Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 27, 2014 in Cinema

Slow down there, and make sure you read that whole headline, because when I was told this news, I thought Disney was going to bring Darth Vader back to life in Star Wars Episode VII. But thankfully, that’s not the case. Apparently Adam Driver, who appears on HBO’s Girls, is currently the top choice to play a Vader-like antagonist in the next Star Wars film. It’s not clear yet if this means his character will ape Vader’s “human being kept alive with technology” angle, or if it means his rank and powers, or if it is referring to his iconic nature and importance to the story — or maybe a bit of all of these. If he’s meant to be this important, perhaps he’ll appear in other Star Wars films too. But for now, we’ll have to wait to see if he is even confirmed in the role, due to his schedule on Girls. I don’t watch Girls (and I have to imagine many Star Wars fans don’t either), so I can’t comment on his acting. I’m having a little time imagining him in Star Wars due to his hair style, beard, and clothes, so this might be the sort of thing where I wait for a trailer to see him in action. Read more…
Tags: Darth Vader, Disney, Star Wars
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 18, 2014 in Animation, Star Wars

Here’s the first look at Star Wars: Rebels, the new cartoon that will air on Disney XD. Fans were rightly annoyed when Star Wars: The Clone Wars was canceled in favor of this (though the remaining episodes are coming to Netflix), so what do these trailers show? In short, yep, it looks like a Star Wars cartoon. There’s not much to say that the marketing materials haven’t already covered. The show may be good, but right now, it just looks like more animated Star Wars to this casual fan. So cross your fingers that The Clone Wars wasn’t canceled in vain! Just give this a good writing team and things will be alright when it premieres in Fall 2014. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Star Wars: Rebels
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 23, 2014 in Star Wars

Disney isn’t just doing a new Star Wars trilogy. No, they’re mixing in lots of individual side movies, sort of taking a page from Marvel. Considering that there are at least two such movies being considered, this next bit of news is surprising, but not that surprising. Latino Review reports that Pixar, an animation studio within Disney, will supposedly get their hands on the license and make a movie. There’s no clue as to what the movie will be like — if it’s a full side story like the extra live-action movies, or if it’s targeting kids, or if it’s a collection of shorter stories like other animated tie-in films — but I could see it working. Of course, the definitive animated Star Wars experience so far is Genndy Tartakovsky’s Star Wars: Clone Wars, and even without Tartakovsky involved, I think traditional 2D animation suits Star Wars‘ visual design much better. But even if Pixar aren’t as infallible as they used to be, I think they could make a good product. I’d expect to see much more of this kind of thing in the future, as Disney fully utilizes that expensive Star Wars license. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Pixar, Star Wars
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 22, 2014 in Animation, Cinema

If you really loved Disney’s latest animated movie Frozen, you may want to consider visiting Quebec City. Disney has worked with Hôtel de Glace to create a hotel suite fashioned out of ice and snow. Frozen art director Michael Giaimo supervised the design to make sure it looked similar to the movie’s aesthetic. There’s also a “Frozen Activity Cave,” which isn’t explained, so it could be anything, but I’d guess it’s where you’d toss the kids if you and your partner wanted some alone time on that frozen bed. I’ve always appreciated ice sculptures, but I think sleeping in one might be a bit too much for me, so I’m happy to just look at these photos. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Frozen
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 21, 2014 in Animation, Cinema

When I was younger, I really wanted a lot of live-action versions of things I had seen animated. How cool would things like Dragonball Z and Evangelion be with real people? (Turns out not so well.) Now that I’m older, I’m perfectly content with these things to stay the way they are, because good animation can do things live-action can’t and should be respected as its own art form, not just something to distract kids. But Disney seems committed to redoing its most famous animated movies in live-action. Alice in Wonderland came out in 2010, Cinderella will be out in 2015, but this year is Maleficent, the Sleeping Beauty reimagining that focuses on its main villain of the same name. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Sleeping Beauty
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 16, 2013 in Animation, Cinema

Frozen just came out, and Disney’s next animated film is Big Hero 6 in November 2014. But what everyone really wants to know is what’s planned for 2018? For those who are interested, Disney has announced what the movie is going to be: Moana. Disney is returning to the Pacific area they last explored in Lilo & Stich, though this time they’re venturing away from Hawaii and straight to Polynesia. But what will the film be about? Read more…
Tags: Disney
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 8, 2013 in Cinema

All hail the mighty corporate conglomerate, Disney! On their way to own everything, Disney took a quick stop and snatched up Indiana Jones yesterday. Now, they already technically got ownership rights when it bought Lucasfilm, but now with their agreement with Paramount they’ve gained distribution and marketing rights for all future films. Paramount will continue to handle distribution of the previous four films, so Disney won’t be involved there. The thing is, this news basically means Disney is saying “we want to make another one of these.” So brace yourselves for the inevitable! The biggest thing I’m wondering is how they’ll handle Jones himself. Will Harrison Ford really come back? Or will we have a James Bond situation in which different actors could take on the role? Read more…
Tags: Disney, Indiana Jones
Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 21, 2013 in Cinema

Even after Disney successfully made a good Muppets movie in 2011, it’s hard for me to not still be skeptical of a sequel in the same way that I was before the previous movie. Hollywood is drowning in sequels, remakes, and reboots, and it’s rare that any are anything more than merely competent. It doesn’t help that Jason Segel was a major creative force behind The Muppets, but is not involved with the sequel at all. But you know what? Let’s think positively, because based on this trailer, Muppets Most Wanted is probably going to be allllllright. Read more…
Tags: Disney, The Muppets
Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 15, 2013 in Cinema

Disney’s twisted retelling (or remake… or alternate story?) of Sleeping Beauty isn’t arriving until May of next year, but it’s not too soon for a teaser trailer! Angelina Jolie seems like the perfect fit for playing the part of Maleficent, but other than that, I’m not too sure how this movie will turn out. The teaser trailer is all atmosphere and hinting, as is to be expected. Maybe I’m just a cold-hearted cynic, but until we see something more clever or interesting out of this, I think I’ll pass. Still, that Maleficent outfit looks like it leapt right out of the animation cels. Read more…
Tags: Disney, maleficent
Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 13, 2013 in Cinema, Star Wars

Who would have thought that response to an open casting call for Star Wars Episode VII would have garnered a ridiculous response? That’s what happened in UK and Ireland, where thousands showed up in places like Bristol for a shot at two roles. Now you can submit your reel online with Cast It Talent for a chance to be in Disney’s continuation of the Star Wars franchise. You have until December 3 to get your entry in, so make it good and keep in mind that you’re potentially competing against the entire world! You can check out the descriptions of the two roles, Rachel and Thomas, below, though there’s a strong possibility that these are placeholder names. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Star Wars
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 31, 2013 in Cinema, Comic Books

With short previews for upcoming films attached to current films becoming more and more popular, Marvel has decided that stingers at the end of films just aren’t enough. If you decide to drop the extra cash to see Thor: The Dark World in 3D (out November 8), you’ll be able to enjoy five minutes of footage from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which won’t be out until April 4, 2014. It’s just a shame the footage won’t be attached to 2D showings, since I make a point of avoiding “3D” movies that were shot in 2D and converted in post (as opposed to the 3D cameras used in movies like Avatar). But if that doesn’t bother you and you want more Cap after that recent trailer, you’ve got the option. Read more…
Tags: 3D, captain america, Disney, Marvel, Thor: The Dark World
Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 15, 2013 in Videogames

After Square Enix announced and released Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX (which includes the first game KH: Final Mix, its interquel KH: Re:Chain of Memories, and HD cutscenes of the second interquel KH: 358/2 Days), fans asked one major question: why wasn’t the sequel KHII included? While fans are split on whether they prefer the first or second games, they’re the only two numbered entries, with KHIII still on the horizon for PS4 and Xbox One. Now that the first HD collection is out globally, Square Enix has announced the sequel they hinted at in that collection’s credits: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX! Read more…
Tags: Disney, Kingdom Hearts, PS3, square enix
Posted by Ben Huber on Oct 7, 2013 in Animation

A new Toy Story short is premiering soon, and it’s Halloween-themed, too! Toy Story of TERROR! (yes, all caps) will be showing on ABC on October 16th, 8pm EST, 7 central. If you’re a Toy Story fan this definitely looks to be a fun little diversion, bringing along several characters from the third film and apparently a new toy. I know some fans would rather just have another Toy Story film, but I actually prefer this. The trilogy is over, let it be. If you really want to continue things, these shorts are an easy and enjoyable way of seeing the toys again. Check out the clip below. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Toy Story
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 12, 2013 in Videogames

With the way Square Enix struggles with any worthwhile HD endeavors, I’m always surprised to see them release a videogame, even when it’s an upgraded version of an older game. But putting my mild incredulity aside, Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX is finally out in North America and PAL territories this week. The game collects the previously Japan-only “Final Mix” version of the first Kingdom Hearts, the PS2 remake of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and completely redone cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days on DS. Re:Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days both happen at around the same time after the first game but before Kingdom Hearts II, hence the “1.5” in the collection’s title. Everything has been remastered in HD, with some characters getting updated models and Kingdom Hearts I having some gameplay improvements. Now to wait for the inevitable Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX down the line…oh, and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD, which was announced well before this collection! Read more…
Tags: Disney, Kingdom Hearts, square enix
Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 4, 2013 in Videogames

Contrary to popular belief, Disney and Harmonix’s Fantasia: Music Evolved does have some classical music in it. Just look at this gameplay demo of part of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons in the newly revealed section of the game called “The Haven.” I’m not sure how much the area is incorporated into the actual game, but it has plenty of charm, including some sort of fantasy snow creature. I’m hoping the game is filled with many of these realms, though I’m sure there are multiple songs featured in a single realm. Hopefully there is the option for even more classical music as DLC. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Music, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 15, 2013 in Animation, Videogames

“Fantasia” is a name that evokes a lot of musical history and artistry. While some may argue (myself included) about the song selection in Harmonix’s Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved, it seems that the music-oriented studio is still trying to stay true to Walt Disney’s original concept of marrying music with fantastic imagery. This latest look helps contextualize what Harmonix is doing in the broader scope of the somewhat-ongoing Fantasia project. In the meantime, it has also been announced that composer Inon Zur is contributing original music for the game. Zur has done music for games like Dragon Age and Prince of Persia, so he’s a solid vet to have involved. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Music, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 7, 2013 in Cinema

Disney’s 2011 Muppets reboot was surprisingly great, so here comes the sequel: Muppets Most Wanted, on track for release on March 21, 2014. The new film prominently stars Ricky Gervais, Ty Burrell, and Tina Fey, alongside the usual cast, of course. In fact, lots of people are returning, including the director, producers, cinematographer, composer, and co-writer. The only major creative force not returning besides the actors is Jason Segel, who also co-wrote The Muppets. The previous film was a passion project for Segel, and you can tell from how enthusiastic he was about the whole thing. Since he declined to work on the sequel, here’s hoping that the rest of the crew can keep the spirit. But enough of that, check out the teaser! Read more…
Tags: Disney, The Muppets
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 6, 2013 in Star Wars, Television

People have been waiting on a live-action Star Wars TV series for years. (Anyone remember this old Penny Arcade comic joking about what it would be like?) Supposedly, George Lucas wanted to hold off on making it until visual effects technology had improved even further. But now that Disney owns Lucasfilm and Lucas is out of the picture, it seems like the main obstacle is out of the way. Disney also owns ABC, which has reached out to Lucasfilm to discuss making a Star Wars TV series of some sort. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Star Wars
Posted by Bob Muir on Jul 30, 2013 in Cinema

Where to go now that the Harry Potter films are finished? There’s a gap that studios are trying to fill with other book-to-film adaptations like Percy Jackson. Cue a press release from Disney: they’ll be adapting Eoin Cofler’s Artemis Fowl series — specifically the first two books — into a movie. The first book’s story involves the titular character, a genius, billionaire, and criminal, kidnapping a fairy and dealing with the results. The script is coming from Michael Goldenberg, who also wrote the script for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; he managed to take the slowest and most bloated Harry Potter book and turn it into a solid film, so that’s a good sign. Robert DeNiro and Jane Rosenthal will executive produce the film. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Posted by Ben Huber on Jul 29, 2013 in Star Wars, Television

While many were unhappy about the cancellation of animated The Clone Wars TV series, it seemed an inevitability with Disney’s purchase of Star Wars. However, the same crew behind the popular show will be returning to create a new animated show, called Star Wars: Rebels. As you might guess, it’s set between episode III and IV, and will focus on the birth of the Rebel Alliance. Dave Filoni, an animator for the series, took to the stage at Star Wars Celebration Europe to debut new concept art for Rebels, as well as drop a few story details. It will focus on a teenage main character, who also has a ship called Ghost. They also mentioned that they’re learning a lot from Ralph McQuarrie’s original concept art, which is good news for the artist in me. Check out more images below. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Star Wars: Rebels
Posted by Bob Muir on Jul 11, 2013 in Comic Books, Television

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will start airing Tuesdays this September on ABC. Clark Gregg’s Marvel Cinematic Universe character Phil Coulson is back as a main character, showing that rumors (or outright depictions) of his death were greatly exaggerated, and I couldn’t be happier. Check out this new featurette to see why. Sure, Grant Ward looks alright, but what’s great is when he shares a scene with Coulson. Here’s hoping the writing remains as good as the pilot written by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, and Maurissa Tancharoen seems to be. Read more…
Tags: Agents of SHIELD, Disney, Marvel
Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 19, 2013 in Animation

It might not be the next Disney Renaissance, but after a new dark age in the 00s, Disney has been putting out several solid films in a row. The Princess and the Frog, Winnie the Pooh, Tangled, and Wreck-It Ralph have all done well, so it’s natural to anticipate Disney’s adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson’s The Snow Queen, which they’re calling Frozen. The original title suggests a dark fairy tale, and even the changed name conjures up images of frozen wastelands and endless snow. And then, Disney puts out this teaser. Read more…
Tags: Disney
Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 13, 2013 in Videogames

While WayForward is busy remaking the NES’s DuckTales with Capcom, Sega is also reviving a classic Disney game: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse. E3 brings us the first footage of the remake, and it’s looking sharp. There may be a few more fans of Magical Quest on SNES, but this HD remake seems like a fun romp through a dark children’s fantasy world. My only question is whether or not the original game will be included as well; I always think that’s a nice touch. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Mickey Mouse, PS3, Sega, Xbox 360
Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 5, 2013 in Videogames

Harmonix, creator of Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and Dance Central, has finally unveiled their new game, and it’s quite a surprise. Fantasia: Music Evolved is a collaboration with Disney that has players enter portals to control the musical landscape with their hands, playing along and remixing the song as they go. If they don’t like a song, for instance, they can bring in a string accompaniment or ska horns. The game is played with the Kinect on Xbox 360 or Xbox One, as the game is exclusive to Microsoft’s platform. Read more…
Tags: Disney, Music, Xbox 360, Xbox One