Posted by Linda Yau on Jun 13, 2011 in
Comic Books,

A few years back when I began my first blog another blogger commented on a post I wrote. I followed back, and I became a reader of his own blog. Kitsune of Kitsune Thought’s, what I always appreciate are intelligent content, and comments, so to my knowledge Kitsune has been a great person to talk to via blog comments. Here’s my interview: Read more…
Tags: Anime, interview, manga
Posted by Linda Yau on Jun 6, 2011 in

The first time I believe I heard about Ed Sizemore was on the Manga Movable Feast for Mushishi, then on Twitter, and subsequently on the con scene. Of course from those interactions, I started to pay attention to his activity on the internet, and he is pretty busy, involved with ComicsWorth Reading and other sites. As I was tapped to interview anime/manga bloggers on the web, I definitely wanted to included Ed in the schedule, so here via an email interview are his thoughts to my questions. Read more…
Tags: Anime, interview, manga
Posted by Linda Yau on Jun 4, 2011 in
Comic Books,

Fans can exist not just in the United States, but just about anywhere in the world. Take for instance this week’s blogger interview with Lissa Pattillo, our neighbor up north in friendly Canada! Okay corny geography jokes aside, Lissa runs a very nice guide to manga news and reviews via Kuriosity. She is involved in way more websites than Kuriosity, and I will leave it for you to read under the cut. So I have notice/lurked her site from her interaction with the defunct Boys on Boys on Film website. She provides the fact that irregardless of geography, reading and love for manga has no boarders! Read more…
Tags: Anime, interview, manga
Posted by Linda Yau on May 16, 2011 in

Above: Rica ‘tte Kanji!? really proved to an American audience that manga didn’t have to be about magical girls or robots, but could tell personal stories about the real world. Currently an Rica ‘tte Kanji!? Omnibus is being produced.
When you are around manga and graphic novels a lot, one voice or genre might pop up, and that is the alternative press of gay and lesbian that is quite popular among readers and fans. You don’t have to even be a fan for this genre, but be open minded to know that it is there. Within the past couple of weeks, there has been an issue of censorship in graphic novels on Amazon Kindle. So this week we are happy to have an email interview with ALC Publishing and Yuricon founder Erica Friedman. Erica’s blog is called Okazu which are the wonderful Japanese bread with savory fillings. Read more…
Tags: Anime, censorship, interview, manga
Posted by Linda Yau on May 9, 2011 in
Hobbies and Collections

Recently I was at Anime Boston, and met an interesting cosplayer with a rich in potassium banana. I also definitely attended panels hosted by this person of interest. Meet Charles Dunbar aka Anime Antropologiest of Study of Anime. From the time I have met him to now, his panels at conventions will pack rooms. This is a scholar that has made my appreciation toward anime more interesting and academic in a sense that is away from the college environment. I hope to see more of this man speak, so I happened to be able to conduct an email interview with him. Read more…
Tags: Anime, Dr. Who, Fandom, interview, manga, Science Fiction, Star Trek: The Next Generation
Posted by Linda Yau on Apr 25, 2011 in
Hobbies and Collections

There are a lot of people that can call themselves an otaku, but branding, up to designing a personal mascot is definitely something that can be done if a person is quite serious about this niche hobby. Meet Otaku Dan, a blogger who I know who has one cool mascot, and interesting blog entries to share. Here are some of his opinions, and thoughts from an email interview. Read more…
Tags: Action Figures, Anime, interview, Photography
Posted by Linda Yau on Apr 11, 2011 in
Comic Books,

Anime and Manga Fans have been recently, and still consistently aware of what has been happening over in Japan. So when the there was a 24-hour podcast marathon, Tony Yao was part of the line up. Recently I got the opportunity to conduct an e-mail interview with Tony Yao of Manga Therapy: Where Psychology & Manga Meet. He was upfront about his experiences, so this interview may or may not have been what you have experienced. He is a fan as well as a multi-site blogger to keep an eye out for. Read more…
Tags: Anime, interview, manga