Posted by Bob Muir on Nov 27, 2014 in

My backlog is getting too big, because I haven’t even gotten around to playing Dark Souls II yet, and here we are getting a newer version. Namco Bandai has announced that they are porting the game to the PS4 and Xbox One, as well as a new DirectX11 PC version. The new releases will feature enhanced graphics, the three previously-released DLC chapters, and additional content. Both the new and previous releases will also get a patch with a new quest, additional story, balancing, and online improvements. It sounds cool, but it’s an odd choice. The first Dark Souls is considered the better game, and From Software’s spiritual sequel Bloodborne will be released a month prior on PS4. I’m curious how many players will be interested in this rerelease. Read more…
Tags: Dark Souls, PS4, Xbox One
Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 20, 2014 in

Dark Souls II is going to be hard. Even if it’s a bit easier than the first Dark Souls, that’s still really, really tough. Past trailers for the series have played this up (with slogans like “Prepare to Die”), highlighting the insurmountable odds and oppressive atmosphere that saps the hope from players eager to progress. But this latest trailer is a reprieve, trying to restore some hope that you might finish the game, that your deaths along the way won’t be in vein. It’s a nice idea, but any Souls players know the truth: this is but a trap, meant to lure in fresh blood to be spilled either by the game or by other players invading the newbie’s game. God help them. Read more…
Tags: Dark Souls, Namco Bandai, PS3, Xbox 360
Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 16, 2014 in

Dark Souls II is out on March 11, 2014, so it’s time for those trailers to start rolling in and hyping up all the ways you can die. As expected, you play a cursed character of some sort, and you’ll be dying over and over again against brutal defenses in order to progress through the game. Look at some of those bosses! Though it’s not the most impressive enemy, the guy in shackles creeps me out; maybe I’m thinking of the deformed (and unkillable) Lisa Trevor in the Resident Evil remake on Gamecube? Regardless, everything here looks deadly. It should be fun! Read more…
Tags: Dark Souls, Namco Bandai, PS3, Xbox 360
Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 22, 2013 in

Dark Souls II is still polishing its ability to smash your will into the ground. The sequel to the notoriously difficult 2011 game is due out on March 14. But before then, Namco Bandai will be holding a closed beta to test the online features, which will improve upon the spotty connectivity of the first game. The beta starts on October 5, but here’s what you need to know before getting too excited. Read more…
Tags: Dark Souls, Namco Bandai
Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 11, 2013 in

Praise the sun! IGN has a 12-minute gameplay demo of Dark Souls II, the first footage released! Watch as director Yui Tanimura and producer Tak Miyazoe take us through various parts of the game, showing off devious traps and monsters that often attack when you’re behind them. Of course, there is lots and lots of dying. At one point, this guy? Cheers near a cliff and then gets knocked off by boars. That’s Dark Souls for you! Read more…
Tags: Dark Souls, Namco Bandai, PS3, Xbox 360
Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 27, 2012 in

You wouldn’t normally look for the spirit of Christmas to be expressed in Dark Souls, one of the most punishing, hardcore RPG experiences in recent memories. A major feature of the game involves the ability of players to invade each other’s games, practically endorsing griefing! But one man decided to dress up and play Santa for the good little boys and girls of Lordran. But for those on the naughty list…
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Tags: Dark Souls, PS3, Xbox 360
Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 9, 2012 in

Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls have been surprisingly awesome hits in the gaming industry, bringing back incredibly difficult gameplay that punishes you for making mistakes and rewards your skill. Well, Dark Souls is back for more, and this CGI trailer announcing the sequel looks fantastic. According to the PR material, the game will expand the world of Dark Souls and also have a bigger focus on the story. Let’s hope that all this ends up with another awesome game, because even if I might not have the strength to play these games, I can definitely appreciate what they do. Read more…
Tags: Dark Souls
Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 25, 2012 in

NeoGAF user Durante was annoyed that the PC version of From Software’s popular Dark Souls wouldn’t run in 1080p, so he modded it to work as desired. The catch? The game just came out. His fix involves an “interception .dll framework” that he developed in a week of preparation for the game’s release. Using this, he then was able to successfully mod the game to run in 1080p (and higher!) in just 23 minutes after its launch. Talk about speed! You can check out the details of the fix in his thread, here. And check out some of those high-res screenshots! Read more…
Tags: Dark Souls