimed. Opinions were split on the three free Mercedes cars (well, karts) that just got released in Mario Kart 8; while getting more content for free was a good thing, the sponsorship had many wary. But the latest Mario Kart 8 DLC announcement should put concerns to rest. There will be two upcoming DLC packs, one in November 2014 and one in May 2015. Each pack will come with three new characters (including Link from Zelda and the Villager & Isabelle from Animal Crossing), eight new courses, and four new vehicles. The courses will be partially based on other Nintendo games like Excitebike, F-Zero, and more. As a bonus, if both packs are purchased, you’ll get eight color variations for both Yoshi and Shy Guy — and you can use them right now if you preorder the packs on Nintendo’s eShop. Read more…
Tags: Mario Kart, Nintendo, Wii U
Posted by Ben Huber on May 31, 2014 in

Nintendo has finally sold out — Mario is hawking Mercedes-Benz now. As part of Nintendo’s pledge to be more free with their precious licenses, Mario is now starring in a Mercedes-Benz commercial advertising their new GLA. Not only that, when he emerges from the car, he’s strangely handsome. There’s also free DLC coming to Mario Kart 8 (which released yesterday) which will feature the GLA as a playable vehicle. Product-placement galore! (At least it’s optional.) I wonder if we’ll see more weird product crossovers from Nintendo in the future? The ad is embedded below for your viewing pleasure. Read more…
Tags: Mario Kart
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 28, 2014 in

I think we can all say that the Sochi Olympics were pretty intense this year, even without all the political drama the surrounded the affair. However, despite all these impressive acts of athleticism on display, I’d bet that you’d agree that adding Mario Kart items into the mix would’ve made them even more exciting. That’s what YouTube user Timtimfed (Michael Shanks) imagined, and he made it happen. His video of the “Speed Skating Double Dash Final” features exactly the items you’d expect to see. And of course, what would it be without the dry, calm commentary by the announcers? Check it out below. Read more…
Tags: Mario Kart, sports
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 15, 2014 in

Mario Kart 8 is (sadly) the next big Nintendo game after Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze. Nintendo finally decided to slap a release date on it, and we’ll be seeing it on US shores on May 30th. They released a new trailer packed full of gameplay, but also some new faces to the Mario Kart world: the Koopalings. All seven of them! That definitely pads out the character count a bit, and adds some variety to the cast. I imagine after they returned in New Super Mario Bros. U, they were a bit more popular. Check out the trailer below. Read more…
Tags: Mario Kart, Wii U
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 20, 2013 in

It looks like her role in Super Mario 3D World has gotten Rosalina, the princess from Super Mario Galaxy, some more work! Her two most recent cameos seems to be cementing her position as a stable Mario character. First up, she’s a playable character in Smash Brothers for Wii U and 3DS, along with her Luma star pal. They seem to have a bit of a 2-player vibe going on, too! Then, she’ll also be appearing in Mario Kart 8 as a racer, but given her appearance in the previous Mario Kart, that’s not as surprising, but it’s nice to see her sticking around. I’m cool with Rosalina being a new Mario mainstay, as we need to female characters in our video games. Check out the Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. trailers below! Read more…
Tags: Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros.