Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 6, 2014 in
Comic Books

Yes, that Deadpool movie is really happening now. Ryan Reynolds will definitely return to play the merc with a mouth, the LA Times has confirmed. Not too surprising, since we knew Reynolds wanted to return to the role. In other news, Benedict Cumberbatch has also been officially confirmed as Doctor Strange. Surprise! And also on the plate: Krysten Ritter will play Jessica Jones in an upcoming Marvel Netflix series (essentially, she’s a washed-up superhero who opens up her own detective agency, which is a great concept for a show). Tons of casting, although Reynolds will probably never meet up with the other two. What a shame! Read more…
Tags: Deadpool, Doctor Strange, Jessica Jones
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 29, 2014 in
Comic Books

If you’re a Marvel fan, you have good reason to be very, very excited. Marvel Studios has announced all nine — yes, nine — films that will make up “Phase Three” of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, lasting from 2016 to 2019. (Phase Two will end not with Avengers: Age of Ultron, but instead end on July 17, 2015 with Ant-Man.) Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige made a ton of announcements which apparently weren’t fully worked out until recently, or else they’d likely have announced them at Comic-Con. Some of these may have been rumored in the past, but there’s still a lot of new information, including three films in both 2017 and 2018, so let’s jump in! Read more…
Tags: Avengers: Infinity War, Black Panther, captain america, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Inhumans, Marvel, thor
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 28, 2014 in
Comic Books

It seemed as though Marvel had locked down Joaquin Phoenix to star in their upcoming comic adaptation Doctor Strange. But when he pulled out at the last second, it was back to the drawing board. But according to Deadline, they may have finally found their Sorcerer Supreme. Sherlock‘s Benedict Cumberbatch is reportedly entering negotiations to star in the film. Jared Leto and Tom Hardy are supposedly in the mix, but it sounds fairly certain that Cumberbatch will end up signed. Then again, many thought the same for Phoenix, so I wouldn’t fully trust the casting until we see something official from Marvel. Read more…
Tags: Doctor Strange, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 3, 2014 in
Comic Books

We had heard plenty of rumblings that Marvel was heavily courting Joaquin Phoenix to play Doctor Strange (there were even reported sightings of Phoenix buying Strange comics). Alas, it is not to be, as it seems Phoenix’s careful and picky nature has left Marvel without a Doctor, and the company is moving on to find another lead. They need to find one fairly soon, too, as they used up a fair bit of time waiting on Phoenix to decide. Now who’s up, instead? We’re not really sure. There was a rumor of Ethan Hawke, but Deadline says that’s unfounded. Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, and Jared Leto have recently been mentioned, but not in any solid sense. We’ll probably have to wait for news to leak out of Marvel’s next pick! Read more…
Tags: Doctor Strange
Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 27, 2014 in
Comic Books

After all this time, it looks like Marvel may have finally found their Doctor Strange. But I don’t think anyone was expecting an actor like Joaquin Phoenix to be the name that would eventually rise to the top. In fact, he wasn’t mentioned at all during the entire rumor phase. Someone of Phoenix’s caliber would be a welcome addition to the Marvel stable, and I imagine they’re hoping his skill and star-power would help open up the magical universe of Marvel. While he hasn’t accepted the offer, he is in talks, and there have been several sightings of Phoenix picking up Doctor Strange comic books. I think it could be a surprising but great fit! Read more…
Tags: Doctor Strange, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 22, 2014 in

Looks like Doctor Strange is rolling right along! Jon Spaihts (who wrote the first draft of Prometheus before a certain someone came along and changed it a fair bit) has been tapped to script the film. Originally Thomas Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer had been lined up to script the affair, but Spaihts is one the way to fast-track this one and get it made pronto. Hopefully he can bang out a solid script for Marvel! Oh yeah, and in Doctor Strange casting news, Jared Leto is also apparently being eyed for the lead role as well. Who will eventually get it? No idea, at this point. Read more…
Tags: Doctor Strange, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 9, 2014 in
Comic Books

Doctor Strange has been a film that Marvel has been plugging away on slowly, but it seems like the ball is finally rolling. A few days ago, Scott Derrickson announced that he would be directing the film, working off of a script by Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer (although there were some rumors of rewrites). Now the question is: who will play Doctor Strange himself? Well, Deadline caught wind of Marvel’s most recent wishlist for the film, which is basically just their dream choices without any realistic vetting. They are: Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy. Those two join the previous rumored choices of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Johnny Depp (but chances are those two have passed the role up by now). Sorry Marvel, but these are some boring choices! Try picking someone more unique! Read more…
Tags: Doctor Strange, Marvel
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 22, 2014 in
Comic Books

It still blows my mind that Marvel is doing Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, and freakin’ Doctor Strange, all before DC and Warner Bros. can get a standalone Wonder Woman film out the door. It’s truly a testament to the organizational skills of Marvel… along with their excellent casting department. So, you heard me mention Doctor Strange, right? It seems Marvel is now on the hunt for several directors to tackle the film, and they’ve got four that they’re listing right now: Mark Andrews (co-director of Brave), Nikolaj Arcel (director of A Royal Affair), Dean Israelite (director of Welcome to Yesterday), and Jonathan Levine (director of 50/50). Kung Fu Panda writers Jon Aibel and Glenn Berger are rumored to be scripting it, too. Not a terrible list! Read more…
Tags: Doctor Strange, Marvel