Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 12, 2010 in Science
One way to stop climate change is if everyone suddenly gives up on fossil fuels — however that notion might not be realistic given the political realities. However it begs the question if we should be getting much more serious about geoengineering which is the concept man made intervention to prevent climate change. In this video atmospheric scientist Ken Caldeira asserts that this may be the only realistic way to prevent climate change — and given what we’ve seen the politicians do (or not do) he may be correct.
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 26, 2009 in Science
I’m increasingly of the mindset that it may be too late to do anything about climate change as we’re already starting to watch the glaciers melt away. Add to this the fact that there’s too much infrastructure in place with no quick global replacement to fossil fuels and the picture becomes worse. So it’s interesting for me to watch this video with Stewart Brand interviewing archaeologist Sander van der Leeuw and talking about this critical topic. Read more…