Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 11, 2015 in
Star Wars

You may remember that Book of Eli scriptwriter Gary Whitta had been signed on to write the first standalone Star Wars film (which would be directed by Godzilla’s Gareth Edwards). Now, Whitta has tweeted that his first draft is done, and he’s off to work on other projects. Quite a few folks interpreted this as a firing, but no: it’s simply an amicable parting of ways. Whitta finished the first draft, and now Disney will presumably hire someone to wrap it up and finish the project. This happens all the times on movies… but hey, because this is Star Wars we’re talking about, way more people are paying attention to every little detail. The last rumors said this film was to be a heist film in which bounty hunters were hired to steal the Death Star plans. Sounds neat! Read more…
Tags: Gareth Edwards, Gary Whitta
Posted by Ben Huber on May 24, 2014 in
Star Wars

Fresh off the success of Godzilla, Gareth Edwards is riding high. And now Disney has snatched him up to direct a spin off Star Wars film! Right now they’ve only revealed the director, the writer (Gary Whitta, of The Book of Eli and PC Gamer fame), and the release date: December 16th, 2016. Disney is definitely living up to their promise of one Star Wars film a year. The three spin off films were rumored to be about Han Solo, Yoda, and Boba Fett. I wonder which Edwards will be tackling? Oh, and if you’re worried about Godzilla 2, Legendary says they always planned for Edwards to make a film in between the first and second Godzilla films… they just weren’t expecting his middle film to be a Star Wars movie! Read more…
Tags: Gareth Edwards, Gary Whitta