Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 19, 2015 in

Remember Kung Fury? It was a pastiche of 80s action movies that raised funds via Kickstarter with plenty of success. The short film will release on May 28th on YouTube. It has a little bit of everything: dinosaurs, kung fu, nazis, vikings, and plenty of over-the-top action. As you know, any good 80s film has to have a theme song tie-in, right? Well Kung Fury hit it out of the park: they enlisted David Hasselhoff to perform the theme song True Survivor… and it’s just as ridiculous as you’d expect. Check out all the explosions, cheesy lyrics, and dinosaurs in the video below! Read more…
Tags: David Hasselhoff, Kung Fury
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 28, 2013 in

Alright, I know what you’re gonna say: another Kickstarter? But this one’s good. And with so many people using it, it really has become less of a novelty and more a legitimate pathway to funding your project. Kung Fury is an 80s-themed live-action movie by David Sandberg. It features vikings, Norse Gods, dinosaurs, guns, neon lights, and renegade time-travelling kung fu cops out to kill Hitler (the Kung Führer, of course). It looks suitably insane and has the look down pat. You can watch the trailer below made up of their existing footage, and then head over to their Kickstarter page to find out all the juicy details! Read more…
Tags: Kickstarter, Kung Fury