Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 25, 2009 in

The problem with being a Christmas baby is that your birthday is forever ignored: Although that can give some motivation to stand out in life and become a success. Here are just a few remarkable talents who have shared their birthdays with the day that everyone else is getting gifts: Read more…
Tags: Humphrey Bogart, Rod Serling
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 19, 2008 in

If you’re a classic film or TV fanboy you have to check out the LIFE photo archive hosted by Google — it’s like having a personal time machine to view film history. After spending a few hours I found a few gems that are worth sharing, but these are just the tip of the iceberg. Shown above is a 1950 photo of Walt Disney, and below is a 1968 photo of Stanley Kubrick on set of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

How many times to you get to see a rehearsal for a scene in Citizen Kane? This photo is from 1940 and shows Orson Welles at the high point of his career. Read more…
Tags: 1939, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1970, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alfred Hitchcock, Beany & Cecil, Cartrivision, Citizen Kane, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, LIFE Magazine, Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick, Walt Disney