Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 26, 2014 in Star Wars

A lot of people love the Star Wars Expanded Universe, which adds a lot of story after Episode VI. However, with the arrival of Episode VII, most people assumed that would be tossed out in favor of whatever new story JJ Abrams wanted along with Lawrence Kasdan and the other writers. I saw a lot of fans clinging to the hope that they’d include Expanded Universe elements though, however unlikely it seemed. Lucasfilm has now officially issued a statement about the Expanded Universe content, saying essentially “sorry guys! It’s not canon.” As anyone sensible guessed, Episode VII and onward will blaze its own story. Don’t worry, though, the Expanded Universe will still stick around and will be now listed under the “Legends” banner. Click here for the full press release. They’ve also released a video, embedded below. Read more…
Tags: Episode VII, expanded universe
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 11, 2014 in Star Wars

Here’s another rumor for the rumor mill: Maisie Richardson-Sellers, a relatively unknown actress from Oxford, may be up for a lead role in Star Wars Episode VII. She has no film credits, but has received acclaim for her stage performances. The Hollywood Reporter says she is one of several unknown actors that J.J. Abrams is looking at. Given that several leads in the original Star Wars trilogy were unknowns at the time, I can see why Abrams may want to replicate that feeling. I also am really happy to see such a varied and diverse collection of actors and actresses up for roles. Let’s hope we finally hear some news soon — who wants to bet on May 4th? Read more…
Tags: Episode VII, J.J. Abrams
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 7, 2014 in Star Wars

In a recent interview with the chairman of Disney Studios, Alan Horn, he confirmed something many had suspected: filming for Star Wars Episode VII had already begun. Now don’t get too excited — it’s probably just scenic shots and vistas. We haven’t heard of any actors performing, so it’s probably just background material they’ll need for later. In fact, rumors were that J.J. Abrams wanted some plates (master shots) from Iceland, so perhaps that’s all that’s really happening. Current theories say that May 4th would be a perfect time to announce the cast, since filming proper is rumored to start May 14th. Rumors, rumors, and more rumors! Good job locking this down, Disney. Let’s hope we find out everything in May! Read more…
Tags: Episode VII, J.J. Abrams
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 17, 2014 in Star Wars

Here’s some awesome casting news: the wonderful, Academy Award-winner Lupita Nyong’o (fresh off of her win for 12 Years A Slave) is reportedly up for a role in Star Wars Episode VII. Both the Latino Review and The Hollywood Reporter are confirming this story, say that she’s been speaking to J.J. Abrams about a part not related to the original trilogy. LR says she’ll probably be playing a Sith, but THR says she’ll be a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I suppose there’s always the possibility she could be both! Nyongo’os representatives, when called, said that they’re “not allowed to talk about that.” Well then! That’s about as much as a confirmation as we’re gonna get, aren’t we? Read more…
Tags: Episode VII
Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 10, 2014 in Star Wars

I think if Star Wars fans didn’t love Carrie Fisher unconditionally before this, they will now. She keeps leaking details about the project before it can be officially announced, making her one of the premiere sources for Star Wars: Episode VII news! Most recently, she once again confirmed her presence in the upcoming film, when she disclosed to Jim Jefferies (whom she is starring with in the FXX show Legit), that she’d be filming for six months in London for Star Wars. Jefferies revealed this on the Opie & Anthony Show, so thanks Jefferies! We’re basically 100% sure Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Fisher will be back for Episode VII, but we’re just waiting on official confirmation from Disney. Come on, guys, we all know! Just say it! Read more…
Tags: Episode VII
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 13, 2014 in Star Wars

We haven’t heard much from JJ Abrams recently, and that’s probably because he’s got his nose to the grindstone cranking out a new Star Wars script with Lawrence Kasdan. We’re just now getting the first rumors coming out of the big script changes after kicking Michael Arndt out. Apparently Abrams really wanted the focus of Episode VII to be on Luke, Han, and Leia for one last time before passing the torch to a new generation, which is what prompted these changes. Another big change is that Abrams is reportedly looking for a 20-something mixed-race or black woman to play the daughter of Obi-Wan. Of all the rumors, I actually really like this idea, especially if she’s one of or the main character in the next films. Also up? Michael Fassbender, Hugo Weaving, and Adam Driver. Weaving is reportedly being looked at for an Imperial Officer role, which is so perfect I can’t even handle it. Read more…
Tags: Episode VII, J.J. Abrams
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 16, 2013 in Star Wars

Oh, who else did you expect? Yup, here’s a picture of JJ Abrams and crew standing with R2-D2 in the Bad Robot offices. Nothing too earth-shattering, but if you wanted real proof that new Star Wars movies are happening, then this is it! The real question is: will Kenny Baker return? I sure hope so. It wouldn’t be R2 without him! I also considered Anthony Daniels as C-3PO a given as well, so while that isn’t confirmed, I think that a Star Wars movie without the pair would be poor choice. They’re the real main characters, after all! Read more…
Tags: Episode VII, J.J. Abrams
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 9, 2013 in Star Wars

I told you, Disney. I told you that you needed more time. Thankfully, they agreed, and the release date for Star Wars Episode VII has been set to December 18th, 2015. This is a bit further back than the original May 2015 date they wanted, but given the script troubles they’ve been having, it’s a good decision. Take any extension you can get, J.J.! Speaking of J.J., the director spoke about avoiding reading fan theories online, because he doesn’t want to accidentally use anyone’s ideas. He also mentioned that he knows that no one wants him to “mess with” their childhood, so he’s being very careful about what he does with this new trilogy. I hope hew and Lawrence Kasdan can work out a good script in time! Read more…
Tags: Episode VII, J.J. Abrams
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 26, 2013 in Star Wars

Some strange changes are happening in the Star Wars world: Michael Arndt, the scriptwriter for Episode VII, has been taken off the project. Reports are saying that JJ Abrams is tossing out the entire script and wants serious changes to the story. Instead, he and Lawrence Kasdan will be writing a new script. This is dangerous territory to be in for a film that’s supposed to shoot in a few months. I’m happy to see Kasdan on scripting duties now, but I wonder what Abrams hated in the original script so much? I hope Disney just delays it, rather than rush to get it out by their Christmas 2015 date. Read more…
Tags: Episode VII
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 13, 2013 in Star Wars

The rumor mill for the next Star Wars film keeps on churning! While we’ve heard rumors that casting announcements may happen soon, nothing solid has really appeared yet. However, Latino Review is reporting on two potential titles for Star Wars Episode VII… and you know what? I think they’re both fake AND real, for the exact same reason: they sound exactly like what you’d expect a Star Wars film title to be. Completely boring and unimaginative. Are you ready? Here they are: Return of the Sith and Rise of the Jedi. Yup. I told you they were lame. Maybe it’s cheap for me to make my stand right in the middle, but come on, these are totally fake. And they’re totally real. Read more…
Tags: Episode VII, Star Wars
Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 28, 2013 in Star Wars

He’d implied as much earlier, but now we have official confirmation from Kathleen Kennedy: John Williams will score and compose for Star Wars episodes VII, VIII, and IX. At Star Wars Celebration in Europe, Kennedy opened the show with a panel (hosted by Warwick Davis), in which she confirmed the composer would return. Williams also appeared in a short video, in which he expresses his joy at coming back, and then sings the praises of J.J. Abrams. I wonder if that’s some damage control going on? Kennedy also mentioned that real locations in combination with CG would be a priority, rather than total green screen. They’re certainly saying all the right things, so far! Read more…
Tags: Episode VII, John Williams
Posted by Ben Huber on May 17, 2013 in Animation, Cinema

Brad Bird recently did an interview and talked about a ton of projects he either passed up or still wants to do. Being asked about the always-wanted Incredibles sequel, Bird said that he “would probably wanna do that” and that he has ideas floating around in his head for the next film if the opportunity ever arises. That gives me some hope! He also spoke about Star Wars Episode VII, and mentioned that Kathleen Kennedy offered him the director’s chair for the movie, but he had to pass it up to finish Tomorrowland. Too bad, I think it would’ve been a good fit, but with a new Star Wars film every year starting in 2015, he has a much higher chance of doing one sooner or later! Read more…
Tags: Brad Bird, Episode VII, Star Wars, The Incredibles
Posted by Ben Huber on Apr 13, 2013 in Star Wars

Trust me guys, just don’t.
Harrison Ford went on David Letterman a few days ago and quite frankly brushed off every question about Star Wars Episode VII that Letterman tossed at him. I think he’s both sick of talking about it, and probably can’t talk about it. However, someone else does want to talk about Episode VII, and Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) dropped a few bits such as “I don’t want to wear anybody out by speculating or letting you waste your energy” and said that he’s “not sitting by the phone, but it’s always nice when it rings.” Sounds like he either hasn’t been asked to come back yet, or can’t say anything due to NDAs as well. So, you hear that internet? Don’t speculate! Daniels says so! Read more…
Tags: anthony daniels, Episode VII, Harrison Ford, Star Wars
Posted by Bob Muir on Mar 6, 2013 in Cinema, Star Wars

Despite Mark Hamill being a downer about rumors that he, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher would return as Luke, Han, and Leia in Disney’s Star Wars Episode VII, the rumors continued to circulate. They may have been in talks, but I guess at least one of them has wrapped up, as Carrie Fisher has quite definitively confirmed that she will return as Leia.
Read more…
Tags: Episode VII, Princess Leia
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 11, 2012 in Star Wars

I’d like to say that Disney buying Lucasfilm may indeed be the best thing to happen to Star Wars in a long while. Perhaps that’s presumptuous to say at this early stage, but when you’re getting good news like this, it’s had to temper your excitement: Michael Arndt will be writing the script for Star Wars: Episode VII. Some of Arndt’s previous accomplishments include writing Little Miss Sunshine and Toy Story 3 – the former won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. He had already written a 40 page treatment of the upcoming 3 films, so that Disney and Lucasfilm signed him on is no surprise. Now we just need to find a competent director. I wonder who would be up for the job? Read more…
Tags: Disney, Episode VII