Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 10, 2014 in Videogames

So Paul McCartney wrote a song for Bungie’s Destiny, since he worked on the soundtrack for the game. It’s called “Hope for the Future,” and it’s the ending song for the game. It is a bad, generic song about wanting a better tomorrow, but it can get worse. There’s now this official music video, and it’s really bad. Ghost projects a hologram of McCartney singing the song and just looking ridiculous, as Guardians sit and listen for some reason, while the rest of the imagery tries its best to sell the game. If I didn’t already pass on buying Destiny, this certainly wouldn’t have helped persuade me. Read more…
Tags: Destiny, Music, music videos
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 7, 2014 in Videogames

If you can’t make a whole movie, well, hey, at least you can make a live-action trailer! Those are all the rage for video games these days! Destiny is out in a few days, so how else to fill the wait than by watching their live-action trailer? Sure, it hardly represents what’ll happen in-game, but it looks cool. And they sure are pushing that whole “play your friends! They’re so cool!” line. I’m still on the fence with Destiny, but I think I’ll let everyone else test it first, and I’ll jump in later if that crowds stick around. If Bungie can make this thing last as long as they say they will, it could be neat. Read more…
Tags: Bungie, Destiny
Posted by Bob Muir on Jul 8, 2014 in Videogames

You can’t have a new, big-budget IP without also offering a collector’s edition for all those hardcore fans of a game they’ve never played! I kid, but as expected, Bungie’s Destiny will have a collector’s edition and a more expensive collector’s edition, if paying $60 for the base game is too cheap for you. The Ghost Edition will run you $150 and includes the following: the game in a steelbook case, a field manual with “handwritten” notes, an “antique” star chart, a Guardian folio, four “Golden Age” postcards, the Destiny expansion pass (worth $35; gives you the first two expansions), some Collector’s Edition skin DLC, and a life-size replica of the Ghost robot (including lights and voice clips by Peter Dinklage). This version will supposedly be very limited. Read more…
Tags: Bungie, Destiny
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 29, 2014 in Videogames

I can’t blame you if you haven’t purchased a current-gen console yet. Yes, the PS4 and Xbox One are no longer considered “next-gen,” but that doesn’t mean everyone has made the switch from their PS3 and Xbox 360 yet. That’s why it’s good to hear about plans like this one. Bungie’s upcoming sci-fi MMO-FPS Destiny will be released on all four of the previously mentioned systems, which means many players may pick it up on last-gen consoles. But if you upgrade your system, you won’t lose all your progress. Read more…
Tags: Bungie, Destiny, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 17, 2014 in Videogames

In incredibly stupid news, Bungie has fired longtime collaborator Martin O’Donnell. The man has worked with Bungie since 1997’s Myth, but he is most well-known for composing the music to Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, and Halo: Reach — all of the Halo games made by Bungie. His last work for the company was this fall’s Destiny, for which he composed with frequent collaborator Michael Salvatori and former Beatle Paul McCartney. O’Donnell tweeted that he was terminated by Bungie’s board of directors “without cause” on April 11. Bungie issued a statement saying goodbye “as friends,” but that seems pretty optimistic after firing someone for no reason. It’s a real shame, but I’m sure O’Donnell will land on his feet. As the composer of one of the few memorable, hummable soundtracks in 21st century Western console games, he’s well-known for his craft. I’d imagine many developers would love to have him on board to create more wonderful tracks. Read more…
Tags: Bungie, Destiny, Halo, Music
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 8, 2013 in Videogames

Cross another game off your spring release list! Destiny, Bungie’s upcoming massive online shooter, was originally scheduled for spring of 2014. Now, they’ve announced the official release date, but it’s a bit further back than you might’ve expected: September 9th, 2014. The beta that was supposed to start soon has also been pushed back. It sounds like Bungie wanted more time to work on the game, and given that they’re Bungie, Activision was perfectly willing to make changes. The wait might be a bit longer, but at least you’ll have plenty of other games to keep you preoccupied in the meantime! Read more…
Tags: Bungie, Destiny
Posted by Ben Huber on May 26, 2013 in Videogames

Sometimes you sit down, relaxing, just taking a break from the hectic speeds of life, and suddenly in the void, a thought pops into your head: what’s Jon Favreau doing? I know, right? He didn’t direct Iron Man 3 so what has he been up to? We all ask ourselves that every once in a while. Well, apparently Jon has been up to quite a few things, one of which is a live-action trailer for Bungie’s upcoming space shooter MMO called Destiny. Not really interested? That’s fine. What if I told you Giancarlo Esposito was in it? Now, don’t all go clicking through at once. There’s plenty of trailer for everyone. Read more…
Tags: Bungie, Destiny
Posted by Ben Huber on Feb 18, 2013 in Videogames

But I hope you weren’t hoping to see much! Bungie has finally shown off a short ViDoc that reveals their work on the upcoming game called Destiny. It’s a sci-fi mlutiplayer shooter (surprise surprise!) with MMO overtones. Team up with your group of buddies and complete missions, encounter other players, and earn loot or guns. There will be three classes to choose from: Hunter, Warlock, and Titan, and from there onward you can customize your character. The world is intended to be persistent and player actions will have an effect on the game. There’s still a lot we don’t know (and very little gameplay is shown) but check out the video below to see a few more details! Read more…
Tags: Bungie, Destiny