Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 22, 2013 in

Here’s the first trailer for Wally Pfister’s directorial debut, Transcendence. Christopher Nolan’s dedicated director of photography is stepping out on his own to make his own films, and he’s got quite the cast for his first: Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Rebecca Hall, Paul Bettany, and Cillian Murphy just to name a few. It looks like working on the Dark Knight trilogy paid off, eh? It features Depp as a scientist who promises a world of super-intelligent computers and the eventual merging of man and machine. But once he’s killed by anti-technology radicals, his wife uploads his consciousness into a superpowered computer and things get a bit crazy from there. It seems like an interesting idea, but I’m not sure where Depp is getting those supernatural powers from? I suppose we’ll understand more when the film comes out on April 18th, next year. Read more…
Tags: Johnny Depp, Wally Pfister
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 5, 2012 in

Perhaps I’m just a jaded, empty, shell of a man, but when I first saw the news of Gore Verbinski tackling a remake of The Lone Ranger, I was skeptical. And now that the trailer is out, I have to say, my opinion hasn’t changed. The film stars Johnny Depp and some other guy (poor Armie Hammer, being upstaged by his co-star) with Helena Bonham Carter. Is she legally obligated to be in any film that features Depp? Is it some bizarre clause written into his contract? Is there some internal movie studio study that shows Helena and Johnny together increase movie revenue? I just don’t understand. Read more…
Tags: Armie Hammer, Johnny Depp, The Lone Ranger
Posted by Gia Manry on Aug 15, 2011 in
Pulp Fiction,

I confess that of the 16.2 zillion reruns I caught as a kid, the 1950s’The Lone Ranger isn’t one I particularly took to— I was more of a Zorro girl— but plenty of nerds grew up with Kemo Sabe and Tonto, whether as a new radio/television series or in rerun form, and I was certainly interested in Johnny Depp’s take on the character (I haven’t reached critical mass on Depp flicks, apparently).
Unfortunately, production on the flick has just been shut down. Read more…
Tags: Green Hornet, Johnny Depp, The Lone Ranger
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 5, 2008 in

As a fanboy I’m against Hollywood remakes for the most part, but if Tim Burton is going to turn the classic 60s horror soap opera Dark Shadows into a film then I’ll gladly approve of the notion: Read more…
Tags: Dark Shadows, Johnny Depp, Tim Burton