Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 11, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections

These ever so cute monster journals are created by the team of Karli and Linda who’ve got a shop on Etsy called Ghoulie Girls which specializes in items that are “Scary, monstrous, fuzzy, cute…ghoulie!” The above Three-Eyed Monster Journal is in fact a blank sketch book, while shown below is the Mini-Monster Journal which has lined note paper inside: Read more…
Tags: Etsy, monsters
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 7, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Trek

The old sock monkey concept has now been logically upgraded with a Vulcan twist to begat the Spock Monkey! Designed by Etsy artist The Sock Drawer this creation was inspired by a viewing of the latest Star Trek film. Here are some other views of this crafty first officer: Read more…
Tags: Etsy, Spock, Star Trek
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 24, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections

Designed by neoelegance these two steampunk prop guns are available on Etsy. Shown above is the DG-4450 Blaster and below is the Subsonic Immolator. Both weapons are issued to officers on airships in Her Majesty’s Royal Zeppelin Corps and are useful for defending against sky pirates. Read more…
Tags: Etsy, steampunk
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 12, 2009 in
Star Trek

Kirk: “You got Krako on ice?” Scotty: “Aye, he’s here. Mad enough to chew neutronium, but behaving himself.” So if your child is mad enough to chew neutronium here’s an unofficial (but very regulation looking) Federation styled bib which I suspect is more aimed at fanboy parents than their children: Read more…
Tags: Etsy, Star Trek
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 7, 2009 in
Star Wars

From a long time ago from a galaxy far far away comes this R2-D2 beanie hat which I discovered on Etsy. The hat is designed by Babbidge Patch which makes all sorts of wonderful scarves and hats that are slightly less sci fi themed although ever so cute. Read more…
Tags: Etsy, R2-D2
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 5, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Trek

Kokeshi are traditional Japanese wooden dolls, and in this case artist Craig Galentine has given us his Star Trek twist on this beloved toy. Both Captain Kirk and Spock are available for your further perusal on Etsy along with Galentine’s other amazing goodies. Read more…
Tags: Captain Kirk, Etsy, Spock, Star Trek
Posted by Michael Pinto on May 15, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,

From Spain comes this amazing hand made felt iPhone. This bit of craftwork seems to be a one-of-a-kind object, but as with most gems that you find on Etsy if you see something that’s sold out you can always ask if the artist might create a similar piece on commission. What makes this iPhone work so well to me is that the artist went the extra mile to sew together every little icon on the screen, I just love those geeky details: Read more…
Tags: Apple, Etsy, iPhone
Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 16, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections

Speck and Spock is a conjoined alien created by Lindsey Banker — I really love the sense of humor in her work, I’d love to see these creatures turned into puppets. Her store on Etsy is called Adopt An Alien, and each of Lindsey’s critters comes with a birth certificate: Read more…
Tags: Aliens, Etsy, extraterrestrials, Science Fiction
Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 14, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

These Star Wars Kokeshi dolls touched my heart as they perfectly combine the timelessness of Star Wars with the charm of Japanese craftsmanship. For those of you not in the know Kokeshi are traditional dolls from northern Japan — what makes them unique is that they’re made out of wood and always lack arms or legs, and they’re always hand painted. The artist behind these cute goodies is Muluc whose store on Etsy is called temple7e. Shown above is Princess Leia and below is Han Solo: Read more…
Tags: Boba Fett, Etsy, Han Solo, Japan, Kokeshi, Princess Leia, Star Wars
Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 20, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,

Shower swag is so girlcentric so it was a pleasure for me to come across this NES Nintendo game controller soap on Etsy which is produced by Digitalsoaps: Read more…
Tags: Etsy, NES, Nintendo
Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 19, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections

This Cryptid Silhouettes Pin Pack which I found on Esty reminded me a great deal of the 70s TV show In Search Of… which featured Leonard Nimoy exploring a new topic every week like UFOs or Bigfoot. This pin collection features Loch Ness, Bigfoot, Chupacabra and Jackalope (although I don’t recall any episodes dealing with Chupacabras or Jackalopes). The pins are illustrated by artists Quincy Pearson and Adam Maron. Read more…
Tags: Bigfoot, Chupacabra, Etsy, Jackalope, Loch Ness
Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 7, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away there were these cute little mice! I know this sounds like we’re kitbashing Star Wars with the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy but these adorable sci fi rodents are the precious creations of the House of Mouse and can be found on Etsy on their very own page. There are 14 mice in the entire collection so far and they run between $35 and $40, but bet of all if your favorite character is missing they’re open to doing custom orders. Shown above is Princess Leia mouse and below is Darth Vader mouse. Read more…
Tags: Boba Fett, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Etsy, Ewoks, Obiwan Kenobi, Princess Leia, Star Wars, Stormtroopers, Wookies, Yoda