Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 1, 2011 in

A while back I came across an interesting iPhone app called Bijin Tokei. I had no idea what it was at first, but I knew enough Japanese to figure out it had something to do with beautiful girls. That said, I didn’t know what to expect, especially considering Apple keeps their app store relatively clean. Turns out it’s simply a clock app that simply displays pictures of beautiful Japanese girls holding up the time. I can’t say my mind was blown, but I have to admit it’s entertaing enough to keep me coming back and tame enough to not feel creepy. Read more…
Tags: iPhone, Japanophile
Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 27, 2008 in
Hobbies and Collections

This is the prefect gift for eco-minded Japanophiles:
Shinbun Tote Bags
“Japanese newspaper (shinbun) expertly folded and glued by hand in Towa Village by farmer’s wives. For the environmentally conscience.”
Although now that I’m thinking about it: I wonder how eco-friendly the bag is if it needs to be flown to the United States all the way from Japan thus adding to global warming? Oh well you can’t have it all, but the bag still looks cool…
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Tags: Japan, Japanophile