Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 2, 2015 in

Do you like cool space rockets? I sure do. Elon Musk’s SpaceX has been doing some amazing work with vertical takeoff and landing rockets (if you haven’t seen if before, watch it here — it’s awesome). Their next rocket, the Falcon Heavy, plans to launch later this year, and will land all three rockets back on the ground vertically. SpaceX has put together a CGI video showing off the entire plan, and well… I’m excited. This kind of engineering work always blows me away. I just hope everything works as intended! You might remember that recently their Falcon rocket test flight went awry after it ran out of hydraulic fluid earlier than expected. SpaceX has since remedied that issue, and I can’t wait to see the next test flight! Read more…
Tags: Elon Musk, Space, SpaceX
Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 2, 2015 in

Electric cars are pretty cool, even if they aren’t quite mainstream yet. Real-life Tony Stark fellow Elon Musk has been doing some impressive work at Tesla over the past few years, trying to make the perfect electric car. He recently tweeted out another one of his ideas that they’ve been working on: an automatic charging cable that’ll come “out from the wall & connects like a solid metal snake. For realz.” Holy crap, that sounds terrifying and awesome at the same time. I imagine it’s based off of those cool robotic snakes. Automation taking care of everything is a little frightening, but pretty impressive, too! Read more…
Tags: Elon Musk, Telsa
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 7, 2013 in

People have been making Tony Stark jokes about Elon Musk for a while now. At first it was just an amusing joke, but now it appears Musk is leaning into it. He’s been creating a virtual workshop not unlike what Stark uses in the Iron Man films to create his armor, using a combination of a Leap Motion controller, Oculus Rift, a projector, and Kinect. Reaching your hands out to control the positioning and shape of a 3D model on the screen is pretty neat, especially being able to view it with the Rift, but I wonder how quickly your arms will tire. Creating more intuitive interfaces is definitely worthwhile though, and I think stuff like this could really explode. Read more…
Tags: Elon Musk, SpaceX