Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 27, 2015 in Videogames

At the San Francisco Film Society, Guillermo del Toro showed up to the Castro Theatre for a screening of one of his favorite films (The Devil’s Backbone) and an in-depth conversation about his past and future work. Well, as you might imagine, someone asked about Silent Hills, which has been going through tough times (as Hideo Kojima is probably leaving Konami soon, thus abandoning the project). Guillermo said, as for his end of the deal: “It’s not gonna happen and that breaks my greasy heart.” That’s not official confirmation of cancelation from Konami but… that’s a pretty solid nail in the coffin. But perhaps the game will continue on without del Toro? Though, to make matters worse, P.T., the playable teaser for Silent Hills, is being removed from the PlayStation Network on April 29th, so if you want it, download it now (or add it to your PSN account via the web store). Sorry Silent Hill fans… I’m not sure this story will have a happy ending. Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Silent Hill
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 14, 2015 in Cinema

Details on Guillermo Del Toro’s next film have been mostly broad-stroke PR blurbs about a haunted house and a woman torn between her childhood friend and a mysterious new suitor. It didn’t exactly jump out at you. However, never count out del Toro, as this first teaser for Crimson Peak shows off plenty of creepy style and exciting haunted house trappings. The… ghost… thing coming up through the floor is a great visual, too. Mia Wasikowska, Tom Hiddleston, Jessica Chastain, and Charlie Hunnam star. Crimson Peak is still a little ways off, and will open October 16th, just in time for Halloween. Read more…
Tags: Crimson Peak, guillermo del toro
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 19, 2014 in Cinema

Guillermo del Toro is now hard at work on Pacific Rim 2, a film many thought might never get made. But movies studios love franchises, and they especially love trilogies, so it’s not surprise that del Toro also confirms that Pacific Rim 2 will segue directly into a Pacific Rim 3 (which is not yet officially confirmed). Talking with Collider, del Toro said, “We got the first draft of the movie now, and we are going to spend another 4-5 months on the screenplay before we start pre-production.” He adds, “Some of your favorite characters come back, some others don’t because we have decided that we’re going to shoot ambitiously and say ‘Let’s hope we have three movies.’ So some characters come in at the end of the second, hoping that it will ramp up on the third one.” Optimistic indeed! Let’s hope it works out. Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Pacific Rim
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 13, 2014 in Videogames

Sony just released an interactive teaser on PlayStation 4’s digital store called P.T., made by unknown developer 7780s Studio. But just like Moby Dick Studios’ The Phantom Pain was a front for Konami’s Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, P.T. is really Silent Hills, a new entry in Konami’s Silent Hill series. While conventional wisdom states that only Silent Hill 1-4, the games made by Team Silent, are really worth playing — or even less, depending on your opinion — this may be one to watch for based solely on the people who are making it. Metal Gear Solid boss Hideo Kojima has teamed up with filmmaker Guillermo del Toro to make the game, and the main character is played by The Walking Dead‘s Norman Reedus. That sounds actually sounds pretty cool! Maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll get to see more at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show. Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Konami, PS4, Silent Hill
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 8, 2014 in Animation, Cinema

I’m really impressed by the visual stylings of The Book of Life! This new trailer has a better overview of the art on display, but you’ll have to wade through the stereotypical trailer announcer and hamfisted cameos. I have hope for the final film, as Jorge Gutierrez and Guillermo del Toro are talented folks. I’ve already seen some “Tim Burton” jokes though, so if you make any… I’m coming for you. The cast features Diego Luna, Zoe Saldana, Channing Tatum, Ron Perlman (of course), and more. The film comes out October 17th. Check out the trailer below! Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Jorge R. Gutierrez, The Book of Life
Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 7, 2014 in Cinema

Guillermo Del Toro has been wanting to make an At The Mountains of Madness film for quite a while now. Back in 2011, he said it wouldn’t happen, but now he’s signing a much more optimistic song. Thanks to Universal and Legendary Pictures working together for Pacific Rim 2, Del Toro says he could make Mountains at Legendary — but with a PG-13 rating, rather than the R he had strove for originally. “I think that now, with the way I’ve seen PG-13 become more and more flexible, I think I could do it PG-13 now, so I’m going to explore it with [Legendary], to be as horrifying as I can, but to not be quite as graphic.” Well, as long as it’s horrifying! That’s the most important thing in a Lovecraft story. Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, H. P. Lovecraft
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 28, 2014 in Cinema

True believers, your time has come! If you held out hope for a Pacific Rim sequel, you can now rest easy, as Guillermo del Toro has confirmed that the project has been greenlit by Legendary Pictures and… Universal! Yup, Warner Bros. passed on a sequel and let Universal take over, which is an interesting change. While the sequel won’t come out till April 7th, 2017, you won’t have to wait long to get some more Pacific Rim goodness: an animated series will happen in the interim, and a second comic book series will begin as well. I’m actually very curious who will be behind the animated series and how it’ll be handled, but right now we don’t have any details in that regard. Check out del Toro’s full announcement video below. Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Pacific Rim
Posted by Ben Huber on May 31, 2014 in Animation, Cinema

I’ll be honest, I hadn’t been paying much attention to The Book of Life until this trailer. I had heard Guillermo del Toro was producing an animated film, but hey, he’s producing a million things all the time. Anyway, del Toro is the producer, but Jorge R. Gutierrez is the director, whose previous work on El Tigre and Mad was pretty unique. Now he’s getting a shot at a CGI animated feature, and it looks really impressive. The story revolves around the Day of the Dead, a love triangle, and the main character’s attempt to get back to the world of the living. Some of the musical choices in the trailer are questionable, but I suppose that’s the marketing team making those choices. I love the visual style though, and I hope the film turns out well! It’s arriving in theaters this Halloween. Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Jorge R. Gutierrez, The Book of Life
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 9, 2013 in Cinema

I’m still hopeful for Pacific Rim 2 to be officially green-lit, considering how much fun the original film was. But in the meantime, Pacific Rim is coming out on DVD and Blu-ray on October 15. Among the bonus features is this gag reel, showing actors flubbing lines, cracking jokes, and just generally clowning around. It looks like it was a lot of fun to be on Guillermo del Toro’s set, and it’s also interesting to see which parts of scenes were green-screened in. Plus, Ron Perlman is awesome as usual. Watch for yourself below if you can’t wait until next week! Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Pacific Rim, Robots
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 5, 2013 in Animation

Yup, you read right! Guillermo Del Toro directed the opening couch gag for Simpson’s Treehouse of Horror XXIV. It’s definitely a bit more than just a couch gag, featuring just about every movie monster ever and several references to Del Toro’s own filmography. Yes, there is a Pacific Rim nod. Yes, there is a Pan’s Labyrinth nod. And yes, there is a clever joke about the older, traditional animation of classic Simpsons episodes. It’s kind of awesome how cool the crew at FOX are with making direct fun of the decline of Simpsons. You might remember the Banksy opening also did plenty of that, too. But enough talk! Check out the video below! Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, The Simpsons
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 1, 2013 in Cinema

Pacific Rim, Guillermo del Toro’s crazy giant robot film, was doubted by many analysts as being able to be a profitable endeavor. A new IP, combined with “robot fatigue” from Transformers, and fear that it wouldn’t connect with audiences were cited as some of the reasons it wouldn’t be a box office success. And while it’s performance in the US wasn’t spectacular by any means, it’s overseas pull was much larger and has put it over the $400 million mark, making it del Toro’s highest-grossing film ever. Legendary hasn’t made any statements about profitability yet, but I imagine it is much closer now than before. The home video release should do wonders, and I predict it’ll thrive there. Now, Legendary, let’s get Pacific Rim 2 going, ok? Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Pacific Rim
Posted by Bob Muir on Jul 23, 2013 in Cinema

Pacific Rim is one of the best summer movies this year, and it’s sadly underperforming from poor marketing. (When Grown Ups 2 beats your film, you’ve got a problem.) It hasn’t earned back enough money yet, which is generally a poor sign for those who want a sequel, but it hasn’t opened in markets like Japan yet, so there’s still hope for more international revenue to roll in. Despite this, apparently director/co-writer Guillermo del Toro and co-writer Travis Beacham have been given the go-ahead to start writing Pacific Rim 2! Del Toro is even dropping hints about where the sequel may go. It goes without saying, but spoilers follow! Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Pacific Rim, Robots
Posted by Ben Huber on May 31, 2013 in Cinema

Guillermo del Toro never backs down from making his movies right. And if his latest “giant robots vs. giant monsters” movie Pacific Rim needs a real giant robot head built, then by golly they’re going to make one! A new featurette went up on Yahoo detailing the process behind using such a big set piece, as well as why he wanted to make it in the first place. The added work is clearly worth it, giving the actor something real to work with and adding realism to the film. There’s also a bunch of new promotional images and interviews out and about. Some links and videos below! Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Pacific Rim
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 25, 2013 in Anime, Television

In an interesting team-up, Pacific Rim director Guillermo del Toro has teamed up with Doctor Who and Sherlock writer Steven Thompson to adapt Naoki Urasawa’s critically-acclaimed manga Monster. It apparently took a while for del Toro to convince Urasawa, but he eventually accepted the proposal, and now Monster will be entering production on HBO. Urasawa’s original manga tells the story of a doctor who saves a child who grows up to be a sociopath, and the journey the doctor takes to right his wrongs. Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, HBO, manga
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 31, 2013 in Cinema

At Wondercon 2013, director Guillermo del Toro showed up to promote the upcoming Pacific Rim, which is one of the films I’m most excited for this year. Giant robots and huge monsters duking it out? What’s not to like? Thankfully, del Toro took some time to drop new details about the film, like Ron Perlman playing a kaiju organ dealer, or neon sci-fi city landscapes. Gypsy Danger’s pilots load into it’s head and then the head launches into the main body (that sounds familiar). Also confirmed by del Toro was the extensive use of real sets and props – they built several blocks of Hong Kong just to destroy, and used an actual 4-story tall Jaeger head as well. Impressive work! A short video from the con is below. Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Pacific Rim
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 14, 2012 in Cinema

I like giant robots. Do you like giant robots? I also happen to like giant monsters… Fighting giant robots. It’s silly, it’s fun, and ridiculously cool. So that’s why I’m so excited for Guillermo Del Toro’s latest, Pacific Rim. It combines all the trappings of Japanese giant robot anime with the giant monsters of Godzilla – and it looks to be succeeding. The robots (called Jaegers) are built by various countries around the world to combat the Kaiju, huge, evil monsters that are crawling out of a portal at the bottom of the ocean. So, of course, we have two pilots who have to team up and work together to combat the alien menance. With rocket punches. Oh yes. Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Pacific Rim
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 30, 2012 in Cinema

Are you excited for Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim? I know I am. Giant robots, giant monsters, and epic battles! If you haven’t heard, in the near future, giant monsters begin emerging from the oceans, so the nations of the world begin building giant robots to combat them – obviously! It’s very Evangelion and Gundam-esque, which is why I’m so excited to see a major Hollywood picture with this theme! Now, the viral marketing has begun! Images of robots and peeks at the monsters below! Read more…
Tags: guillermo del toro, Pacific Rim