Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 16, 2015 in

It’s still uncertain whether Fox is rebooting Flash Gordon, or if it’s some sort of sequel to the 1980 one as that film’s star Sam G. Jones claims. But whatever form it takes, at least it’s going to have a great director. Matthew Vaughn is currently in talks to direct the film. And after seeing Kick-Ass, X-Men: First Class, and Kingsman: The Secret Service, I’d say Flash Gordon is in good hands. There’s still no word if Fox plans to resurrect Freddie Mercury so that Queen can score this reboot too. Read more…
Tags: 20th Century Fox, Flash Gordon, Matthew Vaughn
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 9, 2011 in

Oh Flash Gordon, all the bad acting in the world couldn’t stop my love for you. No, it’s not quite as timeless as the 1936 classic, and it might be plagued by its camp, but that’s really why we loved it, isn’t it? The costumes and sets were so over-the-top that one can’t help but be entertained by what was obviously a clear attempt by director Mike Hodges to pay homage to everything remotely related to the franchise, no matter how absurd it may seem. Add to that the fact that the film’s entire score is performed by Queen, and its easy to overlook most fans gripes. The film finally made its way to Blu-ray last year, and while I’m not sure what kind of high-definition experience you could possibly expect for something shot in 1980, it’s still a must have for any collector or fan. Amazon is currently selling it for 46% off, so head over and pick your copy up today.
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Tags: Blu-Ray, Flash Gordon
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 27, 2010 in
Comic Books

With the recent passing of Al Williamson, I thought it might be nice to give another nod to one of the series that made him famous, Flash Gordon. Of course, I’m well aware that he didn’t have anything to do with Alex Raymond’s original Sunday strips, but they were indeed the inspiration needed to launch his storied career. IDW recently announced that those original Sunday strips will be completely remastered, alongside Jungle Jim, in a 12 x 16 inch “champagne” format. Read more…
Tags: Flash Gordon, Science Fiction