Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 7, 2014 in

Tom Francis, the creative mind behind Gunpoint (one of my favorite indie games from last year), has released a new game: Floating Point. For free. Yes, the whole game. For totally free. He says it’s a ‘thank you’ to all the people who supported Gunpoint and him over the last year, and he wanted to give something back. It’s not a large game, but it is incredibly cool and relaxing. You swing about from shape to shape, collecting objects and listening to some cool tunes. It’s really unique and and be played entirely with your mouse. Oh yeah, and it’s free! Who can argue with that? Check out a trailer below. Read more…
Tags: Gunpoint, Indie Games, Tom Francis
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 9, 2013 in

Every once in a while I simply have to recommend a new indie game. Especially since the market is flourishing so much right now. Gunpoint is a new release from Suspicious Developments, and it’s a great take on the stealth genre. Mainly because you can rewire all the electronics in the game to do your bidding. Want to make a light turn off as the elevator arrives? Or even have a guard’s gun malfunction and trigger a trap door? There’s tons of room for creativity and it’s all wrapped up in wonderful pixel art and a stylish soundtrack. And it also has a level editor. You can also tackle guards to the ground and punch them – and at no point are you required to stop. Check out the trailer below and then pick it up on Steam! Read more…
Tags: Gunpoint, Indie Games