Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 10, 2013 in

Did you love Three Dog, the DJ in Bethesda’s Fallout 3? His voice actor Erik Todd Dellums is hinting at something new for the post-apocalyptic videogame franchise. And since he was actually “given permission” to leak the info, it has to be fairly factual. Read more…
Tags: Bethesda, Fallout
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jan 11, 2011 in

It’s never easy crafting your own props, let alone attempting to recreate one from scratch. That said, artist Josh Jay did a fantastic job sculpting his very own Brotherhood of Steel power helmet from Fallout 3. That much is impressive, but what’s more is that he actually took the time to document the process through photos, posting several galleries detailing the techniques he used while constructing it. Had he actually taken the time to write out some instructions along with his photos, they’d make a fantastic visual aid. For more photos check out his galleries here and here.
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Tags: Fallout, Props
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 24, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,

Bethesda has always impressed me by their attention to detail. Like much like their latest entries in the popular Elder Scrolls series, the company managed to capture an audience with Fallout 3‘s breathtaking visuals. In addition to re-imagining Washington D.C., their team of graphic designers created a number of weapons to go along with it. Two of which happen to be the AER-9 laser rifle, and even deadlier A3-21 plasma rifle. Flickr user Ryan Palser recently took it upon himself to locate some blueprints and painstakingly recreate them — needless to say, they look amazing. Check out his flickr account for more photos. Read more…
Tags: Fallout, Props, steampunk
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 4, 2010 in

Japan has always had a very structured and linear approach to game development, especially in regards to the role playing genre. Stereotypical Japanese roleplaying titles, or JRPGs as they’ve become known, often follow set storylines, limiting replayability and the freedom that’s usually associated with western titles. While I’ve personally found those titles to be enjoyable, it’s easy for some to liken them to reading a book, or watching a movie — a simple interactive, yet aesthetically pleasing script.
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Tags: Fallout, Videogames