Posted by Michael Pinto on May 30, 2012 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Pulp Fiction

Ah yes this clever doorstop brings the Call of Cthulhu to mind — as if the evil ones were at your front door but you didn’t want them to come in. The Tentacle Doorstop is available from the Neatshop. Read more…
Tags: Lovecraft
Posted by Michael Sacco on Jun 10, 2011 in
Pulp Fiction

Legendary “weird fiction” writer H.P. Lovecraft spawned a mythos that continues to thrive well after his death, and its nihilistic, uncaring universe is populated with aliens, extradimensional beings, and regular old earthbound monsters. The funny part about most of these creatures, though, is that few words are usually used to describe how they actually look. That hasn’t stopped artists from trying, though. My first introduction to Lovecraft was my copy of Barlowe’s Guide to Extraterrestrials I got as a kid, wherein the titular Wayne Barlowe drew his closest approximation of what Lovecraft’s Elder Things — the aliens from “At the Mountains of Madness” — looked like. Michael Bukowski continues in Barlowe’s grand tradition by drawing pretty much every one of Lovecraft’s numerous horrors, using creative license to fill in the blanks that Lovecraft’s proclivity for dramatic obfuscation left behind. Read more…
Tags: Cthulu, Lovecraft
Posted by Michael Sacco on Jan 16, 2011 in
Pulp Fiction

If you’re like me, while strolling through your local Ikea, you’ve thought to yourself “this black leather chair is nice, but if only it had an enormous octopus built into it…” Maximo Riera clearly feels the same way, as he’s designed this downright Cthulhuesque…Cthulhoid…Cthonic…Cthulhu-lookin’ chair. Perfect for not being dead, but lounging eternally. Alternatively, reading the writings of the mad Arab Abdul Al-Hazred and summoning horrors from beyond space and time. Really, the world is your oyster with this thing. Or at least the chair is your octopus. Read more…
Tags: Cthulhu, Lovecraft