Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 20, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,

If you like you sounds kawaii this Speagurumi Cute Carrying Pouch Speaker collection is for you! Each speaker retains it’s block look, thus giving a superdeformed blockhead version of Hello Kitty, Elmo from Sesame Street, Doraemon and a Mukku version of Gachapin: Read more…
Tags: Doraemon, Hello Kitty, iPod, iPod Touch, Sesame Street
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 15, 2010 in

Nimble Strong is a new bar-tending themed game for the iPhone which combines the charm of an old school Nintendo role playing game with an otaku-friendly anime art direction style. However unlike so many Nintendo DS games where you’re challenged with a unrelated quiz at every turn (like Professor Layton) what makes the gameplay here so wonderful is that to advance in the game you have to mix a drink. And you’re not just blindly clicking on a tumbler to score points, but actually learning to bartend as you go along: Read more…
Tags: Anime, iPhone, iPod Touch
Posted by Michael Pinto on Feb 19, 2009 in

The latest Apple commercial featuring 20 hot games on the iPod Touch brought a smile to my eye as it represents Apple getting back their pre-Macintosh roots of the Apple ][. The hidden secret to the success of any operating system is games. Now these don’t have to be games aimed at hardcore gamers, in fact what will sell a platform are casual games that you can drop in and out of easily. Read more…
Tags: Apple, iPhone, iPod Touch
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 22, 2009 in

From time-to-time techies go through certain fads where a certain idea just seems right, so we often yearn for a solution to which there is no problem. A good example of this occuired in the 90s when many smart folks realized that while a PC with Windows 95, Netscape and a dialup modem were great — what if you could push this concept one step further and have a consumer friendly all-in-one unit? The answer was WebTV and the device was a resounding failure. Read more…
Tags: Apple, DSi, iPhone, iPod Touch, Kaypro II, Netbooks, Nintendo, WebTV